Thu. Oct 17th, 2024





Africa: Team Europe and African partners launch four TEIs to strengthen health systems and social protection

Three health Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs) were launched today during the high-level event on the European Union (EU) – African Union (AU) partnership on Global Health for equitable access, in Brussels. The TEIs will strengthen health security, support Public Health Institutes in Africa, and boost digital health. On this occasion a Team Europe Initiative on Social Protection was also launched. The Team Europe Initiative on Sustainable Health Security will strengthen prevention, preparedness and response to infectious threats and anti-microbial resistance in African countries. It brings together the European Commission, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, ECDC and the Africa CDC.

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EU Commission disburses first €4.5bn of bridge financing to Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility

The Commission has disbursed the first €4.5 billion of support under the EU’s new Ukraine Facility. Through this exceptional bridge financing, the EU is providing much needed liquidity to Ukraine, to help finance the functioning of the state, such as public wages, pensions, and the provision of basic public services, so that the country can continue focusing efforts on winning the war. Today, Ukraine has also submitted its official Ukraine Plan, that paves the way for regular payments under the Facility conditioned to the reform and investment agenda of Ukraine for the next four years. As a next step, the Commission will now swiftly assess the Ukraine Plan and submit a proposal for a Council implementing decision to approve it as conditions to access regular payments.

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ECDC issues recommendations for strengthening emergency and pandemic preparedness planning

PHSMs refer to non-pharmaceutical measures implemented in community settings to abate the spread of infectious disease. These constituted the primary public health response during the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, notably before medical countermeasures including vaccines became widely available. In future pandemics PHSMs may again be relied upon to reduce disease transmission and mitigate detrimental health impacts.

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“Parliament 2024”: One step closer to reforming EU Parliament’s internal rules

Seeking to increase Parliament’s responsiveness, MEPs want to introduce special public hearings to put questions to Commissioners on issues of major political importance on the one hand, andad hocplenary sessions on the other, during which no voting sessions may take place. A special session will be expected to be held with the Commission President or selected Commissioners, without a pre-defined theme, once per plenary. MEPs also want to enhance democratic checks on the Commission’s decisions foremergency measures under Article 122 TFEU by introducing a parliamentary scrutiny element.

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Deal to extend trade support for Ukraine with safeguards for EU farmers

On Wednesday, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on extending trade liberalisation measures for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. The temporary suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU will be renewed for another year, until 5 June 2025, to support Ukraine amidst Russia’s continuing war of aggression.

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EU financial support for increased ammunition production in Sweden

This initiative is the third track in a comprehensive effort to increase the production of artillery ammunition and enable continued support to Ukraine. The work is being carried out within the framework of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) and led by the Defence Materiel Administration. The Nordic countries have already signed a cooperation agreement and placed orders to enable donations of ammunition to Ukraine.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: IMF statement of the 2024 Article IV consultation mission

Growth has proven resilient despite the continued fallout from the war in Ukraine and is set to strengthen starting this year albeit to subpar levels. Inflation continues to decline, but wage pressures linger. Risks remain elevated, including from an intensification of regional conflicts and an abrupt slowdown in Europe, and domestically, from rising political tensions and more expansionary macroeconomic policies. On the other hand, opening of European Union accession talks could sustain the reform momentum and boost confidence.

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Norway donates NOK70m to refugees and migrants

During the meeting, the foreign minister and Pope signed an agreement for NOK 30 million over two years for IOM’s work in North Africa. This agreement is part of a Nordic collaboration with IOM and the EU to help find lasting solutions for the many migrants in countries in North Africa. The support also goes to local communities hosting large groups of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants. In addition, NOK 20 million was announced for IOM’s humanitarian work in general. This funding is not earmarked for a specific country, so IOM can prioritize work in the most underfunded and forgotten crises. Another agreement on core support of NOK 20 million was also announced during the meeting. 

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Russia: Situation of Alexei Navalny

The fact that we have had no news for the past several days about the situation of imprisoned political opposition leader Andrei Navalny is very troubling, given that his health has sharply deteriorated since his imprisonment. France holds Russia responsible for the health of its detainees, especially political prisoners, and reminds Russia of is international obligations with regard to human rights.

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Swiss Federal Council wishes to reduce the geopolitical risks associated with digital infrastructure

The Federal Council intends to strengthen the security of Switzerland’s telecommunications and digital infrastructures. At its meeting on 15 December 2023, it adopted a report in response to a postulate (20.3984) calling for a reduction in the geopolitical risks associated with the development of infrastructures such as 5G. DETEC is tasked with presenting a draft revision of the Telecommunications Act.

