EPP publishes plan to secure competitiveness of European car industry
The EPP Group wants to secure the competitiveness of the European car indusry. To achieve this, the EPP Group calls for a revision of the ban on internal combustion engines, a technology-neutral approach to encourage innovation, temporary relief measures to help carmakers avoid being penalised, and a push for a faster expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure. These are some of the points of the plan, which have been adopted by the EPP Group today.
“The automotive industry is an indispensable pillar for employment, innovation and prosperity in Europe. At the same time, it faces enormous challenges: unfair competition, high energy costs, a decline in demand, adaptation to climate change and strict regulatory requirements weighing heavily on the sector. The EPP Group is firmly committed to a strong and sustainable automotive industry. With today’splan, we want to create clear framework conditions so that the industry can emerge stronger from the current crises”, said Jens Gieseke MEP who is in charge of the topic in the EPP Group.
“We demand to return to technology neutrality as the guiding principle, make proposals to avoid penalties for the industry and propose how we can help the industry. We have a clear expectation that our proposals will be properly taken into account by the European Commission. We all want a powerful, successful European automotive industry,” Gieseke stressed.
Read the fulltext of the EPP Group’s plan on the www.eppgroup.eu later this afternoon.
EPP Group Position Paper: Securing the Competitiveness of the European Automotive Industry
Brussels, 11 December 2024
As a key pillar of the economy, the automotive sector provides over 13.8 million quality jobs across the entire value chain and contributes 7% to the EU’s GDP, generating wealth across all Member States. For more than 150 years, it has been a key driver of prosperity in the region.
The European automotive and supplier industry is facing unprecedented pressure from both external and internal challenges. There is a distortion of competition, especially from heavily subsidised Chinese manufacturers, alongside difficult location factors like high-energy costs and extensive regulatory requirements such as excessive reporting obligations. Additionally, the demand for cars in general – and electric vehicles in particular – has decreased rapidly. At the same time, the industry is adjusting to the EU climate and environmental targets – the highest worldwide – whilst managing the pressing need to transition towards digital technologies.
The EPP Group supports the proposal of the President of the Commission to open a Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the Automotive Sector, a process that will personally be led by the President herself, and in which participation will be required from automotive stakeholders, representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the EU. The EPP Group demands that, as a result of this dialogue, a holistic EU strategy will be defined that helps the sector manage the various challenges and reviews the applicable EU regulatory framework. The EPP Group also sees the following immediate and long-term measures as key for preserving a globally competitive key industry that provides high-quality jobs and prosperity within Europe, all whilst achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
1. Ensuring that the Best Technologies Can Compete
The EU must re-establish technological neutrality as a core guiding principle, taking into account the realities of the sector. Recent policy decisions – such as the revised CO2 emissions performance standards for cars and vans (2019/631) and heavy-duty vehicles (2019/1242) – have compromised this principle by effectively banning the sale of new internal combustion engine vehicles. As technological neutrality embodies the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, the ban is irreconcilable with EU law. Additionally, the current regulation focuses only on tailpipe emissions, overlooking the broader environmental impact of vehicle production, use, and disposal. This approach disproportionately favours electric vehicles and limits fair competition among different technologies. It is, therefore, essential to establish a level playing field that enables the best technologies to compete. All technologies that can contribute to achieving climate goals should be treated fairly, without favouring or biasing any particular technological solution. The EU’s climate policy should prioritise market-based measures over blanket bans. This approach allows CO₂ reductions to be achieved at the lowest cost, while giving consumers choice and enabling engineers to compete in developing the best solutions. Consumers deserve access to the lowest-cost technologies and the best possible information to choose the mobility solution that fits their needs.
Correcting the ICE Ban: The upcoming 2035 ban on internal combustion engines (ICEs) should be reversed in order to reflect technological neutrality, meaning to allow a mix of technologies while staying on track to achieve the Union’s decarbonisation targets. Whilst electric vehicles (EVs) will play a major role in the transition towards a climate neutral future, other technologies can also help to achieve our climate targets. The European Commission must urgently present a revision to Regulation 2019/631 that reintroduces the technological neutral approach and acknowledges the role of all technologies in achieving CO2 reductions. The revision should recognise the role of alternative fuels, including e-fuels, biofuels, renewable or synthetic fuels, by providing explicit exemptions, accompanied by other measures such as introducing a carbon-correction factor, thus revising the ICE ban from 2035 onwards. Within this revision, the Commission should also propose a definition for carbon-neutral fuels, ensuring an appropriate reduction in emissions compared to conventional fuels, ultimately reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It should also acknowledge the role of other technologies, such as plug-in hybrids (PHEV), and ensure adequate enabling conditions across the EU, such as the availability and affordability of EVs, recharging and refuelling infrastructure and alternative fuels.
