Thu. Oct 17th, 2024





Europol: 9 arrested in hit against holiday-rental fraudsters

Europol supported the Romanian Police (Politia Romana) and the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) in an operation that led to the arrest of nine scammers engaged in the publishing of fake advertisements for cheap holiday rentals. Although this sort of cyber fraud is not new, the level of sophistication exhibited by the gang involved in this case is unprecedented, and a multifaceted investigation was required to crack the case. 

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Main messages from the Tripartite Social Summit

In 2023, European enterprises continued to seek to drive the EU’s green and digital transitions, and their task was made more difficult by high energy costs, an increasing regulatory burden and continuing geo-political uncertainty. Furthermore, they have felt the effects of reduced consumer demand for private goods and services in a context of increased financing costs linked to higher interest rates and increasing demand for affordable and accessible services of general interest. To make sure that the European Union decarbonises without deindustrialising, a European Industrial Deal needs to be developed with tailored measures to support SMEs in their transition.

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EU Commission prepares for pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews

This document contributes to the ongoing discussion process about the internal reforms the EU will need to make to prepare for an enlarged Union. It looks at the implications of a larger EU in four main areas – values, policies, budget and governance – laying the ground for the pre-enlargement policy reviews announced by President von der Leyen in her 2023 State of the Union address. The EU must deepen as it widens. We must start preparing today for the Union of tomorrow and use enlargement as a catalyst for progress. All of Europe has gained from enlargement. It made the EU the world’s largest integrated market. It opened trade and financial flows, thereby contributing to economic growth in the EU and in acceding countries alike, and strengthened the EU’s weight in global affairs.

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EU Commission takes action to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU

The EU’s 2014 Quality Framework for Traineeships set out 21 quality principles to ensure high-quality learning and working conditions. In its 2023 evaluation of this Council Recommendation, the Commission found that it had a positive impact on the quality of traineeships in the EU. However, the Commission’s evaluation also found room for improvement and both the Conference on the Future of Europe and the European Parliament called on the Commission to improve traineeships.

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workers, windows, building

EU Commission sets out actions to tackle labour and skills shortages

Today, the Commission has presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages and proposes to work together with Member States and social partners to address these issues over the coming months and years. The action plan is part of the EU’s strategy to boost its competitiveness and enhance its economic and social resilience. For almost a decade, labour and skills shortages have been increasing in all Member States. These shortages are driven by demographic shifts, the demand for new skills linked to technological developments and the twin transitions, the drive to develop further our own industrial sectors, defence and security needs, and challenges related to working conditions in some sectors and locations. The Commission has identified 42 ‘shortage’ occupations, with some differences across the Member States.

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Red Sea: Joint statement on Houthi attacks

The Houthi-led seizure of the Galaxy Leader on November 19 and the detention of its 25-member international crew – who remain unjustly detained – is appalling. Such behaviour also threatens the movement of food, fuel, humanitarian assistance, and other essential commodities to destinations and populations all over the world. The undersigned further encourage all states to refrain from facilitation or encouragement of the Houthis. There is no justification for these attacks, which affect many countries beyond the flags these ships sail under. We again call on the Houthis to release the Galaxy Leader crew and ship immediately and to cease additional attacks on commercial vessels in the region’s vital waterways.

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Europol publishes IOCTA spotlight report on online fraud schemes

Spotlight report untangles the web of deceit surrounding online fraud schemes in the EU. Fraud schemes are perpetrated with the intention of defrauding victims of their assets using false and deceitful pretexts, or with the use of cyberattack techniques. This results in the voluntary or involuntary transfer of personal or business information, money or goods to criminals. From ATM attacks and account takeovers to skimming and shimming, the wide availability of crime-as-a-service has made this criminal activity more accessible. Criminals show great versatility and adaptability in adjusting their modi operandi and modelling their narratives around socio-economic trends as well as current crises, taking advantage of emergency situations to create charity scams.