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Sweden: Government presents new direction for development assistance

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine represents a paradigm shift with extensive political, economic and humanitarian consequences and repercussions that reach far beyond Ukraine’s borders. The Government therefore gives the highest priority to Ukraine and the neighbourhood in the new strategic direction. Through Development assistance for a new era, the Government intends to combat poverty through job creation and free trade, increase humanitarian assistance to save lives and alleviate suffering, promote freedom and fight oppression, strengthen synergies between development assistance and migration policy, expand climate aid and make it more effective.

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Sweden: Joint statement on settler violence on the West Bank

Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom express their grave concern about the record number of attacks by extremist settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank. Since the start of October, settlers have committed more than 343 violent attacks, killing 8 Palestinian civilians, injuring more than 83, and forcing 1026 Palestinians from their homes.

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Oslo: Statement after international ministerial meeting on the war in Gaza

We all said very clearly that this has to stop. But even more importantly, in this meeting, we had a very interesting exchange on what to do next, because we have a two-way problem, which is the acute situation, but there is no way out of that without somebody starting to think about what next. And of course, this meeting was not to agree or to form a document, to sign a document or anything like that. But we heard several good ideas on the way forward which at least I and I think all, all my fellow Nordic and Benelux ministers felt were really interesting, really promising.

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European Council conclusions, 14 and 15 December 2023

On 14 and 15 December, the European Council adopted conclusions on Ukraine, Middle East, enlargement and reforms, multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, security and defence, migration and other items, EU-Türkiye relations, fight against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, and strategic agenda.

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Europol: Violent hate crimes targeted in joint action day

Law enforcement authorities targeted 209 individuals, mainly right and left wing extremists, for their alleged involvement in serious offences related to the spread of violent hate speech, incitement to commit violent hate crimes, and death threats. Some of the individuals are linked to religiously motivated extremism, while others are believed to have incited violence against politicians, violent acts towards the political system and specific communities. Officers from participating countries implemented different actions, which included multiple location raids and seizures of electronic devices, mobile phones, weapons and propaganda material. 

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Guinea-Bissau: Statement by the EEAS HR on the latest developments

In this difficult situation, the EU strongly condemns all forms of violence and all attempts to disrupt the constitutional order. We urge all relevant stakeholders to contribute, through an inclusive dialogue, to bring an end to the political crisis in full respect of the rule of law and of the democratic process. The EU endorses the call of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government for the full respect of the national constitution and a transparent investigation into the various events, in accordance with the law.

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Statement by EU Commission President von der Leyen with Polish Prime Minister Tusk

For far too long, the concerns about the rule of law have hampered our capacity to help Poland modernise its economy and implement the twin green and digital transition. In the meantime, I am glad to share good news on your REPowerEU plan. The Commission is working to transfer to Poland EUR 5 billion in pre-financing before the end of the year. This will help Poland to modernise its energy systems and decarbonisation efforts. Indeed, the fight against climate change is the most essential priority for all of us. We need Poland on board.

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ukraine, peace, hand

European Council opens accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

The European Council reiterates its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which constitutes a manifest violation of the UN Charter, and reaffirms the European Union’s unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders and its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression.

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Eurojust: Germany and Italy’s joint action on luxury car money laundering

Eurojust has assisted the German and Italian authorities in a coordinated action against large-scale money laundering through the fake long-term rental of mainly luxury cars. Seven suspects were arrested across the two countries for using a car hire agency to launder the proceeds of drug trafficking, extortion and illegal betting for other criminals. The enterprise has been seized in addition to a real estate complex and nearly one hundred mainly luxury vehicles.

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children of war, hunger, sadness

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 13 February 2024

UNITED NATIONS: Rising hunger: UN chief identifies wars, climate chaos as aggravating factors +++ EU ETS: Neue Studie zum EU-Emissionshandel: Verbände fordern nationalen Mindestpreis, Klimageld und zielgerichtete Förderung +++ EU COUNCIL:: Ad Hoc Working Party on Forest Monitoring +++ Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956 Analysis of the final compromise text with a view to agreement.

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EU member states approve updated North-East Atlantic fisheries measures

EU member states’ representatives greenlight an agreement reached between the Council’s and the Parliament’s negotiators on updated fisheries measures in the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) area.
Once formally adopted, the regulation will implement into EU law new rules on management, conservation and control for the NEAFC area, as well as control measures for certain pelagic species in the North-East Atlantic agreed during coastal states consultations. The text will also bring together in one single regulation all the NEAFC measures currently covered by different regulations.