Review:Given the long development processes in the automotive industry, the EU Commission must move the scheduled review for Regulation (EU) 2019/631 forward to 2025 in order to correct the ICE ban and provide the sector with legal certainty and planning security as soon as possible. While a combination of policies is needed, it is important to note that the positive climate impact of the ETS by 2030 is estimated to be 25-times-higher than those of Regulation 2019/631. This limited climate impact must be taken into account while weighing the targets against imminent job losses and deindustrialisation in Europe.
Heavy-duty Vehicles and Trailer Targets:European emission reduction targets must be ambitious yet realistic for the industry to achieve. The recent revision of the Regulation on CO2 emissions performance standards for heavy-duty vehicles (Regulation (EU) 2019/1242) failed to achieve this balance. By the end of 2026, the Commission should review Regulation 2019/1242 and adjust the heavy-duty vehicles and trailer targets to ease burdens on mid-cap companies and adopt a technology-neutral approach by recognising the role of alternative fuels.
Avoid Penalties:The sales market for electric cars is not developing as expected. Sales figures are lagging behind expectations, and manufacturers are at risk of failing to reach their 2025 emission reduction target, resulting in potential fines in the billions. In the current crisis, manufacturers need their revenues to master the transformation. The Commission should carry out an analysis of the current situation and the expected development in the 2025 review and then decide which measures are needed to maintain the competitiveness of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). These temporary relief measures could include options such as allowing banking and accounting of parts of sales, assessing compliance based on a three-year average, or temporarily adjusting the calculation method for penalties to take into account cars produced and not only cars registered. All these measures should take into account the efforts and investments that companies have already taken and thus avoid legal challenges. If penalties are unavoidable, they need to be reinvested in the European automotive sector for specific purposes (e.g. for infrastructure deployment, incentive schemes, digitalisation) instead of the general EU budget. It is necessary to prioritise pooling alliances within the EU or with like-minded partners to ensure that OEMs can enhance their competitiveness without giving advantages to external players.
Synergy Effects With Other Sectors and Market-based Measures:Achieving climate goals requires decarbonising not only new vehicles but also the existing fleet. By allowing a variety of technologies beyond 2035, we can increase the use of alternative fuels, which are also compatible with current vehicles while allowing space for future innovation. Sectors that depend entirely on alternative fuels for decarbonisation would also benefit from this expanded market. In the context of Union-wide climate targets for 2040, it is also vital to acknowledge the production and use of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels including, from non-biological and biological origins and recycled carbon fuels from non-sustainable industrial processes as carbon-neutral beyond 2040. This recognition would promote synergies between transportation and industrial decarbonisation, balancing the supply and demand of e-fuels, biofuels and carbon-neutral synthetic fuels, while also helping both sectors lower their carbon footprints.
Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA): It is of utmost importance that the EU finally develops a comprehensive LCA methodology by December 2025 to evaluate the environmental impact of vehicles from production to disposal and introduce it into the EU legislation. The Commission, having had the task of coming up with an LCA methodology since 2019, should introduce the LCA in Regulation 2019/631 and in Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as soon as possible, finally respecting the will of the EU legislator.
2. Accelerating Infrastructure Roll-Out
The suitability for everyday use and social acceptance of EVs depends largely on price affordability, the development of the electricity grid, the provision and functionality of the charging infrastructure, as well as the installation of charging points in buildings. The lack of adequate charging and refuelling infrastructure is a significant obstacle to the widespread adoption of EVs and other sustainable technologies. Whilst the installation of infrastructure for light-duty vehicles is lagging behind, the infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles is practically non-existent. The EU and its Member States must act decisively to build the required infrastructure. We need a comprehensive infrastructure offensive that safeguards an equitable distribution between Member States and regions.
Infrastructure Investment:Simplified permitting processes and financial incentives should drive the roll-out of publicly accessible charging stations and refuelling points as well as the installation of charging points in buildings. The lengthy grid connection and permitting processes in Europe significantly delay the roll-out of charging infrastructure. The European Commission and Member States should do their utmost to improve permitting procedures, scale up electricity production, increase grid capacity, provide additional funding sources, and consider introducing mandatory deadlines for approvals, as seen in the Critical Raw Materials Acts (CRMA) and the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA).
