Thu. Oct 17th, 2024





Norway donates NOK70m to refugees and migrants

During the meeting, the foreign minister and Pope signed an agreement for NOK 30 million over two years for IOM’s work in North Africa. This agreement is part of a Nordic collaboration with IOM and the EU to help find lasting solutions for the many migrants in countries in North Africa. The support also goes to local communities hosting large groups of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants. In addition, NOK 20 million was announced for IOM’s humanitarian work in general. This funding is not earmarked for a specific country, so IOM can prioritize work in the most underfunded and forgotten crises. Another agreement on core support of NOK 20 million was also announced during the meeting. 

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Norway: New white paper highlights Sámi perspectives in public health work

The white paper on public health and living conditions in the Sámi population builds on the white paper on Public Health published in 2023. Norway’s general public health policy also applies to the Sámi population. Other important starting points for this white paper were the white paper Escalation Plan for Mental Health (in Norwegian) published last year and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report.

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Hong Kong: EU HR on the adoption of new national security legislation

The ‘Safeguarding National Security Bill’ could exacerbate the erosion of fundamental freedoms and political pluralism in Hong Kong brought about, in particular, by the National Security Law adopted on 30 June 2020. Moreover, the bill has the potential to significantly affect the work of the European Union’s Office, the European Union Member States’ Consulates-General, and could impact European Union citizens, organisations and companies in Hong Kong. This also raises questions about Hong Kong’s long-term attractiveness as an international business hub.

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Anti-SLAPP: Final green light for EU law protecting journalists and human rights defenders

Today the Council adopted a law to protect persons who speak out on matters of public interest against abusive lawsuits meant to silence them. Persons targeted by so called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), typically journalists and human rights defenders, will benefit from a number of procedural safeguards and measures. These safeguards and measures will apply to manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings in civil matters with cross-border implications.

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Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe’s report to the Euro Summit President

The report highlights the agreement reached by all EU finance ministers within the Eurogroup in inclusive format on the future of the Capital Markets Union (CMU), in response to the call by the Euro Summit of March 2023 to step up efforts in taking forward the CMU. The Eurogroup statement includes a comprehensive set of actions and measures, which constitute a solid foundation for advancing the CMU agenda during the next institutional cycle.

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Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice adopted

The Council today gave its final green light to the reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, aimed at ensuring more effective administration of justice by the Court of Justice and the General Court. The reform has been undertaken in the context of a steady increase in the number of cases brought before the Court of Justice. It takes advantage of the capacities of the General Court to deal with additional workload as a result of a previous reform, which led to an increase of the number of judges at the General Court.

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EU Commission issues €7bn in its 3rd syndicated transaction of 2024

The transaction concerned a new, single-tranche €7 billion NextGenerationEU (NGEU) Green Bond due on 4 February 2050. The long 25-year bond came at a re-offer yield of 3.339%, equivalent to a price of 98.481%. Bids received amounted to €86.5 billion, resulting in an oversubscription rate of over 12 times. The proceeds of the transaction will be used to finance green projects in Member States’ national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) – the roadmaps to spending under NextGenerationEU. All NGEU Green Bond issuances are guided by the NGEU Green Bond Framework, which is aligned with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

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EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by DPI and PI

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture by Deutsche Post International B.V. (‘DPI’) of the Netherlands and Poste Italiane S.p.A. (‘PI’) of Italy. The transaction relates primarily to the postal sector, in particular to the development of a parcel locker network in Italy for the delivery of small parcels.

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Spain submits a request for a targeted revision of its recovery plan 

The Spanish recovery and resilience plan consists of €163 billion, of which €79.8 billion in grants and €83.2 billion in loans. It includes 595 milestones and targets, 111 reforms and 142 investments. To date, the Commission has disbursed more than 30% of the funds allocated to Spain under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, i.e. more than €38 billion, which includes pre-financing. More information on Spain’s recovery and resilience plan can be found here.  

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European Humanitarian Forum announces pledges of over €7.7bn for global crises

The third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum concluded today in Brussels, co-organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the Forum, EU Member States together with the European Commission announced the planned humanitarian funding of more than €7.7 billion for 2024, as a concrete expression of global solidarity and of the EU’s leading role in humanitarian action.

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Merger investigation: EU Commission sends Statement of Objections to Kingspan

In March 2021, Kingspan notified to the Commission its plan to acquire Trimo. Both companies are producers and distributors of mineral fibre sandwich panels. In April 2021, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation into the transaction. In March 2022, it issued a Statement of Objections outlining its concerns that the proposed transaction could negatively affect competition in certain building materials markets, leading to higher prices, reduced quality or less choice for customers. In April 2022, the parties abandoned the transaction.

