Sun. Oct 13th, 2024



ukraine, ukraine flag, ukranian flag

Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Council by the Heads of State and Government

“Russia’s war against Ukraine has shattered peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and has had a profound impact on the safety, security, and welfare of billions of people around the world. Russia has not shown any genuine openness to a just and lasting peace. Allies welcome and support President Zelenskyy’s continuous commitment to advance a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace through his Peace Formula and the Peace Summit process, including the important first Summit in Switzerland” – NATO-Ukraine Council.

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EU Court of Justice: Frontier workers enjoy the same social advantages as resident workers

A Belgian national works in Luxembourg and lives in Belgium. As a frontier worker, he depends on the Luxembourg system for family allowances, which he received for several years for a child placed in his household by a court order. In 2017, that family allowance was withdrawn. The Luxembourg Court of Cassation queries whether this approach constituted a case of indirect discrimination.

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New legislative project to be launched to combat instrumentalised migration

The Ministry of the Interior will set up a legislative project to combat instrumentalised migration and to bolster border security. The term of the project is from 19 February to 31 March 2024. The aim is for a government proposal to be submitted to Parliament in March 2024. The project will prepare legislative amendments that will help strengthen border security and effectively combat any attempts to put pressure on Finland in the form of instrumentalised migration. Legislation will be amended to protect Finland against threats to its national security.

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Norway assists in scheme for crucial financial transfers from Israel to Palestine

The Palestinian Authority’s economic situation has become even more precarious since 7 October. There have been reports of an imminent financial collapse. One of the reasons is that Israel has withheld some of the clearance revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, due to the war in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority has refused to accept all transfers unless Israel changes its decision. The impasse has gone on for several months.    

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Belarus: EU Council conclusions confirm EU’s unwavering support for democracy and human rights

In its conclusions, the Council expresses its continued and deep concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus. It strongly condemns the continuing persecution and intimidation campaigns against all segments of Belarusian society, the unprecedented level of repression, and restrictions on political participation, which undermine the potential for fairness and legitimacy of the parliamentary and local elections scheduled to take place on 25 February 2024.

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Security in the Red Sea: EU Council launches EUNAVFOR ASPIDES

Operation ASPIDES will ensure an EU naval presence in the area where numerous Houthi attacks have targeted international commercial vessels since October 2023. In close cooperation with like-minded international partners, ASPIDES will contribute to safeguard maritime security and ensure freedom of navigation, especially for merchant and commercial vessels. Within its defensive mandate, the operation will provide maritime situational awareness, accompany vessels, and protect them against possible multi-domain attacks at sea.

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Humanitarian action: EU introduces further exception to sanctions

As a result of the decision, certain categories of humanitarian actors, including those outlined in the UN Security Council resolution 2664 (2022), as well as organisations and agencies certified as humanitarian partners of the EU or its member states and member states’ specialised agencies can engage in transactions with listed individuals and entities without any prior authorisation, if the purpose is to deliver humanitarian assistance or to support other activities that support basic human needs of people in need.

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Foreign Affairs Council: Press remarks by EU HRVP Borrell upon arrival

The sad news of the passing of [Alexei] Navalny came to Munich where the Security Conference was taking place. Today, we will have here with us his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, who will send a message, a political message, about how to support the political opposition inside Russia against Putin’s regime. You see, during this weekend, many people have been demonstrating in the streets of Russia, in Sankt Petersburg and Moscow, in spite of the repression. Many of them have been detained and sentenced. We have to send a message of support to the Russian opposition and at the same time, we will continue watching how the war is [developing]. It is about two years since Putin launched this war against Ukraine, and he does not look ready to stop it, on the contrary.  

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Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz

“Zwei Jahre nach Kriegsbeginn müssen wir uns alle fragen: Tun wir genug, um Putin zu signalisieren: „We are in for the long haul“? Tun wir genug, wo wir alle doch genau wissen, was ein russischer Sieg in der Ukraine bedeuten würde? Nämlich das Ende der Ukraine als freier, unabhängiger und demokratischer Staat, die Zerstörung unserer europäischen Friedensordnung, die schwerste Erschütterung der UN-Charta seit 1945 und nicht zuletzt die Ermutigung an alle Autokraten weltweit, bei der Lösung von Konflikten auf Gewalt zu setzen. Der politische und finanzielle Preis, den wir dann zu zahlen hätten, wäre um ein Vielfaches höher als alle Kosten unserer Unterstützung der Ukraine heute und in Zukunft.”

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Remarks by President Biden on the Reported Death of Aleksey Navalny

“What has happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin’s brutality.  No one should be fooled — not in Russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world.  Putin does not only target his [the] citizens of other countries, as we’ve seen what’s going on in Ukraine right now, he also inflicts terrible crimes on his own people. “

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Munich Security Conference: EU HRVP Borrell meets UN SG Guterres

High Representative Borrell and the UN Secretary-General Guterres discussed the situation in the Middle East. High Representative Borrell thanked the UN Secretary-General for the vital work of UNRWA and paid homage to the 153 people killed in its service. He stressed the importance to continue funding UNRWA as it provides irreplaceable services for the Palestinian in Gaza and in the wider region. High Representative Borrell stressed the need for increased EU cooperation with the UN, in the path towards a two-state solution.

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Oil import dependency at its highest in 2022 – Eurostat

The import dependency recorded in 2022 resulted from a combination of changes in net imports (+9.5%), with imports rising by 4.9% and exports declining by 1.7%, and gross available energy going up by 2.8%. The increase in dependency was also driven by a stock buildup of 8.3 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe).

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