Sat. Oct 12th, 2024






Eurojust: Main iSpoof website admin sentenced to 13 years

iSpoof, a website that allowed criminals to impersonate trusted corporations, was taken down in November 2022 in an international joint action that led to 142 arrests. The main administrator of the website has now been sentenced to 13 years and 4 months of imprisonment by Southwark Crown Court in the United Kingdom.

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Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the Nuclear Energy Summit

Innovation in nuclear technologies is a very dynamic space, particularly for nuclear power technologies such as Small Modular Reactors, or SMRs. Of course, as with every emerging technology, there are ups and downs, successes and failures, that is quite normal. But SMRs are a promising technology and there is a race underway. The race is among leading countries and companies to prove this technology and bring it to market. More than 80 projects around the world are moving forward, and several of our Member States have expressed a strong interest in SMRs.

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European Council: Press remarks by EU HRVP Borrell upon arrival

Well, [today] it looks like a Foreign and Security Council, because the most important topics today are related to foreign affairs, security, and defence. On Ukraine, there are good news, this €5 billion top up [for Ukraine Assistance Fund], which has already been approved at the level of ministers. I suppose the leaders will support my proposal, together with the [European] Commission, on seizing the revenues from the Russian frozen assets. I sent this proposal to the Council, the Council has to decide, and I count on the leaders to tell today to their Ministers to approve quickly this proposal that will provide [approximately] €3 billion per year for the Ukranian defence.  

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US: EEAS Spokesperson on the execution in Georgia

The European Union deeply regrets the execution of Willie James Pye in the State of Georgia on Wednesday.  We deplore the fact that this execution took place despite evidence indicating that the convict had an intellectual disability. The use of the death penalty for persons with such impairments is explicitly prohibited by international standards on the human rights of those facing the death penalty. Moreover, in 2005, the US Supreme Court outlawed executions of individuals with intellectual disabilities. We also regret the fact that the State of Georgia has resumed its use of capital punishment and has thus joined a small group of States in the US that continue to rely on this inhuman and degrading punishment.

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Indonesia: EU HR on the elections result

The European Union extends its congratulations to President-elect Prabowo Subianto, following yesterday’s publication of the official results of February’s elections. The EU also extends congratulations to the Vice-President-elect and all newly elected parliamentarians and acknowledges the efforts of the Indonesian election authorities in ensuring the free conduct of these elections. The EU welcomes the active participation of Indonesian citizens in the electoral process, demonstrating their commitment to the democratic principles enshrined in the constitution.

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Europol: 9 arrested in hit against holiday-rental fraudsters

Europol supported the Romanian Police (Politia Romana) and the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) in an operation that led to the arrest of nine scammers engaged in the publishing of fake advertisements for cheap holiday rentals. Although this sort of cyber fraud is not new, the level of sophistication exhibited by the gang involved in this case is unprecedented, and a multifaceted investigation was required to crack the case. 

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Press statement by EU Commission President with UN Secretary-General Guterres

Gaza is facing famine. This is unacceptable. It is critical to achieve an agreement on a ceasefire rapidly now that frees the hostages and allows more humanitarian aid to reach Gaza. So let us hope for a positive outcome of the discussions led by the United States, Qatar and Egypt. I discussed this with Emir Bin Hamad Al Thani recently, and President El-Sisi in Cairo on Sunday. We are also very concerned about the risks a full-scale offensive in Rafah would have on the vulnerable civilian population. This needs to be avoided at all costs.

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Press statement by EU Commission President with Ukrainian PM Shmyhal

The EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility underpinned by the Plan is by far the largest support programme for Ukraine. It is three times bigger than the IMF programme, for example. The Multidonor Coordination Platform that we have built played a very useful role in its elaboration. And the Plan will form a key reference point for other donors, as they develop their own support programmes. That is crucial for Ukraine to ensure the coherence of all support efforts.

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Press statement by EU Commission President with former Finnish President Niinistö

It is a pleasure to welcome you again in Brussels. Today, we will be speaking about security and defence, a topic that will also be at the heart of our discussions in the upcoming European Council. Together with the HR/VP, I asked you, dear Sauli, to write a report on how to enhance Europe’s civilian and defence preparedness and readiness. In many ways, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has shuttered many illusions: the illusion that peace is permanent. The illusion that Europe on its own was doing enough on security – be it economic or military, conventional or cyber. As we look around us, it is clear there is no room for any more illusions. The world is as dangerous as it has been for generations.

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UN Human Rights Council 55: UK Statement on Myanmar

As you have made clear, the Myanmar military continues to commit atrocities, including village burnings, mass killings and airstrikes against civilian targets. There can be no justification for such attacks on innocent civilians. The humanitarian situation is worsening. More than 18 million people now require assistance, and over 2.6 million are internally displaced. Unobstructed humanitarian access must urgently be allowed to reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable.

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Innovation Fund project GO4ZERO: Speech by EU Commissioner Hoekstra

“We have a generational responsibility to make sure we get this whole difficult but pivotally important equation right: with climate action, with innovation, with competitiveness, with making sure that there is a just transition, and doing it together with the friends and partners from all across the world” – EU Commissioner Hoekstra

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