Infrastructure Deployment:The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) has set concrete targets for the deployment of refuelling and recharging infrastructure. Member States must ensure a coherent and consistent implementation to unlock the full potential of the Single Market. However, it is also clear that more ambition is needed. Member States and the Commission should work together to ensure that additional infrastructure is deployed, e.g. through public-private partnerships, especially in less developed regions. The review of AFIR should go hand in hand with the review of Regulation 2019/631 and lead to more ambitious targets, in particular for heavy-duty-vehicles infrastructure. The Member States should also improve shared charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in buildings.
3. Supply Chain Resilience and Rules-Based International Trade
The automotive industry operates in a highly competitive international environment. Europe needs to ensure a level playing field between domestic and foreign producers. Where unfair practices such as dumping or unfair subsidies occur, the EU must take countervailing measures. At the same time, the EU automotive industry is highly dependent on critical raw materials (CRM) for battery production, which are largely sourced from a small number of countries. The EU must diversify and secure its supply chains to ensure sustainable production in the long term.
Trade Agreements and International Cooperation: In order to diversify the supply chains, reduce dependencies and open new markets for the EU economy, the EU should finalise ongoing negotiations on trade agreements, initiate new negotiations and other forms of international cooperation with countries or regions such as ASEAN, and strengthen existing relationships with other third countries.
Circular Economy Requirements:Efficient circular economy business models can play a significant role to help reduce reliance on imported raw materials, contributing to the sustainability of EV battery production within Europe. Regulation 2023/0284 on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on the management of end-of-life vehicles needs to strengthen circular business models by setting up a framework that facilitates and supports the EU automotive sector to develop itself as a leader in sustainable automotive innovation and strengthen the sector’s competitiveness while reducing strategic dependencies.
Raw Materials:A clear strategy for implementing the Critical Raw Materials Act as well as an ambitious action plan for CRMs that goes beyond those laid out in the CRMA is indispensable to support the CRM value chain, including the establishment of new production capacities and ensure the long-term sustainability of the sector. Within the EU, there are significant opportunities for extracting Critical Raw Materials essential for battery production and electrification. Additionally, the European Commission should collaborate with the automotive and mining industry to explore potential joint ventures for sourcing, extracting, and processing these materials, ensuring a predictable and sustainable supply chain for critical raw materials. As part of its Strategic Partnership agenda, the EU should financially support European companies’ key projects in third countries to enable European companies to secure and diversify their supply of critical minerals, and ensure that critical minerals from Strategic Partner countries are directed to Europe. The EU should also foster the exchange of best practices, such as JOGMEC in Japan.
Countering Unfair Practices:The European Commission has appropriatelyimposed anti-subsidy duties on the imports of battery electric vehicles originating from China. However, negotiations should continue to find a solution to the dispute as anti-subsidy duties are a measure of last resort. The Commission should also closely monitor any circumvention attempts and make full use of the instruments under the foreign direct subsidy regulation. In the event such practices are identified, it will swiftly activate the available trade defence instruments, including anti-subsidy and anti-dumping measures, while ensuring the continuation of diplomatic dialogue to resolve disputes.
Reciprocity:The EU should address global structural trade imbalances with China and other economies by applying multilateral trade rules, enhancing EU trade tools, pro-actively supporting the reform of the WTO and firmly upholding the principle of reciprocity.
4. Promoting Innovation and Research & Development
Europe must strengthen its global leadership in automotive innovation by investing in forward-looking technologies like autonomous driving, Artificial Intelligence and alternative fuels. Enhancing R&D capabilities will position the EU to compete effectively in the global market. Additionally, increased funding is essential to support the transformation of the automotive sector and the regions impacted.
Increased R&D Funding: The EU should raise direct funding for automotive R&D, prioritising AI, autonomous driving and alternative fuels. Partnerships between the public and private sectors should be promoted in order to accelerate innovation and facilitate deployment. The EU should take appropriate measures to prevent illegal technology transfers and protect the intellectual property rights of European companies.
