Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



G7 Leaders’ Statement on recent developments in the Middle East

“A dangerous cycle of attacks and retaliation risks fuelling uncontrollable escalation in the Middle East, which is in no one’s interest. Therefore, we call on all regional players to act responsibly and with restraint. We encourage all parties to engage constructively to de-escalate the current tensions. International humanitarian law must be respected” – G7 statement.

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Navigating Europe’s Challenges: Remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell at CFR event

“Often, what the European project means historically is misunderstood or misinterpreted. It was built against the idea of power; that is the fundamental point. Which makes the idea of power a very new idea for the Europeans today. It was and old idea for the former generation of Europeans who were fighting against others for centuries” – EU HR Josep Borrell.

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Global Counterterrorism Forum: Speech by EU HR Josep Borrell at Ministerial Meeting

“This meeting is particularly important because the threat of terrorism is increasing nowhere as rapidly as it is doing on the African continent. One thing is the stock, another thing is the flow. And the flow is increasing very quickly in the African continent. I am very well placed to know that because I have been working with the Sahel and the Horn of Africa during all my mandate” –

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"Peace Window" - Marc Chagall UN Photo

UNGA and UN Security Council: European Council President Michel calls for changes

“Decades have passed, the world has changed. Adjustments, however, have not taken place. And yet the Security Council needs to be reformed. It must be reformed by making it more inclusive. Africa and, I believe, Latin America in particular must be given permanent seats. Regional organisations must be more closely involved in UN decision-making processes, including by giving them a systematic consultative voice on the Security Council” – Charles Michel

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Lebanon: EU criticism rises on inactivity of the UN Security Council

“Allow me, and excuse me, but sometimes I wonder if it is not better for the [Security] Council to talk about Insecurity – who registers crises, recriminations, and grievances, without solving them. And when they agree on something, not being able to implement it. What a tragedy!” – EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

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U.S. Treasury sanctions Iranian officials connected to human rights violations

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is designating 12 individuals in connection with the Iranian regime’s ongoing, violent repression of the Iranian people. These designations target members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), officials of Iran’s Prisons Organization, and those responsible for lethal operations overseas.

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Lebanon: Press remarks by EU HR Borrell with Lebanese Foreign Minister Bou Habib

“Minister, you and me, we agreed that the war in Gaza is an horrific tragedy for the Palestinian civilians – also for the hostages not being released. It is difficult to describe; this horrific situation is something that escapes the capacity to describe. But words are necessary to condemn the killings of civilians, as it has happened again this week and to urge an immediate end to the war” –

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