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G7 Foreign Ministers condemn launch of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by North Korea

The G7 Foreign Ministers and the EU strongly condemn North Korea’s launch of another intercontinental ballistic missile on 18 December, for the fifth time this year, following the launch of a short-range ballistic missile the day before. The DPRK must cease these illegal and dangerous launches, which blatantly violate UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) and undermine international peace and security as well as the global non-proliferation regime.

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Russia’s war in Ukraine: EU Council adds 61 individuals and 86 entities to EU’s sanctions list

Altogether, EU restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine now apply to almost 1,950 individuals and entities. Those designated are subject to an asset freeze and EU citizens and companies are forbidden from making funds available to them. Natural persons are additionally subject to a travel ban, which prevents them from entering or transiting through EU territories.

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EU Council and Parliament agree on anti-money laundering authority seat

Today, the Council and the European Parliament representatives reached a common understanding on the process for selecting the seat of the future European authority for countering money laundering and terrorist financing (AMLA). The new authority is the centrepiece of the reform of the EU’s anti-money laundering framework. The authority will have direct and indirect supervisory powers over obliged entities and the power to impose sanctions and measures. Last week, the co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the design of AMLA.

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SIRIUS 2023 report: Navigating the new era of obtaining electronic evidence

The EU Electronic Evidence legislative package, adopted in July 2023, marks a new era in obtaining electronic evidence, as it will enable competent authorities to issue legally binding orders directly to service providers offering services within the EU, regardless of their place of establishment. This move will help address issues regarding lengthy judicial procedures to obtain data across borders, as well as legal uncertainties surrounding practices of voluntary cooperation between competent authorities and service providers.

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Europol: Online Jihadist Propaganda – 2022 in review

The review addresses the trajectories of these groups, and how they have responded to shifting dynamics and attempted to overcome setbacks. It further identifies the dominant themes and types of productions exploited by the two groups during this period, while highlighting changes in key areas related to online jihadist propaganda, such as main narratives and the abuse of technology for propaganda dissemination. In order to shed light on changes in the groups’ narratives and online communication patterns, the research examined primary sources, including the groups’ operational claims, publications, statements, videos and audio speeches.

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2023 Atlas of Migration confirms continued strong EU support to Ukrainians fleeing the war

Today, on the occasion of International Migrants’ Day, the Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) released a new edition of the Atlas of Migration, an online tool providing the latest harmonised and validated data on migration for the 27 EU Member States and for 171 countries and territories around the world. The 2023 edition features a special thematic section on EU solidarity trends towards people displaced from Ukraine. It shows that the determination and resilience of Europeans to support Ukraine and the displaced people remains strong at EU level. This coincides with results of August 2023 Eurobarometer survey showing that 79% of people  are in favour of welcoming people fleeing the war to the EU.

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diamond, precious stone, jewelry

12th EU sanctions package against Russia for its war against Ukraine

In particular, this package includes additional listings of Russian individuals and companies and new import and export bans – such as banning the export of Russian diamonds to Europe – in very close cooperation with our G7 partners. Moreover, the package tightens the implementation of the oil price cap by monitoring more closely how tankers may be used to circumvent the cap. It also includes stricter asset tracing obligations and tough measures on third-country companies circumventing sanctions.  

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NATO Deputy SG concludes two-day visit to Paris to meet senior government and industry representatives

On Friday, Mr Geoană met the Romanian ambassador to France and other Allied ambassadors before meeting with Préfet Stéphane Bouillon, Secretary General for Defence and National Security. While in Paris, the Deputy Secretary General also held talks with representatives from the defence industry, including Mr Éric Trappier, CEO of aerospace manufacturer Dassault Aviation, and Mrs Pascale Sourisse, senior executive vice-president of Thales Group.

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UN General Assembly: The UK supports calls for a sustainable ceasefire

The 7th October attacks committed by Hamas, which killed 1200 innocent civilians, were an abhorrent act of terrorism which should be unequivocally condemned. All hostages need to be released immediately. We have been clear that Israel must be targeted and precise in its efforts to address the threat posed by Hamas, and must minimise civilian casualties and protect civilian infrastructure in line with international humanitarian law. My Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary have repeatedly delivered this message to Israel, and will continue to do so.