Aid for Regions Affected: The EU’s Industrial Action Plan for the automotive sector should propose financial support measures (e.g. the Extension of the Just Transition Fund beyond 2027) to aid regions affected by the sector’s transformation. Furthermore, targeted financial support schemes should not focus exclusively on the construction of new production facilities, but also on the transformation of existing facilities.Therefore, the European Commission should conduct a review of state aid guidelines to allow targeted funding schemes that address the industrial transition needs of companies, including suppliers, more effectively while maintaining fair competition among Member States.
Reskilling & Upskilling:To strengthen the skills and capabilities of the current and future workforce, effective upskilling and reskilling programs must be implemented, addressing labour market demands, workforce shortages, and an ageing population. The closure of factories, relocation to third countries and job losses in Europe underscore the risks facing the automotive sector when competitiveness is overlooked.
Foster EU Production:Carbon leakage in the automotive sector poses a significant threat. Importing electric vehicles from external markets like China, where emissions standards may differ, risks transferring emissions rather than achieving real global reductions. To genuinely ensure emission reductions, it is essential that EVs and key components are produced within Europe, preserving jobs, economic value, innovation and high environmental standards. Financial aid should prioritise vehicles manufactured in the EU, reinforcing local production and ensuring resilience against external dependencies.
Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI): IPCEIs are crucial in attracting investment to critical digital and green automotive technologies in Europe. However, reforming the IPCEI framework is necessary to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and predictability of the application process without disrupting the EU internal market.
Data Access: The European Commission should introduce sector-specific regulations on access to in-vehicle data, supplementing the Data Act. This regulation should facilitate better access to in-vehicle data while ensuring the highest standard of cybersecurity and data protection. The Commission should also review and streamline the existing legislative framework to minimise administrative burdens by reducing overlaps. The European Commission should also actively promote the expansion of secure cross-border data transfers. Better access to globally connected and secure data is crucial, especially for advancing research and development in autonomous driving and vehicle safety.
Steer Demand: To boost the sales of sustainable vehicles, Member States should introduce innovative support schemes such as purchase incentives, VAT reductions, or subsidised leasing. To aid this, the EU Commission should foster the exchange of best practices and publish guidelines to ensure that European producers truly benefit. To support potential national projects, the EU should consider advancing revenues from ETS 2 (Social Climate Fund and national income) with the help of the European Investment Bank. Additionally, the Commission should ensure that national ETS-2 revenues are used effectively and support households in transitioning to clean mobility.
5. Simplifying the Regulatory Framework
The complexity of the current regulatory framework and the excessive reporting obligations are some of the biggest barriers to innovation and growth within Europe. Concrete action is needed.
Stress Test of the EU Acquis: The EU should conduct a comprehensive review of all existing legislation, including secondary legislation, affecting the automotive sector. A simplified, harmonised and streamlined regulatory environment and reporting obligations will reduce compliance costs and make it easier for companies to focus on innovation. The application of the “One-in-Two-out”-rule should be a guiding principle for future legislation. The Commission should also examine how digital one-stop solutions can simplify and facilitate compliance with reporting obligations and how they can be implemented.
Simplification of Secondary Legislation:To create a more streamlined and transparent regulatory environment, the EU should introduce a simplification process for secondary legislation. This could include actions such as grouping related regulatory requirements into batches and systematically phasing out outdated regulations within a 5-year timeframe.
Mandatory Competitiveness Checks: Any new legislative and policy proposal, including secondary legislation, must undergo an extensive Competitiveness Check before its publication, examining its potential impacts on the competitiveness of Europe and European companies globally. The Commission should commit to present legislative and policy proposals only if they have no negative effect on competitiveness and have explicitly received a positive opinion from the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.
The EPP Group supports a comprehensive strategy to address these major challenges through flexible, technology-neutral policies that encourage innovation, support infrastructure development, protect jobs, maintain both Europe’s global competitiveness and deliver on our climate ambitions. Europe must remain a strong, competitive location for the automotive and supplier industry, enabling it to lead in this new era of transformation while fulfilling its role in reaching ambitious climate goals. The EPP Group stands ready to support the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the Automotive Sector and expects from the new Commission a commitment to revise Regulation 2019/631 as soon as possible in 2025. This revision should revise the ICE ban, help avoid penalties, develop enabling conditions, and increase the efforts for infrastructure deployment in order to make the European automotive industry competitive whilst achieving the decarbonisation of the transport sector, thus contributing to the EU’s climate neutrality target for 2050.
