Mon. Oct 14th, 2024





EU Parliament adopts EU-wide Disability and Parking Cards

The new rules, adopted with 613 votes in favour, 7 against and 11 abstentions, will establish an EU-wide disability card to make sure that persons with disabilities have equal access to preferential conditions, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access and access to reserved parking.

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icon, human rights, forced labour

MEPs ban products made with forced labour from EU single market

Member state authorities and the EU Commission will be able to investigate suspicious goods, supply chains, and manufacturers. If a product is deemed to have been made using forced labour, it will no longer be possible to sell it on the EU market (including online) and shipments will be intercepted at the EU’s borders.

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Central Asia Investors’ Forum: Speech by EU HRVP Borrell  transport connectivity with the EU

You know that in order to defend these principles, the European Union has imposed substantial sanctions against Russia, which have significantly weakened its war machine. But still, they are there, and the war continues. And if I can say it, the intensity of the fighting increases and we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. And in order for these sanctions to be effective, we need full cooperation from our partners. We are following closely the trade between us, between Central Asia countries, with them and Russia. We try to analyse which are the mechanisms that make sanctions being circumvented.

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Human rights: EU Council adds four persons and one entity to EU sanctions list 

The new listings include three persons employed in the Russian judicial system responsible for serious human rights violations, including arbitrary arrests and detentions, notably in connection with the case of the opposition politician, democracy activist and outspoken Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza. The listings also include the Russian para-governmental Safe Internet League which aids the Russian government in enforcing censorship practices, along with Ekaterina Mizulina, the Chairwoman of the Safe Internet League, responsible for serious and systematic abuses of freedom of opinion and expression.

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Russia/Ukraine: EU Council renews economic sanctions for a further 6 months

The Council today renewed for a further 6 months its restrictive measures in view of the Russian Federation’s continuing actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine, until 31 July 2024.
These sanctions, first introduced in 2014 in response to Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine, were significantly expanded since February 2022 in response to Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and illegal military aggression against Ukraine.

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EU Commission authorises and renews GMOs for food and animal feed

Today, the European Commission authorised the use of a genetically modified maize, and renewed the authorisation of two genetically modified oilseed rapes, as food and animal feed. These authorisations follow the EU’s comprehensive and stringent food safety procedures, which ensure a high level of protection of human, animal and environmental health. They are based on a favourable scientific assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which concluded that these crops are as safe as their conventional counterparts.

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Update on EU and Member States’ Assistance to Ukraine

The European Union and its 27 Member States remain united and determined in our unprecedented support for Ukraine. By bringing war back to Europe, Putin plans not only to destroy Ukraine and destabilize Europe, but tear up international law and the UN Charter and undermine peace and security in the entire world, with dire consequences for vital American and European global security interests.

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Israel/Gaza: EU HRVP Borrell on allegations of UNRWA staff involvement in the 7th October attacks

We are extremely concerned by allegations of UNRWA staff involvement in the 7th October terrorist attacks in Israel.
The EU reiterates its strongest condemnation of the attacks by the Hamas terrorists against Israel, which have no justification. 
UNRWA has been playing a vital role over many years supporting vulnerable Palestinian refugees in accessing vital services such as education and health, and is a crucial partner of the international community, including the EU.

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Europol: 15 arrested in intercontinental crackdown against Nigerian crime syndicates

Nigerian criminal networks have long been renowned for trafficking in human beings and a variety of fraud, but in recent years they have also gained a strong foothold in drug trafficking across several EU markets. In this crime area, Nigerian drug traffickers are particularly active in transporting and distributing both cocaine and heroin. One of the most commonly observed modus operandi for transporting drugs in and out of the EU is by air. Drug mules from both Nigeria and the EU take frequent trips and smuggle drugs on their person typically swallowed, concealed in body cavities or hidden in luggage.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Statement by the EU HR Borrell

During the Second World War, humanity witnessed the brutal and senseless murder of over six million victims – Jews, Roma and Sinti and other people, based on their origin, or status. From the acts of unimaginable horror of the Holocaust, a seed for a brighter future was planted with the establishment of the United Nations, upon the founding principle of saving “succeeding generations from the scourge of war”.