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Eurojust: Germany and Italy’s joint action on luxury car money laundering

Eurojust has assisted the German and Italian authorities in a coordinated action against large-scale money laundering through the fake long-term rental of mainly luxury cars. Seven suspects were arrested across the two countries for using a car hire agency to launder the proceeds of drug trafficking, extortion and illegal betting for other criminals. The enterprise has been seized in addition to a real estate complex and nearly one hundred mainly luxury vehicles.

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EU and UK launch Cyber Dialogue

In time of an evolving global cyber threat landscape, marked by Russia’s illegal military aggression against Ukraine, the exchange covers cyber security and resilience, multilateral, regional and multi-stakeholder discussions, preparedness and response to cyber incidents and attacks, cybercrime, cyber defence as well as cyber capacity building to third countries.

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Norway: Risk of residence permit loss for Ukrainian travel

Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security today issued instructions to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), enabling the UDI to revoke temporary collective protection if Ukrainians travel to their country of origin. This results from a general instruction from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to the UDI (GI-03/2020) that foreign nationals who have been granted protection in Norway can lose their residence permit if they return to the country they have fled from.

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EU to invest more than €760m in digital transition and cybersecurity

Firstly, the amended main work programme with a 2024 budget of nearly €549 million will focus on deploying projects that use digital technologies such as data, cloud, and advanced digital skills. The work programme will roll out support for the smooth implementation of Digital Decade multi-country projects including opportunities for European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDICs). New actions will support the implementation of the AI Act and the development of a European AI ecosystem, including in particular SMEs.

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EU Commission welcomes global supply chain rules

The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The proposal aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. Large companies will be required to identify and, where necessary, prevent, end or mitigate adverse impacts of their activities on human rights, such as child labour and exploitation of workers, and on the environment, for example pollution and biodiversity loss.

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Joint statement of the second Nordic – Ukrainian Summit in Oslo

We, the leaders of the Nordic countries, reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine. We convey our deep respect for and recognition of the persistence and spirit of the Ukrainian people, soldiers and leadership. After facing Russia’s aggression for almost ten years, including more than 650 days of full-scale war, Ukraine continues to demonstrate extraordinary determination in exercising its inherent right of self-defence. 

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France: Fight against terrorism – Meeting on combating Hamas

As part of President Macron’s Initiative for peace and security for all, a meeting dedicated to combating Hamas took place in Paris today in the presence of many international partners. Held under the chairmanship of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Director-General for Political and Security Affairs, the meeting enabled discussion about concrete action to be taken against the terrorist group, and ways of stepping up international coordination in this respect.

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Finland sets positions for upcoming EU summits

With regard to enlargement, Finland’s view is that enlargement based on the applicant countries’ merits and fulfilment of membership criteria strengthens the Union’s security, global status and economic wellbeing while also promoting democracy, the rule of law and the realisation of fundamental rights. Finland agrees with the Commission’s recommendation to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and to adopt the negotiating frameworks once the remaining conditions are met.

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Strong Nordic support for Ukraine

Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion, the Nordic countries have provided more than EUR 11 billion in total in military, economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine. The Nordic heads of government reiterated that they will continue their support, individually and collectively as a region, as well as under the framework of various international formats and platforms. The Nordic countries will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes.

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Europol : 14 members of a criminal network arrested for drug trafficking

Europol facilitated the exchange of information and continuously provided the involved law enforcement authorities with analytical support. On the action day, Europol provided support with a virtual command post, deployed specialists on the spot with a mobile office to work hand-in-hand with investigators, and provide analytical support and live crosschecks against Europol’s databases.

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highway, road, trucks

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 9 February 2024

TRUCK EMISSIONS: EU-Mitgliedstaaten machen Weg frei für emissionsarme Lastwagen und Busse +++ EU-Abgeordnete Gieseke (CDU) zur Positionierung der Bundesregierung bei CO2 von LKWs +++ BDI zur EU-Einigung auf strengere CO2-Grenzwerte: Novelle der CO2-Flottenregulierung vor Europa-Wahlen beschließen +++ T&E reaction to EU and Germany deal on truck CO2 law +++ CARBON PRICING: IMF Working Paper No. 2024/027 : Carbon Prices and Inflation in the Euro Area.