Statement des EU-Abgeordneten Stefan Gieseke (CDU) zur Europäischen Automobilindustrie
Die EVP-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament hat sich heute umfassend zu den Herausforderungen der Europäischen Automobilindustrie positioniert. Dazu erklärt Jens Gieseke (CDU), verkehrspolitischer Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion, der die Positionierung federführend erarbeitet hat:
“Die Automobilindustrie ist ein unverzichtbarer Pfeiler für Beschäftigung, Innovation und Wohlstand in Europa. Gleichzeitig steht sie vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen: unlauterer Wettbewerb, hohe Energiekosten, ein Rückgang der Nachfrage, die Anpassung an den Klimawandel sowie strenge regulatorische Vorgaben belasten den Sektor massiv.
Die EVP-Fraktion setzt sich daher entschlossen für eine starke und zukunftsfähige Automobilindustrie ein. Mit unseren heutigen Forderungen möchten wir klare Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, damit die Branche gestärkt aus den aktuellen Krisen hervorgehen kann.
Wir müssen zurück zur Technologieneutralität als Leitgedanke. Das Ziel der Klimaneutralität 2050 steht außer Frage, aber nicht Politikerinnen und Politiker sollten entscheiden, welche Technologie dafür die beste ist, sondern der Markt. Alles auf eine Karte zu setzen, halten wir für falsch. Wir brauchen alle Technologien, auch solche, die derzeit möglicherweise noch gar nicht entwickelt sind. Das für 2035 geplante Verbrennerverbot muss deshalb zurückgenommen werden.
Wir müssen Strafzahlungen für die Industrie vermeiden. In der aktuellen Krise brauchen die Unternehmen ihre Einnahmen, um den Wandel zu bewältigen, Beschäftigung zu sichern und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhalten. In einer Situation, in der tausende um ihre Jobs bangen, können aus Brüssel nicht Strafzahlungsforderungen kommen. Wir machen deshalb konkrete Vorschläge, wie wir Strafen verhindern. Sollten Strafzahlungen letztlich doch unvermeidbar sein, müssen sie in den europäischen Automobilsektor reinvestiert werden, anstatt einfach so in den EU-Haushalt zu fließen.
Nur wenn die nötige Infrastruktur vorhanden ist überzeugen wir die Verbraucher, den Wechsel weg vom herkömmlichen Verbrenner zu vollziehen. Es muss weitaus mehr für den Ausbau der Lade- und Betankungsinfrastruktur getan werden, u.a. durch die Beschleunigung von Genehmigungsverfahren. Hier sind insbesondere die Mitgliedstaaten in der Pflicht.
Wir müssen unsere “Resilienz”, unsere Lieferketten und den fairen Handel gewährleisten, auch durch neue Handels- und Rohstoffabkommen und andere Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Wir müssen auch weiterhin unlautere Geschäftspraktiken bekämpfen. Wenn Gespräche scheitern, müssen wir unsere Handelsschutzinstrumente einsetzen.
Wir brauchen mehr Geld für Forschung und Entwicklung. Europa muss die Automobilbranche in die Lage versetzen, bei neuen technologischen Entwicklungen eine Vorreiterrolle einzunehmen. Wir fordern zudem eine Überprüfung der Beihilferichtlinien, um den Mitgliedstaaten eine gezieltere Förderung der Hersteller und Zulieferer zu ermöglichen. EU-Erzeuger müssen auch tatsächlich von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen profitieren.
Nicht zuletzt braucht es Bürokratieabbau. Wir brauchen eine grundsätzliche Vereinfachung des regulatorischen Rahmens. Ein erster Schritt muss ein Stress Test des EU Aquis sein und die Einführung eines Wettbewerbsfähigkeitschecks für neue Gesetzgebung.
Wir unterstützen den von der Kommission angekündigten Strategischen Dialog zur Zukunft der Automobilindustrie unter Führung der Kommissionspräsidentin. Wir haben die klare Erwartung, dass unsere Vorschläge in diesem Prozess angemessen berücksichtigt werden. Wir alle wollen eine leistungsfähige, erfolgreiche europäische Automobilindustrie.”
Das Positionspapier “Securing the Competitiveness of the European Automotive Industry” wird in Kürze auf der Website der EVP-Fraktion www.eppgroup.eu veröffentlicht.
