Thu. Oct 17th, 2024





ECB lowers the three key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points

The ECB Governing Council today decided to lower the three key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points. Accordingly, the interest rates on the deposit facility, the main refinancing operations and the marginal lending facility will be decreased to 3.25%, 3.40% and 3.65% respectively, with effect from 23 October 2024.

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Merger investigation: EU Commission sends Statement of Objections to Kingspan

In March 2021, Kingspan notified to the Commission its plan to acquire Trimo. Both companies are producers and distributors of mineral fibre sandwich panels. In April 2021, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation into the transaction. In March 2022, it issued a Statement of Objections outlining its concerns that the proposed transaction could negatively affect competition in certain building materials markets, leading to higher prices, reduced quality or less choice for customers. In April 2022, the parties abandoned the transaction.

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Mergers: EU Commission clears acquisition of Petrocargo and Hempelmann Wittemöller by Petronord

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Petrocargo Mineralöllogistik GmbH (‘Petrocargo’) and Hempelmann Wittemöller GmbH by Petronord GmbH & Co. KG, all three of Germany. The transaction relates primarily to the market of retail sale of energy products. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the limited impact on the market structure.

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The EU and the Philippines resume free trade negotiations

Today, the EU and the Philippines officially announced the resumption of negotiations for an ambitious, modern and balanced free trade agreement (FTA) – with sustainability at its core. Trade agreements such as these are a cornerstone of the EU’s economic security, opening new opportunities for businesses and consumers, strengthening supply chains and promoting sustainable trade practices. An FTA with the Philippines, a booming economy of 115 million people in the heart of the strategically important Indo-Pacific region, would therefore be a valuable addition to the EU’s network of trade deals.

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Europol: Three arrested in Spain following migrant deaths at sea

A joint operation between the Spanish National Police (Polícia National) and the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil), supported by Europol, has led to the arrests of two men and a woman in Cádiz and Granada. The suspects carried out migrant smuggling activities, which resulted in deaths. The presumed members of the smuggling network allegedly facilitated the travel of migrants, in boats, between Kenitra (Morocco) and Cádiz (Spain). The joint investigation between the Spanish National Police and the Civil Guard resulted in the discovery of the precise location of the boat and the identification of the itinerary of this smuggling activity. On the action day, the officers carried out searches at the suspects’ addresses in the city of Granada and the towns of Algeciras and San Roque (Cádiz) and arrested them.  

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Wholesale energy markets: EU Council adopts law to protect against market manipulation

The wholesale energy market in the European Union is now better protected against market manipulation. The Council today adopted a new regulation that will reinforce market surveillance in the European Union and ensure open and fair competition in the wholesale energy markets. 
The regulation sets the basis for increased market transparency and integrity, enhancing the public’s trust in the functioning of wholesale energy markets.

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Green diplomacy: EU Council conclusions reaffirm the EU’s commitment to work closely with partners 

In its conclusions, the Council reiterates the gravity of the accelerating triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, which poses a global and existential threat and aggravates existing security concerns. The Council also expresses grave concern about the harm to the climate and the environment, in addition to the immense human suffering, caused by ongoing armed conflicts worldwide. Russia’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine has inflicted massive environmental damage, nuclear safety risks, and precipitated energy and food insecurity globally, and Russia must be held accountable for it.

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Strategic autonomy: EU Council gives its final approval on the critical raw materials act

The CRMA introduces clear deadlines for permit procedures for EU extracting projects, allows the Commission and member states to recognise a project as strategic, requires supply-chain risk assessments, requires member states to have national exploration plans and ensures the EU’s access to critical and strategic raw materials through ambitious benchmarks on extraction, processing, recycling and diversification of import sources.

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Tourism: EU Council gives its final approval to the regulation for short-term rentals

The new rules introduce harmonised registration requirements for hosts and short-term rental properties, including the granting of a unique registration number to be displayed on property websites and online platforms. Hosts will submit simple information to obtain this registration number, which will be required to provide short-term accommodation rental services. Online platforms will have to provide information regularly to a single digital entry point in the member states on the rental activities of their hosts. This will help the competent authorities to produce reliable statistics and to take well-informed regulatory measures.

