Mon. Oct 14th, 2024





Solvency II: MEPs approve update of EU rules regulating the insurance sector

The changes will free up large sums of money which insurance firms had to keep in reserve, allowing the sector to channel more funds into the economic recovery and the European Green Deal more particularly. Currently the cost-of-capital rate, which determines reserve levels, is assumed to be equal to 6%, whereas the update will take this rate down to 4,75%.

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Occupied Palestinian Territory: Statement by EU HR Borrell on Israeli draft legislation against UNRWA operations

The final adoption of the bill by the Israeli parliament would abrogate the 1967 agreement between Israel and UNRWA, stop all UNRWA’s operations in Israel and East Jerusalem, destroy UNRWA’s life-saving operations in Gaza, seriously hamper provision of health, education and social services in the West Bank, and revoke UNRWA’s diplomatic privileges and immunities.

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EU HRVP: A particularly important Foreign Affairs Council

With our regional partners, we discussed also the ‘post war’ Gaza and our joint effort to revive the political process towards the two-state solution. The EU position is well known: Gaza cannot remain occupied by Israel neither ruled by Hamas, and there should be no territorial changes or displacement of people. Its future should be closely linked to the implementation of the two-state solution with a sovereign Palestinian state in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem as its capital living in peace side by side with the State of Israel.

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IAEA Director General: Statement to the United Nations Security Council

It is now nearly two years since the beginning of the war, and I remind you that it is the first time in history that a war is being fought amid the facilities of a major nuclear power programme. This includes several of Ukraine’s five nuclear power plants and other facilities that have come under direct shelling. All NPPs have lost off-site power at some point.

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German Government publishes report on defence export policies in 2023

According to provisional figures, individual licences were issued for the final export of military equipment worth approx. €12.2 billion in 2023. This figure consists of €6.4 billion for war weapons and €5.8 billion for other military equipment. The main country of destination is Ukraine: exports of military equipment worth around €4.4 billion were approved for it. This means that, as in 2022, Ukraine was once again the “third country”1 with the highest licence value – and was in fact the country with the highest licence value overall.

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Data privacy: U.S. NIST updates Privacy Framework and Privacy Resources

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) updates its Privacy Framework to Version 1.1. NIST will also develop a joint NIST frameworks Data Governance Profile. Stakeholders have expressed a desire for more support in using NIST frameworks and resources together. Data governance is the starting point for many organizations seeking the benefits of data while managing privacy, cybersecurity, AI, and IoT risks. A Data Governance Profile offers a means to effectively demonstrate complementary use of NIST resources.

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Gaza: Top UN aid official calls for end to attacks on sites sheltering civilians

Attacks on buildings in Gaza where terrified civilians are sheltering are “abhorrent and must stop immediately”, a top UN humanitarian official insisted on Thursday following a direct hit on a United Nations training centre.
The death toll from intensified fighting “in the area” of the training centre in the southern city of Khan Younis in recent days has risen to 12 confirmed fatalities and 75 injured – 15 critically – said Thomas White, Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

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Netherlands: Accommodation third-country nationals ends after 4 March 2024

Third-country nationals from Ukraine are obliged to leave the Netherlands within 28 days after 4 March. This is a consequence of a decision delivered by the Council of State. The highest judicial body determined at the start of this month that what are known as third-country nationals are no longer entitled to residence under the Temporary Protection Directive (RTB) after 4 March. It concerns a group of approximately 2,760 people who do not have Ukrainian nationality, but who resided there on the basis of a temporary residence permit for work or study for example.

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Belarus: EU HR on the latest wave of police searches and political detentions

The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent wave of repression against former political prisoners remaining in Belarus, as well as relatives of political prisoners. The raids and searches by the regime’s security apparatus affected more than 100 people, many of whom have been arrested. The Lukashenka regime continues its deplorable tactics of intimidation and repression against its critics and potential political opponents ahead of the “elections” in February.  

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EU funds rescEU detection and surveillance teams with €70m to boost emergency preparedness 

The funding has been granted to Italy, Poland and Romania to develop the rescEU detection capabilities. The aim is that EU Member States can benefit from such capabilities through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as of 2026. These tools will be used to detect, identify, sample, and monitor potential contamination in response to emergencies such as industrial accidents or security incidents. Teams may also assist with surveillance activities ahead of major public events and thus help ensure systemic protection of public spaces.

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container, freight, cargo port

European Ports Alliance to fight organised crime and drug trafficking

EU Commission and the Belgian EU Presidency, together with Member States, ports authorities, European associations, EU Agencies (Europol, EMCDDA) and representatives from customs and law enforcement authorities are launching the European Ports Alliance Public Private Partnership. The partnership aims to protect ports from drug trafficking and criminal infiltration.

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inclusion, group, wheelchair

EU Council adopts new directives EU Disability Card and the EU Parking Card for persons with disabilities

The EU Council has adopted two new directives that will make it easier for persons with disabilities to travel within the EU. The directive establishing the European disability card and the European parking card for persons with disabilities will ensure equal access to special conditions or preferential treatment for persons with disabilities during short stays throughout the EU. Examples include reduced or zero entry fees, priority access, assistance, and reserved parking spaces.

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New survey shows Pact for Skills helped train 3.5m workers

These results highlight the importance of skills development, in line with the European Year of Skills. They come in the same week when the Commission presented an Action Plan to tackle skills and labour shortages to boost the EU’s competitiveness, social and economic resilience. The Pact for Skills is a flagship initiative of the European Skills Agenda. It mobilises all relevant partners – including industry, social partners, training and education providers, public authorities, employment services – to work together to identify where the skills gaps are, and take concrete action to upskill and reskill workers in the EU.  

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EU Mission Label: 23 cities awarded for their efforts towards climate-neutrality

Today, the EU Mission Label was awarded to 23 cities part of the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, one of the EU Missions under Horizon Europe. The Label recognises the cities’ plans to achieve climate-neutrality already by 2030 and aims to facilitate access to public and private funding towards that objective. The first ten cities had received the Label in October 2023. The EU Mission Label was awarded by Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth during a ceremony with mayors and city representatives at the EU Research & Innovation Days, the biggest forum in Europe to discuss the future of science and innovation and to co-create solutions with citizens and stakeholders.

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