Europa-SPD zu EU-Maßnahmen für die Automobilindustrie: Zukunftstechnologien fördern statt zurück in die Vergangenheit
Die neue EU-Kommission wird in den kommenden Wochen ihr Arbeitsprogramm für die bis 2029 laufende Legislaturperiode vorlegen. Die Umsetzung des bereits beschlossenen Verbrenner-Aus’ bis 2035 soll dabei bestehen bleiben – so haben es alle industrie- und wirtschaftspolitisch beauftragten Kommissar:innen bei den parlamentarischen Anhörungen zugesagt. Die EVP-Fraktion will die Gesetzgebung wieder öffnen, und so zusätzliche Unsicherheit in den Markt bringen.
Tiemo Wölken, umweltpolitischer Sprecher der S&D-Fraktion:
„In Brüssel mit vermeintlichen Rettungsplänen für die Autoindustrie prahlen, aber in Berlin wegweisende Entscheidungen für die Förderung der Industrie blockieren. Das nennt man Scheinheiligkeit à la Merz-Union. Eine Abkehr vom Verbrenner-Aus ist ihre einzige Idee zur Krisenbewältigung. Das ist ein Zurück in die Vergangenheit, während die globale Konkurrenz den Massenmarkt für die E-Mobilität zu übernehmen droht.
Mit Nebelkerzen wie E-Fuels und Biokraftstoffen kann die EVP nicht davon ablenken, dass ihnen die langfristige Vision für den Sektor abhandengekommen ist. Den Rechtsrahmen jetzt wieder einzureißen, würde den Autobauern die Planungssicherheit nehmen. Das hilft aber weder der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Sektors, noch bringt es uns klimapolitisch weiter – es ist simpler Populismus auf dem Rücken der Beschäftigten. Europa hat sich der Umsetzung der Pariser Klimaziele verpflichtet. In der Union hingegen scheinen einige bereits von einer Klimaignoranz nach Trump’schem Rezept zu träumen. Wir dürfen jedoch nicht die Augen vor unserer Verantwortung verschließen und auf keinen Fall die Arbeitnehmer:innen langfristig im Regen stehen lassen.
Statt den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, sollte die EU-Kommission in der akuten Krise einen pragmatischen Weg für die Streckung oder das zeitweise Aussetzen der vorgesehenen Sanktionen vorschlagen.“
Matthias Ecke, Mitglied im Industrieausschuss:
„Die SPD steht an der Seite der Beschäftigten in der Autoindustrie. Statt wie VW im aktuellen Tarifkonflikt mit Entlassungen und Werksschließungen zu drohen, müssen sich die Autobauer ihrer Verantwortung stellen. Dies ist die Voraussetzung für politische Unterstützung.
Die Retro-Politik der Union löst kein Problem der Autoindustrie. Der Weltmarkt bewegt sich längst in Richtung Elektromobilität – eine Entwicklung, die auch europäische Hersteller längst erkannt haben. Es macht keinen Sinn in Europa ein Reservat für den Verbrenner auszurufen, während wir von der globalen Konkurrenz bei der echten Zukunftstechnologie abgehängt werden.
Die Hersteller stehen in der Pflicht, den Absatz ihrer CO2-neutralen Autos durch erschwingliche Modelle und eine kluge Preispolitik zu steigern. Europaweit sollte Politik diesen Wandel mit verkaufsfördernden Maßnahmen unterstützen: etwa durch Leasing- oder Prämien-Modelle für Käufer:innen mit kleinem und mittlerem Einkommen, durchdachte Regeln für Dienstwagen oder günstigere Ladestrompreise.
Kanzler Scholz hat zurecht vorgeschlagen, die Übertragungsnetzentgelte kurzfristig zu senken – ein wichtiger Schritt für günstigere E-Mobilität, den die Union blockiert. Diese Haltung macht ihre Glaubwürdigkeit im Einsatz für die Branche zunichte.”
Vivien Costanzo, verkehrspolitische Sprecherin der Europa-SPD:
„Die Entwicklung weltweit ist deutlich: E-Mobilität ist die Zukunft. Das EU-Parlament hat hart für eine dichte Ladeinfrastruktur in Europa gekämpft – unter anderem ist das Ziel, dass europaweit alle 60 Kilometer Ladestationen für Pkw zur Verfügung stehen. Die aktuelle Debatte der Konservativen, die diese Ziele in Frage stellt, schafft nur noch mehr Unsicherheiten, sowohl bei der Industrie als auch bei den Menschen. Es müssen so viele Anreize wie möglich geschaffen werden.