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EU-Chile: EU Council gives final endorsement to bilateral trade agreement

This agreement focuses on trade and investment liberalisation, exclusively within the EU’s competence, while investment protection provisions are covered by the broader Advanced Framework Agreement (AFA), which is still in the ratification process within the member states. The iTA will expire when the AFA, after ratification by all member states, enters into force. The agreements aim to update the current EU-Chile association agreement and will strengthen EU-Chile political and economic relations and deepen cooperation and trade.

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Eurobarometer: Europeans continue to strongly support Ukraine

Support for a range of actions taken in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine remains very high. Almost nine in ten (89%) agree with providing humanitarian support to the people affected by the war, and more than eight in ten (84%) agree with welcoming into the EU people fleeing the war.

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Finland maintains eastern border restrictions, prepared for more

Finland will continue restrictions at the eastern border. The border crossing points will remain closed, with the exception of the border crossing points of Vaalimaa and Niirala, which will be opened for traffic on Thursday 14 December. The Government will close the entire eastern border again if instrumentalised migration at the eastern border continues.

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EU Commission welcomes political deal on criminal asset recovery and confiscation in the EU

The European Commission welcomes today’s political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on updated rules on asset recovery and confiscation. The new Directive will be key in the fight against serious and organised crime. It will limit the capacity of criminals to maintain and expand their criminal activities as well as to increase corruption and infiltrate the economy by investing illegal gains.

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latvia, irbene, soviet

EU Commission proposes to counteract covert foreign influence

Today, the European Commission adopted a Defence of Democracy package, ahead of the 2024 European elections. The central piece of this package is a legislative proposal that will enhance transparency and democratic accountability of interest representation activities on behalf of third countries which are aimed at influencing policies, decision making and the democratic space. It also includes two recommendations that aim to promote free, fair, and resilient elections and the participation of citizens and civil society organisations in policy-making.

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Main results of the Eastern Partnership Foreign Affairs Ministerial meeting, 11 December 2023

At the meeting, ministers addressed how the Eastern Partnership can continue to ensure that the needs of member states and partner countries are met, what should be the key priorities of joint work in 2024, how to accelerate the delivery of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Eastern Partnership, and how to increase cooperation with regions such as Central Asia and the Western Balkans and synergies with other regional policies such as the Black Sea Synergy.

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Main results of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, 11 December 2023

The EU Foreign Affairs Council discussed, among other issues, the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after an intervention by Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba who joined EU Foreign Ministers in person. He briefed EU ministers on the latest developments on the ground, and highlighted how Ukraine is currently committed on two fronts: the military front – as Putin tries to create a new momentum in his war ahead of winter and to promote his presidential candidature – and its EU accession path.

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puzzle, dna, research

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 7 February 2024

GENOMIC TECHNIQUES: New Genomic Techniques: MEPs back rules to support green transition of farmers +++ Europa-SPD: Entscheidung gegen Verbraucherschutz, Risikovorsorge und Landwirtschaft – Europaparlament stimmt für Deregulierung der Gentechnik +++ Martin Häusling (Grüne/EFA): EP-Abstimmung stimmt für neue genomische Techniken in der Pflanzenzüchtung – Neue Gentechnik bei Pflanzen: Politischer Offenbarungseid +++ Nicola Procaccini (ECR): Does the Commission expect a thank you from farmers for Green Deal madness? +++ MINING: EU Parliament concerned about Norway’s decision to mine part of the Arctic seabed

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money, profit, finance

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 7 February 2024

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING: EU Council and Parliament agree to delay sustainability reporting for certain sectors and third-country companies by two years +++ EU Parliament: Deal on delayed reporting standards for some companies +++ NET-ZERO INDUSTRY: Net zero industry deal is hit-and-miss for heat pump sector – European Heat Pump Association +++ EU-Klimaziele: VKU zu Folgenabschätzung und Carbon-Management-Strategie +++ GERMANY: ifo Institut: Mehrheit der Bevölkerung will beim Klimaschutz Vorreiterrolle für Deutschland, aber CO2-Preise erhalten kaum Unterstützung

