Wed. Oct 16th, 2024





EU Commission concludes 3rd policy dialogue with Japan

Both sides agreed on the benefits of promoting student and academic staff mobility between the EU and Japan. International mobility schemes, like the Erasmus+ programme, play a pivotal role in promoting people-to-people exchanges, enhancing skills development, as well as fostering academic excellence.

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CER: Addressing the EU’s incoherence on the Indo-Pacific: A sea of troubles

In 2021, the EU adopted an Indo-Pacific strategy, designed to promote an open and rules-based regional security architecture in the Indo-Pacific region. In the strategy, the EU also outlined its efforts to step up its presence there. Implementation of the strategy, however, largely depends on the member-states. France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Lithuania have each published Indo-Pacific strategies or guidelines.

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France/Slovenia: Meeting between Catherine Colonna and her Slovenian counterpart 

The ministers signed a Franco-Slovenian action plan that defines the strategic partnership between our two countries for the period of 2024-2027. They hailed the excellent bilateral relationship between France and Slovenia and our two countries’ close cooperation within the EU and the UN; this comes as France holds the monthlong Security Council presidency, which it took up on January 1, and Slovenia was elected to a two-year term as a non-permanent member. The ministers also discussed joint economic projects between our two countries, particularly in the transportation, nuclear and aerospace sectors.

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Sweden: Joint Statement from the International Coordination and Response Group for the victims of Flight PS752

Initiating these proceedings today reflects our commitment to the families who deserve justice. It also reflects our trust in the ICAO council, and the international community writ large, as guardian of the safety and security of civil aviation, including by settling disputes when they arise. It is necessary that those who violate the rules are held accountable. Our common hope is that this action alongside our continued pursuit of justice at the International Court of Justice can lead to real change and prevent similar tragic losses in the future. 

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Sweden: Speech by PM Ulf Kristersson at Folk och Försvars annual national conference 2024

For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the Government has also appointed a specific Minister for Civil Defence. Carl-Oskar Bohlin’s mandate is to ensure society’s robustness during times of heightened alert or war. Experience from Ukraine has shown that resilience must be built from the ground up. When President Zelenskyy visited Harpsund, the CV90, Archer and JAS 39 Gripen were obviously high on the agenda. But so too were energy production and the people’s will to defend themselves. 

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New rules to boost cybersecurity of the EU institutions enter into force

The Regulation lays down measures for the establishment of an internal cybersecurity risk management, governance and control framework for each Union entity, and sets up a new Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board (IICB) to monitor and support its implementation by Union entities. It provides an extended mandate of the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (CERT-EU), as a threat intelligence, information exchange and incident response coordination hub, a central advisory body, and a service provider. In line with its mandate, CERT-EU is renamed to Cybersecurity Service for the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, but it retains the short name “CERT-EU”.

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Trilateral Indo-Pacific Dialogue: Joint Statement by the USA, South Korea, and Japan

The representatives of the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea discussed each country’s Indo-Pacific approach and opportunities for cooperation, with an emphasis on partnership with Southeast Asian and Pacific Island countries.  They shared their respective assessments on geopolitical trends shaping the Indo-Pacific, highlighting the need for enhanced trilateral cooperation.

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Terrorist attack in Brussels – EU Commission answer

On 16 October 2023, an individual killed two Swedish persons and wounded a third one in Brussels using a long firearm. A few hours before the terrorist attack, the perpetrator published a video on his social media, where he announced the intention to commit a terrorist attack and confirmed his allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist organisation. The day after, the terrorist was neutralised by the Belgian police at the moment of his arrest.

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List of actions that should be imposed as a minimum on Türkiye – EU Commission answer

In its recently adopted 2023 Report on Türkiye1, for instance, the Commission points out that no steps have been taken to address the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation – (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee’s grave concern about the potential impact of the Hagia Sophia’s status change into a mosque on the outstanding universal value of the monument. These issues are also raised in the relevant sectoral sub-committee under the EU–Turkey Association Agreement.

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UN: Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee amends two entries on its sanctions list

The GBAE is responsible for the DPRK’s nuclear program, which includes the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center and its 5 Mwe (25 MWt) plutonium production research reactor, as well as its fuel fabrication and reprocessing facilities. The GBAE has held nuclear-related meetings and discussions with the International Atomic Energy Agency. GBAE is the primary DPRK government agency that oversees nuclear programs, including the operation of the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center. 

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Ukraine:Enduring this year means enduring the entire war – address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy

I just had a phone talk with President of Türkiye Erdoğan. It was a very substantive discussion. As always, we are using every day of this week to intensify our international efforts so that this year starts yielding results from the first weeks. I expressed gratitude to President Erdoğan for the achieved level of cooperation in various areas, including defense. We have joint projects that are already successful, and this year, we must do even more to strengthen our states and our nations.

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InvestEU backs €100m EIB loan for renewable hydrogen in Germany

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a loan agreement worth up to €100 million with Germany-based Sunfire, to advance its development of solid oxide electrolysers for renewable hydrogen production in industrial settings. This agreement is backed by the InvestEU programme. The agreement will support Sunfire to develop electrolysers to produce renewable hydrogen more energy- and cost-effectively for industrial processes. This will support Europe’s decarbonisation, especially in high energy-consuming sectors like chemicals and steel.

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Insight EU Environment Monitoring 29 February – 1 March 2024

UNECE: How can sustainability standards transform the raw materials sector in a changing world +++ UNEA: Global Resources Outlook 2024 – UNEP – UN Environment Programme +++ Senior officials call for action and solutions at UN Environment Assembly +++ PLASTIC WASTE: U.S. NIST Awards Nearly $3 Million for Educational Programs Focused on Circular Economy to Reduce Plastic Waste +++ GERMANY: Untersuchung der Stoffübergänge von Bedarfsgegenständen aus Papier, Karton und Pappe
Rückstände von Pflanzenschutzmitteln mit PFAS-Wirkstoffen in Obst und Gemüse: Besteht ein gesundheitliches Risiko?

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 29 February – 1 March 2024

IEA: CO2 Emissions in 2023 and Clean Energy Market Monitor +++ Global Methane Tracker 2024 +++ CLIMATE TARGETS: Between CBAM, equity, and ambition – finding a just way to reach climate targets – Agora +++ CLIMATE RISKS: PIK: Hurricanes and power grids: Eliminating large-scale outages with a new approach +++ UNFCCC: Building on Progress: COP 28 Charts Course for Enhanced Transparency +++ UN Body Steps Up Pace to Implement Vital Carbon Crediting Mechanism.

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european union, gas prices, russian flag

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 29 February/ 1 March 2024

ENERGY MARKETS: Quarterly reports confirm renewed resilience and the continuation of positive structural changes in gas and electricity markets in 2023 +++ EU ENERGY COUNCIL: EU Commissioner Simson to discuss EU winter preparedness and progress towards 2030 targets with Energy Ministers +++ GAS SUPPLY: EU Commissioner Simson in Azerbaijan to boost energy cooperation +++ Speech by Commissioner Simson at the inaugural session of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council (SGC) and the 2nd Green Energy Advisory Council +++ Gazprom International Limited Announces North Sea Assets Sale +++ CLEAN ENERGY: IEA: Major growth of clean energy limited the rise in global emissions in 2023

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