Hersteller und Politik sind jetzt gleichermaßen in der Verantwortung, zusammen in eine Richtung zu laufen, Infrastruktur bereitzustellen, aber auch die Absätze bei E-Autos zu vergrößer
ACEA presidency transitions to new mandate as Stellantis membership approved
Brussels, 11 December 2024 – The Board of Directors of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has elected Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of the Mercedes-Benz Group, as its new President, who will assume this function from 1 January 2025.
Mr Källenius will take over the presidency from Renault Group’s CEO, Luca de Meo, who has held the position for the last two years. The Board has also today approved membership of Stellantis N.V. who will join ACEA on 1 January 2025.
ACEA’s outgoing President and CEO of Renault Group, Luca de Meo: “Now is the time to play more collaborative than ever in Europe. Welcoming Stellantis back to ACEA is a signal that the industry is stronger when acting with a common voice. European auto makers are facing an unprecedented competitiveness crisis while also managing a highly challenging decarbonisation transition – at this critical moment the unity of our sector is paramount. I know this is a conviction shared with Ola Källenius. He can count on my full support as he takes over as the new ACEA president. On my side, I remain fully dedicated to making Europe’s industry move forward.”
ACEA’s incoming President and Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz, Ola Källenius: “ACEA is one of the most relevant and trusted industry voices in Brussels. I’m honoured to be taking over from Luca de Meo as ACEA president at such a critical moment for Europe’s automotive industry. Thank you to the members of ACEA for placing their trust in me, and to the entire ACEA team who are tirelessly bolstering the standing of our industry with the political institutions in Brussels.”
“During my presidency, ACEA will focus on improving regulatory conditions with the goal of sharpening our competitive edge in the digital and electric era. We will work towards fostering a market-driven decarbonisation of our industry. And we will champion international trade that is free, fair and rule based. I’m confident the EU automotive industry has what it takes to succeed in the global competition.”
The ACEA President is elected for a year-long term, once renewable, from the CEOs of its member companies – 14 of the largest Europe-based car, van, truck, and bus manufacturers operating globally.
The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) represents the 15 major Europe-based car, van, truck and bus makers: BMW Group, DAF Trucks, Daimler Truck, Ferrari, Ford of Europe, Honda Motor Europe, Hyundai Motor Europe, Iveco Group, JLR, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Renault Group, Toyota Motor Europe, Volkswagen Group, and Volvo Group
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Used by sites written in JSP. General purpose platform session cookies that are used to maintain users' state across page requests.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.
The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors.
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics.
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics.
Set by Google to distinguish users.
Provided by Google Tag Manager to experiment advertisement efficiency of websites using their services.
Installed by Google Analytics, _gid cookie stores information on how visitors use a website, while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. Some of the data that are collected include the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.
The test_cookie is set by doubleclick.net and is used to determine if the user's browser supports cookies.
Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.
Most purposes explained in this notice rely on the storage or accessing of information from your device when you use an app or visit a website. For example, a vendor or publisher might need to store a cookie on your device during your first visit on a website, to be able to recognise your device during your next visits (by accessing this cookie each time).
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).
A car manufacturer wants to promote its electric vehicles to environmentally conscious users living in the city after office hours. The advertising is presented on a page with related content (such as an article on climate change actions) after 6:30 p.m. to users whose non-precise location suggests that they are in an urban zone.
A large producer of watercolour paints wants to carry out an online advertising campaign for its latest watercolour range, diversifying its audience to reach as many amateur and professional artists as possible and avoiding showing the ad next to mismatched content (for instance, articles about how to paint your house). The number of times that the ad has been presented to you is detected and limited, to avoid presenting it too often.
Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.
If you read several articles about the best bike accessories to buy, this information could be used to create a profile about your interest in bike accessories. Such a profile may be used or improved later on, on the same or a different website or app to present you with advertising for a particular bike accessory brand. If you also look at a configurator for a vehicle on a luxury car manufacturer website, this information could be combined with your interest in bikes to refine your profile and make an assumption that you are interested in luxury cycling gear.
An apparel company wishes to promote its new line of high-end baby clothes. It gets in touch with an agency that has a network of clients with high income customers (such as high-end supermarkets) and asks the agency to create profiles of young parents or couples who can be assumed to be wealthy and to have a new child, so that these can later be used to present advertising within partner apps based on those profiles.
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.
An online retailer wants to advertise a limited sale on running shoes. It wants to target advertising to users who previously looked at running shoes on its mobile app. Tracking technologies might be used to recognise that you have previously used the mobile app to consult running shoes, in order to present you with the corresponding advertisement on the app.