79 years ago today, the death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated.
Yet, the irrational hatred of Jews that led to the Shoah has not disappeared. We still witness attempts to rewrite history, and forms of Holocaust denial, trivialization, or distortion of facts, which also encompasses its instrumentalization.

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US: EEAS Spokesperson on the recent execution

The EU strongly opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances. It is a violation of the right to life and the ultimate denial of human dignity. The death penalty fails to act as a deterrent to crime and represents an ultimate punishment that makes miscarriages of justice irreversible. 196 innocent people have been exonerated from death row in the United States to date. The execution was carried out by forcing the inmate to breathe pure nitrogen, depriving him of the oxygen needed to maintain bodily functions, leading to nitrogen hypoxia – the first time this execution method has been used in the US. According to leading experts, this method is a particularly cruel and unusual punishment, in addition to the fact that the inmate was already subjected to a failed execution attempt in November 2022.

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EU HRVP: A particularly important Foreign Affairs Council

With our regional partners, we discussed also the ‘post war’ Gaza and our joint effort to revive the political process towards the two-state solution. The EU position is well known: Gaza cannot remain occupied by Israel neither ruled by Hamas, and there should be no territorial changes or displacement of people. Its future should be closely linked to the implementation of the two-state solution with a sovereign Palestinian state in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem as its capital living in peace side by side with the State of Israel.

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IAEA Director General: Statement to the United Nations Security Council

It is now nearly two years since the beginning of the war, and I remind you that it is the first time in history that a war is being fought amid the facilities of a major nuclear power programme. This includes several of Ukraine’s five nuclear power plants and other facilities that have come under direct shelling. All NPPs have lost off-site power at some point.

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German Government publishes report on defence export policies in 2023

According to provisional figures, individual licences were issued for the final export of military equipment worth approx. €12.2 billion in 2023. This figure consists of €6.4 billion for war weapons and €5.8 billion for other military equipment. The main country of destination is Ukraine: exports of military equipment worth around €4.4 billion were approved for it. This means that, as in 2022, Ukraine was once again the “third country”1 with the highest licence value – and was in fact the country with the highest licence value overall.

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Sweden invests in sustainable growth and mobilises new capital for green and digital transition

Sweden is a leading donor of development assistance, but meeting the funding needs for a green and digital transition requires closer cooperation between development assistance and trade, greater mobilisation of private capital and harnessing the business sector’s innovation capacity. A current example of this is Sweden’s partnership with Bangladesh, which HRH Crown Princess Victoria visited together with Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell on 18–21 March.

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2024 Day of European Authors promotes reading among young people

To mark this occasion, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, is attending a conference on reading promotion (25-26 March 2024). Hosted in Leuven, Belgium, the event will focus on tackling young people’s declining reading skills and habits. It will bring together representatives from ministries of culture and education from the 40 Creative Europe countries with the book, education and NGO sectors.

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Finland: PM Orpo highlights Finnish expertise at Nuclear Energy Summit

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo attended the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels on Thursday 21 March. The Summit was held to promote the use of nuclear energy globally. The prime ministers and energy ministers in attendance highlighted the role of nuclear energy in reducing the use of fossil fuels and enhancing energy security. In his speech at the Summit, Prime Minister Orpo highlighted the importance of nuclear energy as the leaders of the EU Member States prepare to set the EU’s climate targets for 2040. He also praised the International Atomic Energy Agency’s role in promoting harmonisation and nuclear safety.

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‘Araban Sarımsağı’ garlic from Türkiye added to register of PDO

‘Araban Sarımsağı’ is a garlic variety belonging to the early harvested Allium Sativum L. species, which grows only in the Araban Plain. The geographical area covers all the villages and towns belonging to the Araban district in Gaziantep province in Southeastern Anatolia region. The climate and soil structure of the region are effective in the formation of unique features such as taste and aroma, together with the type of product.

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