Mon. Oct 14th, 2024



Joint security commitments between the EU and Ukraine

Committed to common values and interests and in line with European Council Conclusions and a Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine, the EU and its Member States will contribute, for the long term and together with partners, to security commitments to Ukraine, which will help Ukraine to defend itself, resist destabilisation efforts and deter acts of aggression in the future. 

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Net-Zero Industry Act: Statement by the Wuppertal Institute

In the face of increasingly fierce international competition, the act is intended to support key industries in Europe for the purposes of strengthening their competitiveness and mitigating unilateral reliance on imports, thereby reducing the risk of unstable supply chains and achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal.

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EU Parliament adopts Platform Work Directive

The new rules, adopted with 554 votes in favour, 56 votes against and 24 abstentions, aim to ensure that platform workers have their employment status classified correctly and to correct bogus self-employment. They also regulate, for the first time ever in the EU, the use of algorithms in the workplace.

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Europol and Frontex forge closer cooperation

Today, Frontex and Europol took another step towards strengthening the cooperation between the two agencies. Frontex’s Executive Director Hans Leijtens and the Executive Director of Europol Catherine De Bolle signed a joint statement, which will further increase the safety and security of the European Union.
The mandates of both EU agencies have been significantly enhanced in recent years, opening new possibilities to work together, particularly in the fields of migrant smuggling and human trafficking. 

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Informal EU Defence Council: Press remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell

“Based on the latest information received from Member States – and I stress again these figures keep evolving on a daily basis, not all Member States have already sent their inputs, but with the overall picture at that moment – I can say that, since last March until now – the beginning of this year -, we have already delivered 330,000 ammunition rounds. So, [we have reached around] one third of the objective, mainly taken from our stockpiles, from existing stocks. By March – today – I expect this figure will be increased by around 200,000 more, thus reaching 524,000. It is a little bit more – [so] 52% of the objective. This comes from destocking, and individual and joint procurement. But this is a work in progress. The whole machinery here at the European defence industry is working and Member States are passing commands” – EU HR Josep Borrell

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European Council: Invitation letter by President Charles Michel

“First and foremost, the agreement on the mid-term revision of our Multiannual Financial Framework. At our last meeting in December, 26 Leaders firmly supported a balanced negotiating box which took into account a clear set of main priorities – support for Ukraine, management of migration and its external dimension, support for the Western Balkans and our response to natural disasters” – European Council President Charles Michel.

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EU HRVP: Deepening EU-Latin America cooperation against organised crime and violence

On the other hand, as highlighted by the latest UN Global Study on Homicide, eight of the ten countries with the highest murder rates worldwide are in Latin America or the Caribbean. Unfortunately, the trend is worsening. For instance, Costa Rica, often referred to as the ‘Switzerland of Central America,’ used to report annual murder rates in single digits; it now experiences high levels of violence. Similarly, Ecuador has seen its murder rate increase by 95% between 2021 and 2022.

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TTC meeting: EU and U.S. take stock of their trade and technology cooperation

At a stakeholder meeting on Crafting the Transatlantic Green Marketplace, which takes place on 31 January, stakeholders will present their views and proposals on how to make transatlantic supply chains stronger, more sustainable and more resilient. A series of workshops will take place to boost the transatlantic green marketplace and to promote good quality jobs for the green transition, as well as workshops on the solar supply chain, permanent magnets and investment screening.

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Venezuela: EEAS Spokesperson on banning opposition politicians

The European Union is very concerned by recent developments in Venezuela and the Supreme Court’s ratification of the disqualification of opposition politicians Maria Corina Machado and Henrique Capriles from the upcoming presidential elections. Decisions intended to prevent members of the opposition from exercising their core political rights can only undermine democracy and the rule of law.
The EU calls for the full implementation of the Barbados Agreement and the continuation of an inclusive dialogue process that can lead to fair and competitive elections in 2024. 

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Montenegro: EU HRVP Borrell met with PM Milojko Spajić

During their meeting, HR/VP Borrell welcomed the Prime Minister’s commitment to deliver on EU accession related reforms and reiterated the EU’s support to the country in this regard. He also underlined the importance of meeting the interim benchmarks of Chapters 23 and 24, as no further chapters will be provisionally closed before this milestone is reached and encouraged the Prime Minister to continue the governments work in this regard.

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U.S Government publishes National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct

The Biden-Harris Administration has released the 2nd U.S. National Action Plan (NAP) on Responsible Business Conduct. The plan shall reflect a commitment to strengthen and improve respect for human rights and labor rights, expand use of green energy, counter corruption, protect human rights defenders, advance gender equity and equality, and promote rights-respecting use of technology.

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scrapyard, recycling, dump

Main results of the Environment Council, 25 March 2024

EU environment ministers held policy debates on two Commission proposals: the targeted revision of the waste framework directive and the regulation on preventing pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution. Ministers also exchanged views on the Commission communication on the 2040 climate target.

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Finland: Residence permit processing time reduced by half 

The development measures of the employment and economic development services (TE services), the Finnish Immigration Service and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment reduced the processing time of residence permits for employed persons to an average of 41 days in February 2024 from the previous year’s figure of 77 days. A faster processing time for favourable decisions is particularly significant. In February 2024, the average processing time was 23 days for first permits and 21 days for extended permits.

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EU leaders discuss agricultural and economic challenges in Brussels

The European Council discussed the challenges facing agriculture and the concerns raised by farmers. EU leaders noted that the EU’s own agricultural production is key to food security and to the Common Agricultural Policy. Farmers must have a stable and predictable framework. EU leaders called for rapid action to reduce the administrative burden for farmers and to ensure a fair income for farmers by strengthening farmers’ position in the food supply chain. They discussed the need to help Ukraine export grain outside the EU so that Ukraine can get much-needed revenue without affecting the sales of EU farmers. 

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Waste shipments: EU Council signs off on more efficient rules

The regulation bans the shipments of all waste destined for disposal within the EU, except if agreed and authorised under the prior written notification and consent procedure (‘PIC’). This procedure requires notifiers within the EU and exporters to third countries to notify and receive written confirmation from the countries of dispatch, destination and transit prior to export. It includes specific timelines and deadlines to ensure an efficient process.

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Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe programme

Today, Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Lee Jong Ho, Korean Minister for Science and Information and Communication Technology concluded negotiations on Korea’s association, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to foster mutual collaboration in research and innovation. The signing of the Association Agreement is expected to take place in the second half of 2024, pending the completion of all necessary ratification procedures on both sides. This will enable Korea’s participation in Horizon Europe as of 2025.

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