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park wind farm, wind, clouds

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 7 February 2024

ENERGY REGULATION: EU Commission sends Statement of Objections to PPC over predatory pricing in the Greek wholesale electricity market +++ SECURITY OF SUPPLY: EU Commission calls on BULGARIA to fully comply with Security of Gas Supply Regulation +++ RENEWABLES: Renewable energy: Commission urges BELGIUM to fully transpose the Renewable Energy Directive +++ WIND ENERGY: Wind Europe: EU enshrines tighter pre-qualification criteria for wind farms in law +++ IEA: Indian Oil Market – IEA Outlook to 2030 +++ India could triple its biofuel use and accelerate global deployment – IEA

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Mercury: Deal with EU Council to phase out the use of dental amalgam

The revision of the Mercury Regulation aims to establish a mercury-free Europe to protect EU citizens and the environment from toxic mercury. On Thursday, negotiators from the Parliament and Council reached a provisional political agreement on the Commission’s proposal to address the remaining uses of mercury in products in the EU in line with commitments set out in the EU’s Zero Pollution Ambition.

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time, city, landscape

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 6 February 2024

NET-ZERO INDUSTRY ACT: EU Council and Parliament strike a deal to boost EU’s green industry +++ EU Parliament background on deal to boost Europe’s Net-Zero technology production +++ EU Commission welcomes political agreement to make clean technology manufacturing in the EU resilient and competitive +++ Statement des EU-Abgeordneten Ehler (CDU) zum Net-Zero Industry Act+++Europa-SPD zu Emissionsfreie Technologien: Einigung auf Förderung von nachhaltigen Branchen +++ Renew Europe on the Net Zero Industry Act: a strong wake-up call to regain control of EU’s industrial sovereignty +++ EEB: EU promotes costly, unproven technologies on final net-zero industry plan

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power plant, industry, flames

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 6 February 2024

CLIMATE TARGETS 2040: EU Commission presents recommendation for 2040 emissions reduction target to set the path to climate neutrality in 2050 +++ Questions and Answers – Communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 +++ Press remarks by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioners Simson and Hoekstra on the Communications on a recommended emissions reduction target for 2040 and Industrial Carbon Management +++ CARBON MANAGEMENT: EU Commission sets out how to sustainably capture, store and use carbon to reach climate neutrality by 2050 +++ Questions and Answers on the EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy +++ ESG: La Commission se félicite de l’accord politique sur le premier cadre pour les activités de notation ESG.

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solar cell, solar panel, photovoltaic

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 6 February 2024

ENERGY REGULATION: Consultation on implementation aspects of a regulatory scheme for efficiency and innovation – Florence School of Regulation +++ UKRAINE: IAEA Director General in Ukraine: “No Place for Complacency” with Zaporizhzhya +++ GERMANY: Solar Power Europe on Power Plant Strategy: is it a risk for Germany’s reputation as a climate leader? +++ dena: Erster Standardvertrag für den deutschen PPA-Markt veröffentlicht.

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Finland: Technical carbon sequestration solutions needed to reach EU’s 2040 climate target

The European Commission recommends a net emission target of 90% for the EU by 2040. The target would cover both greenhouse gas emissions and their removals. The removals comprise natural removals and, in future, technical sinks. All sectors should cut their emissions strongly and cost-efficiently by 2040. According to Finland’s position discussed at Finnish Parliament last autumn, the 2040 climate target of the EU must be in line with the target to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 and support this in a way that is consistent and credible. It must also be founded on the best available scientific knowledge.

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MEPs adopt new rules to limit exposure to harmful substances at the workplace

In the EU, approximately 50 000 to 150 000 workers are exposed to lead and 4.2 million workers to diisocyanates every year. The new law, already agreed with member states and adopted today with 589 votes in favour, 10 votes against and by 40 abstentions, will protect workers’ health more effectively by lowering exposure limits for these substances.
Both substances are widely used to renovate buildings and to produce batteries, wind turbines, and to make electric vehicle lighter. By limiting their exposure to these chemicals, the EU is protecting those working in the green transition.

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