Battery-electric vehicles from China: EU Commission imposes provisional countervailing duties
Nine months after the initiation of its anti-subsidy investigation, the EU Commission has imposed provisional countervailing duties on imports of battery electric vehicles…
DMA breach: EU Commission sends preliminary “Pay or Consent” findings to Meta
The EU Commission has informed Meta of its preliminary findings that its “pay or consent” advertising model fails to comply with the Digital Markets…
EU accession of Ukraine and Moldova: Statements by EU politicians
Following the decision of the European Council of December 2023 to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the two…
European Elections: Reactions by political parties
This report covers initial reactions of political parties after the European elections.
European A.I. Act: MEPs adopt landmark law – EU Council to decide soon
On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation. The…
Document: Speech by EPP lead candidate Ursula von der Leyen at the EPP Congress
"We, the EPP, believe in the rule of law and the respect of human rights. We believe that people should…
EPP, S&D, Renew Europe, Greens/EFA and ECR Leaders call on EUCO to deliver on Ukraine
Ukraine has been bravely defending its people and its territory against Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and illegal war of aggression ever…
Virtual worlds: MEPs want to ensure EU leadership and consistent rules
The EU Commission strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds defines virtual worlds as persistent, immersive environments based on 3D and extended…
Eurosystem: Statements on the next phase of digital euro project
The ECB Governing Council is to start digital euro preparation phase following conclusion of two-year investigation phase on design and…
The Digital Euro will complement cash, not replace it – EPP Group
“There are no obvious gaps in the EU’s payment landscapes. If we are just duplicating the existing payment infrastructure with…
Nature restoration: Press conferences with MEPs
Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES)…
The EU-UK Windsor Framework on Northern Ireland and first MEP reactions
A new way forward on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland: political agreement in principle on...
EU Parliament majority wants zero CO2 emissions for new cars and vans in 2035
Road transport to contribute more to the EU’s climate neutrality target New methodology for assessing...
Instant Payments: Reactions by MEPs and stakeholders
Brussels, 26 October 2022 Insight EU Monitoring has gathered reactions regarding the EU Commission’s proposal...
Uber Files hearing: MEPs concerned about workers’ rights and protection
Brussels, 25 October 2022 The EU has the means to give platform workers the social...
Protecting the EU from economic blackmail: MEPs back new trade instrument
Brussels, 10 October 2022 MEPs extend the scope of the coercion response to repair injury...
MEPs support renewable energies and energy savings
Brussels, 13 July 2022 The Industry, Research and Energy Committee wants to accelerate substantially the...
Electronic evidence: Legislators reach political agreement on core elements
Brussels, 28 June 2022 Notifications sent to member states where service provider is located Possibility...
IPI: EU enforces market access reciprocity in international public procurement
Goal of new tool is to encourage the reciprocal opening of protected markets to EU...
EU Convergence Report: Croatia on track to adopt euro on 1 January 2023
1 June 2022 Today, the European Commission has concluded that Croatia is ready to adopt...
Poland: EU Commission endorses €35.4bn recovery and resilience plan
Brussels, 1 June 2022 The European Commission has today given a positive assessment of Poland’s...
Manfred Weber elected EPP President
Rotterdam, 31. May 2022 The European People’s Party Congress has elected Manfred Weber as EPP...
Cyber attacks: Lawmakers reach deal to protect the EU’s financial system (updated)
Brussels, 10 May 2022 EP negotiators agreed with the Council on new uniform rules for...
War – measures in support of defence, families and businesses – EU Commission answer
See question(s) : E-000935/2022 Parliamentary questions 44k 10k 8 March 2022 E-000935/2022 Question for written answer...
Safety of machinery: MEPs update rules fit for the digital era
Strasbourg, 3 May 2022 The Committee on the Internal Market adopted its negotiating position on...
Artificial intelligence: MEPs want the EU to be a global standard-setter
Strasbourg, 3 May 2022 Parliament proposes an EU Roadmap to 2030 Huge benefits of using...
Resignation of Frontex director Leggeri: Background and statements (updated 2/5)
Brussels, 29 April 2022 The Commission takes note of the resignation with immediate effect of...
New EU trade defence tool to protect EU firms from distortive foreign subsidies
Brussels, 25 April 2022 Foreign state support must not distort fair competition on the internal...