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Russia: Situation of Alexei Navalny

The fact that we have had no news for the past several days about the situation of imprisoned political opposition leader Andrei Navalny is very troubling, given that his health has sharply deteriorated since his imprisonment. France holds Russia responsible for the health of its detainees, especially political prisoners, and reminds Russia of is international obligations with regard to human rights.

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EU Commission approves €720m French State aid scheme to support forestry sector

France notified the Commission of its plans to support operators in the forestry sector in the prevention and restoration of damage to forests. The scheme will cover damage to forests resulting from forest fires, natural disasters, adverse climatic events, plant pests, infestations, catastrophic events and climate change-related events, in the period between 2023 and 2029. The scheme forms part of the forestry renewal plan of the France 2030 investment plan. The scheme, with a budget of €720 million, will run until 31 December 2029.

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garbage, landfill, truck

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 14 February 2024

COMPETITIVENESS: EU Commission monitors strengths and challenges of EU’s competitiveness +++ CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Textiles and food waste reduction: New EU rules to support circular economy +++ ECR Group: New EU rules to reduce textiles and food waste +++ Le commissaire Sinkevičius est en Hongrie et en Slovaquie pour y discuter de la progression dans les domaines de l’économie circulaire, de la protection de la nature et de l’objectif «zéro pollution»

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power plant, emissions, pollution

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 14 February 2024

GHG EMISSIONS: Eurostat: EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: minus 7.1% in Q3 2023 +++ U.S. Statistics: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022 +++ CARBON PRICING: The Role of Carbon Pricing in Moving the Industry Closer to Net-Zero by 2050 – Florence School of Regulation +++ CO₂-Preis für Verkehr und Gebäudewärme: Umsetzung des ETS II und des Klima-Sozialfonds in Deutschland.

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wires, electrical current, electricity

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 14 February 2024

IEA: At IEA Ministerial Meeting and 50th Anniversary, global leaders pledge to strengthen energy security and accelerate clean transitions to keep 1.5 °C target alive +++ 2024 IEA Ministerial Communique +++ ENERGY REGULATION: Bruegel: Unity in power, power in unity: why the EU needs more integrated electricity markets.

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Sweden: Development assistance for a new era  

The global needs entail new demands to ensure a long-term perspective, transparency and effectiveness in Swedish development assistance. The Government therefore presents this reform agenda for development assistance that replaces the Policy framework for Swedish development cooperation and humanitarian assistance (Govt communication 2016/17:60) and the Strategy for multilateral development policy (UD2017/21055/FN).

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IPCEI: EU Commission approves up to €6.9bn of State aid to boost hydrogen value chain

The Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a third Important Project of Common European Interest (‘IPCEI’) to support hydrogen infrastructure. This IPCEI is expected to boost the supply of renewable hydrogen, thereby reducing dependency on natural gas and helping to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal and the REPowerEU Plan. The project, called “IPCEI Hy2Infra”, was jointly prepared and notified by seven Member States: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Slovakia.

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shipping, seafaring, shipping company

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 13 February 2024

MARITIME SAFETY: Maritime safety: EU Council and Parliament strike a deal for more efficient accident investigations in maritime transport +++ EU Parliament on the deal on robust maritime accident investigation +++ EU Commission welcomes provisional agreement modernising maritime accident investigations +++ SUPPLY CHAINS: Acht große Wirtschaftsorganisationen lehnen den aktuellen Entwurf wegen handwerklicher Mängel ab +++ ECHA: Prepare your summary of biocidal product characterics now in IUCLID +++ EUON: Nanopinion: Nanoscale KISS method – a novel approach for 2D materials production.

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children of war, hunger, sadness

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 13 February 2024

UNITED NATIONS: Rising hunger: UN chief identifies wars, climate chaos as aggravating factors +++ EU ETS: Neue Studie zum EU-Emissionshandel: Verbände fordern nationalen Mindestpreis, Klimageld und zielgerichtete Förderung +++ EU COUNCIL:: Ad Hoc Working Party on Forest Monitoring +++ Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956 Analysis of the final compromise text with a view to agreement.

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