Sat. Oct 12th, 2024



US President Josef Biden in his office

U.S. President Biden: Statement to the American People

“In this sacred space, I’m surrounded by portraits of extraordinary American presidents.  Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the immortal words that guide this nation.  George Washington, who showed us presidents are not kings.  Abraham Lincoln, who implored us to reject malice.  Franklin Roosevelt, who inspired us to reject fear” – U.S. President Josef Biden.

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EU financial support for increased ammunition production in Sweden

This initiative is the third track in a comprehensive effort to increase the production of artillery ammunition and enable continued support to Ukraine. The work is being carried out within the framework of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) and led by the Defence Materiel Administration. The Nordic countries have already signed a cooperation agreement and placed orders to enable donations of ammunition to Ukraine.

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Norway donates NOK70m to refugees and migrants

During the meeting, the foreign minister and Pope signed an agreement for NOK 30 million over two years for IOM’s work in North Africa. This agreement is part of a Nordic collaboration with IOM and the EU to help find lasting solutions for the many migrants in countries in North Africa. The support also goes to local communities hosting large groups of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants. In addition, NOK 20 million was announced for IOM’s humanitarian work in general. This funding is not earmarked for a specific country, so IOM can prioritize work in the most underfunded and forgotten crises. Another agreement on core support of NOK 20 million was also announced during the meeting. 

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Hong Kong: EU HR on the adoption of new national security legislation

The ‘Safeguarding National Security Bill’ could exacerbate the erosion of fundamental freedoms and political pluralism in Hong Kong brought about, in particular, by the National Security Law adopted on 30 June 2020. Moreover, the bill has the potential to significantly affect the work of the European Union’s Office, the European Union Member States’ Consulates-General, and could impact European Union citizens, organisations and companies in Hong Kong. This also raises questions about Hong Kong’s long-term attractiveness as an international business hub.

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Anti-SLAPP: Final green light for EU law protecting journalists and human rights defenders

Today the Council adopted a law to protect persons who speak out on matters of public interest against abusive lawsuits meant to silence them. Persons targeted by so called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), typically journalists and human rights defenders, will benefit from a number of procedural safeguards and measures. These safeguards and measures will apply to manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings in civil matters with cross-border implications.

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Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the EU Council

Into the third year of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, we face a pivotal moment. Urgency, intensity and unwavering determination are imperative. Our foremost task is the swift provision of military aid to Ukraine and, building on recent initiatives like that of Czechia, the fast-track procurement and delivery of ammunition to Ukraine. This European Council will be an opportunity to strengthen and accelerate those efforts. Additionally, we must focus on effectively implementing and enforcing our sanctions, as well as advancing our efforts on the use of windfall profits from immobilised assets.

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European Humanitarian Forum announces pledges of over €7.7bn for global crises

The third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum concluded today in Brussels, co-organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the Forum, EU Member States together with the European Commission announced the planned humanitarian funding of more than €7.7 billion for 2024, as a concrete expression of global solidarity and of the EU’s leading role in humanitarian action.

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EU Foreign Affairs Council: Remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell

“We need urgent action in Ukraine, both here and in the US. We have been listening after to Dmytro Kuleba [Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine] [and] it is clear that action is urgent.  If we want to continue providing support to Ukraine, action is urgent and both parts have to accelerate decisions on that” – EU HR Borrell.

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Famine in Gaza: Statement by EU HR Borrell and EU Commissioner Lenarčič

Five months into the Gaza crisis, the results of the updated Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) assessment released today indicate the unfolding of the worst possible forecast for Gaza. Gaza is already facing famine, with 100% of people estimated to be acutely food insecure, according to the IPC. In Gaza’s Northern Governorates, 70% of the population are facing imminent famine. In the centre and southern governorates, 50% of people face catastrophic food insecurity conditions. The situation is projected to deteriorate fast in the next weeks and months and famine is likely to also affect the South.

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Cancer Survivorship: Speech by EU Commissioner Kyriakides

“Before the Cancer Plan, only five countries in the EU had laws or voluntary initiatives on the right to be forgotten. Today there are twelve and more Member States are discussing possible actions. But more than half of the EU Member States still have no dedicated laws or policy in this area” – EU Commissioner Kyriakides.

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