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Textiles and food waste reduction: New EU rules to support circular economy

MEPs want to increase the binding waste reduction targets proposed by the Commission to at least 20% in food processing and manufacturing (instead of 10%) and to 40% per capita in retail, restaurants, food services and households (instead of 30%), in comparison to the annual average generated between 2020 and 2022. EU countries would need to ensure that these targets are achieved at national level by 31 December 2030.

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Insight EU Energy Monitoring 13 February 2024

IEA: IEA 2024 Ministerial Meeting +++ Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the plenary session on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the International Energy Agency +++ Speech by EU Commissioner Simson at the IEA High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on ‘Energy security through energy transitions: international experiences and local solutions’ +++ ENERGY REGULATION: ACER/CEER: Registrations are open for the ACER-CEER webinar on gas storage regulation

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Insight EU Environment Monitoring 12 February 2024

BIOSAFETY: UNECE: Advancing transparency, the rule of law and public participation regarding living modified organisms and genetically modified organisms +++ BIODIVERSITY: First-ever UN report reveals complex threats to migratory species +++ SUPPLY CHAIN: ifo Institut/EconPol Europe: Deutsche Industrie setzt auf Diversifizierung von Lieferketten +++ EP ENVI COMMITTEE: Meeting of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

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nuva hiva, marquesas islands, french polynesia

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 12 February 2024

EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL: Keynote speech by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič on the European Green Deal at the European Conference of Harvard University +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: UNECE Inland Transport Committee to focus on decarbonization of inland transport by 2050 +++ CLIMATE RESILIENCE: ICAO-UNEP weather radar agreement will support climate resilience of Pacific Small Island Developing States.

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electric car, charging station, electric cable

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 12 February 2024

ENERGY REGULATION: Romanian energy regulator (ANRE) fines 4 companies a total of €107.9 million for electricity market manipulation +++ HYDROGEN: Latest hydrogen industries’ headlines +++ Shell is pulling the plug on hydrogen for cars in California +++ SoCalGas Showcases Zero Emissions Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Technologies by Kenworth and Toyota at 2024 World Ag Expo +++ Hydrogen ‘jacuzzi’ discovered at underground chromite mine in Albania.

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EU Commission President’s speech on IEA’s 50th anniversary

The International Energy Agency was founded in response to the energy crisis. Not the one in 2022, but the original one in 1973. That crisis was also triggered by a war in Europe’s region. But its root cause was the world’s over-reliance on fossil fuels – back then, it was oil. It was a shock for an entire generation. But the world did not learn the lesson. We did not get rid of our dependency on oil. And worse, fossil fuels became massively subsidised. But that crisis was not entirely in vain. Because it taught us that there are ways to protect our energy security. One of them is international cooperation – to diversify our suppliers and build networks of trusted partners. This is why the International Energy Agency was created and why your role has been so central 50 years later, when the Kremlin set off a new energy crisis.

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delivery, export, supply

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 9 February 2024

ECHA consults on recommending five substances for REACH authorisation +++ SUPPLY CHAINS: The Global Supply Chain Forum 2024 – UNCTAD Hybrid Press Conference +++ EU-Abgeordenete Caspary (CDU) und Niebler (CSU) zum Lieferkettengesetz und der  Verschiebung der Abstimmung +++ Europa-SPD: „FDP gefährdet deutsche Glaubwürdigkeit“ – Liberale blockieren EU-Lieferkettengesetz +++ Grüne/EFA: Ein Trauerspiel: Mitgliedsstaaten verschieben Entscheidung zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz +++ Germanwatch: EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Kanzler muss nun Vertrauen der EU-Partner zurückgewinnen.

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highway, road, trucks

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 9 February 2024

TRUCK EMISSIONS: EU-Mitgliedstaaten machen Weg frei für emissionsarme Lastwagen und Busse +++ EU-Abgeordnete Gieseke (CDU) zur Positionierung der Bundesregierung bei CO2 von LKWs +++ BDI zur EU-Einigung auf strengere CO2-Grenzwerte: Novelle der CO2-Flottenregulierung vor Europa-Wahlen beschließen +++ T&E reaction to EU and Germany deal on truck CO2 law +++ CARBON PRICING: IMF Working Paper No. 2024/027 : Carbon Prices and Inflation in the Euro Area.

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