Wed. Oct 16th, 2024





Advanced materials: EU and Japan launch enhanced dialogue

Used in key sectors and applications such as renewable energy, batteries, zero-emission buildings and semiconductors, advanced materials are a key enabling technology underpinning the green and digital transitions and a vital part of economic sovereignty and strategic independence.

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Taxation and the witch-hunt against the self-employed – EU Commission answer

Member States are free to design their direct tax systems, including how to determine the tax base and tax rates as well as appropriate incentives for taxpayers, as long as they respect primary and secondary EU law. Concerning the new tax regime for self-employed persons in Greece, the Commission understands that the new regime sets a deemed annual income for self-employed persons, but properly provides for a right of rebuttal.

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The Netherlands to invest €2.5bn to strengthen business climate for chip industry in Brainport Eindhoven

Found in objects from telephones to solar panels and medical equipment, microchips play a crucial role in everyday life. Dutch businesses and knowledge institutions lead the way in the global chip industry. But in the Brainport Eindhoven region they’re coming up against limits in terms of personnel, space and energy. The Dutch central and regional governments have made agreements aimed at addressing these problems. This should safeguard the Netherlands’ position as an attractive business environment for the semiconductor industry and its suppliers. This industry is important for the Netherlands’ earning capacity, and it provides jobs and contributes to our country’s security and autonomy

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EU-China conclude the 6th HLPPD on education, culture, youth and sport

The theme of this 6th edition of the HLPPD was “working together for a greener and more sustainable future”, and the key role of education in underpinning the transition towards a greener society was one of the main topics of discussion. The need for a more balanced student mobility, which experienced a major set-back during the COVID-19 period was highlighted. The Commissioner also underlined the key importance of providing an open, welcoming and inclusive academic environment for European students.

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CMA: Members agree on timetable for market access thematic sessions, discuss trade concerns

At a meeting of the Committee on Market Access (CMA) on 25-26 March, members agreed on a timetable for thematic sessions in 2024 focusing on supply chain resilience and on how to promote a greener Harmonized System (HS), the system used to classify traded goods, in collaboration with the World Customs Organization (WCO). Members also addressed a high number of trade concerns and elected Mr Kenya Uehara of Japan as interim Chair of the Committee.

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The President of Ukraine had a phone talk with the President of Türkiye

The conversation placed significant emphasis on security in the Black Sea. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that despite Russia’s attempts to disrupt peaceful navigation, Ukraine remains a guarantor of global food stability. After the launch of the alternative grain corridor, over 14 million tonnes of cargo have passed through it. The President of Ukraine emphasized that our state is ready to keep working to improve the security situation in the Black Sea, commending the efforts of Türkiye, Bulgaria, and Romania in demining activities and expressing readiness to join them.

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Speech by EU Commission in memoriam of Jacques Delors

Tonight, we celebrate the beginning of a new year and the beginning of the Belgian Presidency. But as we celebrate Europe together tonight, I want to pay tribute to a great European to whom we bid farewell this morning: the late Commission President Jacques Delors. It was right here, in the Palais des Beaux-Arts, that he decided to give his legacy speech, at the very end of his Presidency of the European Commission. It was 30 years ago. A dark winter night, just like tonight, in the presence of the future King Philippe. And the Bozar tributed him with a never-ending standing ovation. He loved Brussels, and Brussels loved him back.

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Belgian Presidency: Statement by EU Commission President at the joint press conference with PM De Croo 

Let me start with the most strategic of these priorities: support for Ukraine. We all witnessed Russia’s recent brutal airstrikes on civilian targets in Ukraine. After the historic decision to launch accession negotiations with Ukraine, we must urgently move forward on stabilising our financial aid to the country. The Commission will come to the European Council with operational solutions to ensure that we can agree on the Ukraine Facility. Belgium will then have the key task of transforming the political agreement on the Facility through Council and Parliament as quickly as possible.

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U.S. Commerce: 2023 brought record investments and funding opportunities to support competitiveness and jobs

2023 brought the implementation of the $50 billion CHIPS for America Program to revitalize the U.S. position in semiconductor research, development, and manufacturing, a $42.45 billion investment to bring affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service to every home, business and school in America through the BEAD Program, and the historic designation of 31 Tech Hubs across the nation from $2.6 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act for climate ready-coasts and communities. 

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picture of the launch of a patriot missile

NATO to buy 1,000 Patriot missiles to enhance Allies’ air defences

NATO’s Support and Procurement Agency will support a coalition of Allies, including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain to procure up to 1,000 Patriot missiles to strengthen their air defences amid Russia’s war against Ukraine. The contract will expand the European production of the missiles, enhancing supply and ensuring the replenishment of Allied stockpiles.

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United States: Background press call on recent attacks by the Houthis

We still have the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group operating in the region. Again, part of that strike group was responsible for the effective response on December 31st. And the amount of military force we have in the region is quite significant and is ready to respond to any contingency. And when it comes to containing this overall conflict, we are prepared — again, through a combination of deterrence and being ready and with a very forward military presence in the Middle East region since this crisis began, which continues to this day — we are prepared for all contingencies. Of course, we hope, through diplomacy and other means, to contain the crisis to the extent we can. But we are prepared for all contingencies.