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Insight EU Energy Monitoring 9 February 2024

NUCLEAR ENERGY: EU Commission to ally with industry on nuclear Small Modular Reactors +++ IAEA Director General Visits Zaporizhzhya for the Fourth Time +++ Update 210 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine +++ ENERGY REGULATION:ACER’s latest REMIT Quarterly is out +++ Energy Community: Creating an integrated pan-European energy market – EP Research Service +++ The origin of REMIT and its initial implementation – Florence School of Regulation

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Finland: Discussion on nuclear energy and forest monitoring

The Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs decided that Finland’s energy policy positions would be utilised in exerting advance influence. Finland wants to increase the use of technology-neutral energy, such as nuclear energy, in the EU. Finland’s objective is to have its views taken into account in the European Commission’s forthcoming work programme and future legislative proposals. Finland emphasises that nuclear energy should be considered equal to other clean forms of energy production and means to reduce emissions. Finland considers that a technology-neutral energy policy contributes to achieving the climate objectives in a cost-effective manner and improves the security of supply and the management of Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels and minerals.

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CETA Joint Committee Meeting: Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis

In 2022, our trade in goods increased by 66% and trade in services by 62%, compared to pre-CETA levels (2016). On latest figures confirm this upwards trend. In addition, CETA provided the EU with a solid, trusted source of supply for key resources such as energy and raw materials, at a critical moment at the wake of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Concretely, in these sectors, EU imports from Canada increased by a quarter (+ €6 billion) in just one year in 2022 compared to 2021.

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dentist, operation, teeth

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 8 February 2024

MERCURY:Mercury: EU Council and Parliament strike a deal to completely phase out mercury in the EU +++ Mercury: EU Parliament on deal with Council to phase out the use of dental amalgam +++ EU Commission welcomes provisional agreement to ban all remaining intentional uses of toxic mercury in the EU +++ EEB: The end of the toxic tooth filling era in the EU +++  SUPPLY CHAINS:DIW: Marcel Fratzscher: „EU-Lieferkettengesetz würde Deutschlands Markenkern stärken“ +++ EU-Abgeordnete Caspary (CDU), Niebler, Ferber und Hohlmeier (alle CSU) zum europäischen Lieferkettengesetz.

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nature, earth, sustainability

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 8 February 2024

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING: EU Commission welcomes agreement on postponing adoption deadlines for certain European Sustainability Reporting Standards +++ EFRAG: Public consultation on the Draft XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS Set 1 +++ EFRAG FR TEG & EFRAG SR Joint Hybrid Meeting 15 February 2024 +++ EU PARLIAMENT REGISTER
Draft agenda – Wednesday, 14 February 2024 – Thursday, 15 February 2024 – Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety +++ COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council by setting out the guiding principles and criteria for defining the procedures for the verification of the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption values of heavy-duty vehicles in-service (in-service verification)

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hydrogen, transport, blow

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 8 February 2024

HYDROGEN: Speech by President von der Leyen at the roundtable meeting on green hydrogen +++ Deutschland und Algerien gründen Wasserstoff-Taskforce: Gemeinsame Absichtserklärung für zukünftige Wasserstofflieferungen +++ ENERGY REGULATION: CER: European Electricity Market Reform – ambitions and realities +++ SOLAR ENERGY: Smarter European Union industrial policy for solar panels – Bruegel Policy brief

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We must hold Russia accountable for environmental crimes – Andriy Yermak and Margot Wallström presenting the Environmental Compact for Ukraine

The High-Level Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War, co-chaired by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak and former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström, presented the results of their work – the Environmental Compact for Ukraine at a meeting in Kyiv.
Vice President of the European Parliament and former Minister for International Development of Finland Heidi Hautala, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius, Member of Parliament of Sweden Rebecka Le Moine, former member of the Åland Parliament and member of the Ecocide Alliance Simon Holmström attended the meeting.

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Norway: Amendments to environmental regulations in Svalbard

Amongst the adopted changes are provisions that limit shore landings for tourists, a restriction on how many passengers are permitted on board ships in the protected areas and a ban on the use of drones. The Ministry of Climate and Environment has also adopted changes to regulations on motor traffic, camping and a new regulation on assessment of infringement fees. Proposed changes to the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act will be presented to the Norwegian parliament for final approval. The proposal consists of changes to provisions on polar bear protection with a proposed distance requirement of 300 and 500 metres to polar bears and a ban on the use of drones closer than 500 metres to a bird cliff.

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Romania: EU Commission approves €241m to support agricultural producers affected by Russia’s war 

The European Commission has approved an approximately €241 million (RON 1.2 billion) Romanian scheme to support the agricultural primary plant production sector in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are key to accelerate the green transition and reduce fuel dependencies.

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