A profile created for personalised advertising in relation to a person having searched for bike accessories on a website can be used to present the relevant advertisement for bike accessories on a mobile app of another organisation.
Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.
You read several articles on how to build a treehouse on a social media platform. This information might be added to a profile to mark your interest in content related to outdoors as well as do-it-yourself guides (with the objective of allowing the personalisation of content, so that for example you are presented with more blog posts and articles on treehouses and wood cabins in the future).
You have viewed three videos on space exploration across different TV apps. An unrelated news platform with which you have had no contact builds a profile based on that viewing behaviour, marking space exploration as a topic of possible interest for other videos.
Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.
You read articles on vegetarian food on a social media platform and then use the cooking app of an unrelated company. The profile built about you on the social media platform will be used to present you vegetarian recipes on the welcome screen of the cooking app.
You have viewed three videos about rowing across different websites. An unrelated video sharing platform will recommend five other videos on rowing that may be of interest to you when you use your TV app, based on a profile built about you when you visited those different websites to watch online videos.
Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.
You have clicked on an advertisement about a “black Friday” discount by an online shop on the website of a publisher and purchased a product. Your click will be linked to this purchase. Your interaction and that of other users will be measured to know how many clicks on the ad led to a purchase.
You are one of very few to have clicked on an advertisement about an “international appreciation day” discount by an online gift shop within the app of a publisher. The publisher wants to have reports to understand how often a specific ad placement within the app, and notably the “international appreciation day” ad, has been viewed or clicked by you and other users, in order to help the publisher and its partners (such as agencies) optimise ad placements.
Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you.
You have read a blog post about hiking on a mobile app of a publisher and followed a link to a recommended and related post. Your interactions will be recorded as showing that the initial hiking post was useful to you and that it was successful in interesting you in the related post. This will be measured to know whether to produce more posts on hiking in the future and where to place them on the home screen of the mobile app.
You were presented a video on fashion trends, but you and several other users stopped watching after 30 seconds. This information is then used to evaluate the right length of future videos on fashion trends.
Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).
The owner of an online bookstore wants commercial reporting showing the proportion of visitors who consulted and left its site without buying, or consulted and bought the last celebrity autobiography of the month, as well as the average age and the male/female distribution of each category. Data relating to your navigation on its site and to your personal characteristics is then used and combined with other such data to produce these statistics.
An advertiser wants to better understand the type of audience interacting with its adverts. It calls upon a research institute to compare the characteristics of users who interacted with the ad with typical attributes of users of similar platforms, across different devices. This comparison reveals to the advertiser that its ad audience is mainly accessing the adverts through mobile devices and is likely in the 45-60 age range.
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.
A technology platform working with a social media provider notices a growth in mobile app users, and sees based on their profiles that many of them are connecting through mobile connections. It uses a new technology to deliver ads that are formatted for mobile devices and that are low-bandwidth, to improve their performance.
An advertiser is looking for a way to display ads on a new type of consumer device. It collects information regarding the way users interact with this new kind of device to determine whether it can build a new mechanism for displaying advertising on this type of device.
Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).
A travel magazine has published an article on its website about the new online courses proposed by a language school, to improve travelling experiences abroad. The school’s blog posts are inserted directly at the bottom of the page, and selected on the basis of your non-precise location (for instance, blog posts explaining the course curriculum for different languages than the language of the country you are situated in).
A sports news mobile app has started a new section of articles covering the most recent football games. Each article includes videos hosted by a separate streaming platform showcasing the highlights of each match. If you fast-forward a video, this information may be used to select a shorter video to play next.
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
An advertising intermediary delivers ads from various advertisers to its network of partnering websites. It notices a large increase in clicks on ads relating to one advertiser, and uses data regarding the source of the clicks to determine that 80% of the clicks come from bots rather than humans.
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Clicking on a link in an article might normally send you to another page or part of the article. To achieve this, 1°) your browser sends a request to a server linked to the website, 2°) the server answers back (“here is the article you asked for”), using technical information automatically included in the request sent by your device, to properly display the information / images that are part of the article you asked for. Technically, such exchange of information is necessary to deliver the content that appears on your screen.
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
When you visit a website and are offered a choice between consenting to the use of profiles for personalised advertising or not consenting, the choice you make is saved and made available to advertising providers, so that advertising presented to you respects that choice.
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.