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Gaza: Nearly 600 healthcare attacks since start of war, says WHO

Condemning the continuing fighting and bombardment, WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier said that the “ongoing reduction of humanitarian space plus the continuing attacks on healthcare are pushing the people of Gaza to breaking point”. Children in the Gaza Strip face a deadly triple threat to their lives, as cases of diseases rise, nutrition plummets and the escalation in hostilities approaches its fourteenth week. Thousands of children have already died from the violence, while living conditions for children continue to rapidly deteriorate, with increasing cases of diarrhea and rising food poverty among children, raising the risk of mounting child deaths.

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Russia uses North Korean weapons against Ukraine: UK response

The UK strongly condemns Russia’s decision to use ballistic missiles sourced from North Korea in recent attacks against Ukraine. We urge North Korea to cease its arms supply to Russia. Russia is turning to North Korea for its weapons in pursuit of its cynical and ill-conceived military aims in Ukraine. This is symptomatic of its isolation on the world stage and a sign of its desperation. Furthermore, this activity is in violation of multiple UN Security Council Resolutions – which Russia supported as a Permanent Member.

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Gaza crisis deepens as UN aid convoys face delays and obstacles

Amid reports of continued Israeli airstrikes overnight in southern and central Gaza and more rocket fire into Israel from the enclave, UN teams said on Thursday they have been unable to deliver urgently needed aid to civilians beyond central areas and further north for the past three days. In its latest alert on the deteriorating situation for 1.9 million displaced people in the Strip, UN aid coordination office OCHA blamed “delays and denials” along with active conflict for the lack of distribution beyond Wadi Gaza.

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Main results of the EU Energy Council on 4 March 2024

EU energy ministers held an exchange of views on the state of play of security of supply and preparations for winter 2024-2025. Among other things, they addressed ways to avoid, both individually and collectively, new price shocks and to strengthen energy security, while achieving the established targets on decarbonisation and on phasing out Russian fossil fuels.

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Joint Statement of the international Minerals Security Partnership

The text of the statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the European Union following the conclusion of the Minerals Security Partnership Principals’ meeting in Toronto.

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Sweden: Inter-agency initiative to attract and retain international expertise

There is currently no clear coordination of the government agencies’ different processes and efforts to attract and establish foreign labour, a fact that has been highlighted by business representatives, government agencies and regions in several contexts.  At the same time, many companies are facing challenges – partly due to the green and digital transition – that require strengthening the skills of existing employees. They also need to bring new expertise into their operations. This applies to Sweden as a whole and to northern Sweden in particular, where major business start-ups and expansions have led to major labour needs. 

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Finland: Public authorities seek ways to improve treatment of scabies

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare reported on 29 February that scabies cases have become increasingly common in Finland. On the same day, the Advisory Board on Communicable Diseases, which is appointed by the Government, also discussed at its meeting how to improve the diagnosis and treatment of scabies. The high price of scabies medicines has sparked discussion in Finland. Several medicine packages are needed to treat one family, and this may result in considerable costs.

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EU steps up renewable energy cooperation with Azerbaijan 

To ensure a strong renewable energy dimension to our partnership, the Commission has notably worked to facilitate a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on wind energy cooperation between the Azeri Renewable Energy Agency and the European industry association WindEurope. On Friday, the Commissioner witnessed the signature of the MoU, which will pave the way for European renewable energy companies to tap the huge wind power potential of Azerbaijan, to help push forward the clean energy transition in the region, and to potentially generate new renewable energy supplies for Europe.  

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E-waste: EU Council adopts amendments to clarify who pays for management costs

The Council today has adopted amendments to the EU law on waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which includes a range of products such as computers, fridges and photovoltaic panels. The amendments aim to bring the WEEE directive into line with a 2022 EU Court of Justice judgment on the partial invalidity of the directive owing to unjustified retroactive application of extended producer responsibility to waste from photovoltaic panels placed on the market between 13 August 2005 and 13 August 2012.

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hands, shaking hands, company

EU secures results at WTO Ministerial failing to reform global trade rulebook

The European Commission was instrumental in brokering important outcomes at the 13th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (MC13) that ended Friday in Abu Dhabi. After a week of intense engagement, EU negotiators secured important agreements on e-commerce, new rules to improve global services trade, environmental cooperation, and strengthening the position of developing countries in the global trading system. 

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demonstration, fridays for future, climate change

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 28 February 2024

SUPPLY CHAINS: S&D Group: EU member states block historic opportunity to set binding rules obliging companies to behave responsibly +++ EU-Abgeordneter Tiemo Wölken (SPD) zum Scheitern des Lieferkettengesetzes im Rat: “Schwarzer Tag für Menschenrechte weltweit“ +++ Statements der EU-Abgeordneten Daniel Caspary (CDU) Angelika Niebler (CSU) zum Scheitern des EU-Lieferkettengesetzes im Coreper +++ EU-Abgeordnete Anna  Cavazzini (Grüne): Zitterpartie geht weiter – EU-Lieferkettengesetz hat keine Mehrheit gefunden +++ UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention releases a position paper on state repression of environmental protest and civil disobedience

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climate change, climate, drought

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 28 February 2024

CLIMATE FINANCE: MEPs approve EIB’s 2023 financial activities, concerns on transparency and governance +++ Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism +++ Directive 2009/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 amending Directive 2003/87/EC so as to improve and extend the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme of the Community

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