EU – Canada: Prime Minister Trudeau in Brussels (updated 24/3)
Brussels, 23 March 2022 Joint Statement by President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Trudeau...
EU positions on new Russian court ruling against Alexei Navalny
22 March 2022, 21:30 Russia: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU...
Frontex Scrutiny Group: Lena Düpont appointed Chair
Lena Düpont (EPP, DE) was appointed on Tuesday Chair of the EP Frontex Scrutiny Working...
Artificial intelligence: MEPs urge EU to act as a global standard-setter
Brussels, 22 March 2022 Special committee on artificial intelligence proposes EU Roadmap up to 2030...
Crypto-assets: MEPs agree on draft rules to boost benefits and curb threats
Brussels, 14 March 2022 Uniform legal framework for crypto-assets in the EU Consumer protection and...
EU deal and policy positions on reciprocal access to international procurement
Brussels, 14 March 2022 The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council have reached...
EU-Abgeordnete Lena Düpont (EVP/CDU): EU-Pässe nicht als Ware behandeln
Strasbourg, 7. März 2022 Das Europaparlament debattiert heute und wird morgen ein Verbot der Praxis, Staatsbürgerschaften...
EU-Abgeordneter Gahler (EVP/CDU) zum EU-Verteidigungspaket
Strasbourg, 15. Februar 2022 Die EU-Kommission will heute ihr Verteidigungspaket vorlegen. Dazu erklärt Michael Gahler (CDU), außenpolitischer Sprecher der...
EVP/CSU zum EU Chips Act: Nur ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein
Brüssel, 8. Februar 2022 „Was die Europäische Kommission heute vorgeschlagen hat, ist bestenfalls ein Tropfen...
Neue Geopolitik der Lieferketten – EVP/CSU zum Chips-Act der EU-Kommission
Brüssel, 8 Februar 2022 Die EU-Kommission präsentiert heute ihren “Chips-Act”. Dazu erklärt Angelika Niebler (CSU),...
EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU): EZB setzt Glaubwürdigkeit aufs Spiel
Brüssel, 3. Februar 2022 Markus Ferber fordert geldpolitische Trendwende “Der Widerwillen von Frau Lagarde auf...
Europol-Reform: EU-Abgeordnete Lena Düpont (EVP/CDU) zur Trilog-Einigung
Zur heute erzielten Trilog-Einigung über die Europol-Reform erklärt Lena Düpont (CDU), innenpolitische Sprecherin der CDU/CSU-Gruppe:...
Quellensteuer ins 21. Jahrhundert bringen – EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU)
Parlament fordert einheitliche Verfahren bei der Quellensteuer Markus Ferber fordert benutzerfreundlichen Ansatz „Das Chaos bei...
EU-Abgeordneter Ferber /EVP/CSU) zu EU-Taxonomie: Wahlkampfgeschenk für Macron
Brüssel, 3. Januar 2022 Kommission stellt delegierten Rechtsakt zur Taxonomie vo Markus Ferber kritisiert Nachhaltigkeits-Einstufung...
Daniel Caspary (EVP/CDU) zu EU-Handelsinstrumenten gegen Drittstaaten-Zwänge
Die EU-Kommission veröffentlicht heute ihren Vorschlag für ein neues handelspolitisches Instrument, um wirtschaftlichen Zwängen von...
EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber: Europa muss sich wehren können!
Brüssel, 8. Dezember 2021 Kommission stellt Instrument gegen Zwangsmaßnahmen von Drittstaaten vor Markus Ferber begrüßt...
EU-Abgeordnete Lena Düpont zum EU-Kodex für polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
Zu den heute veröffentlichten Vorschlägen der EU-Kommission für einen EU-Kodex für die polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit erklärt Lena Düpont (CDU), innenpolitische...
EU-Abgeordnete Düpont (EVP/CDU) zum Notfallmechanismus an der Grenze zu Belarus
Zum Vorschlag der EU-Kommission für einen Notfallmechanismus gemäß Art. 78 Abs.3 AEUV zugunsten Lettlands, Litauens und...
EVP/CDU-Abgeordnete zur GAP-Annahme: Verstärkte Umweltmaßnahmen, mehr Gelder für kleine und Familienbetriebe
Für Norbert Lins (Vorsitzender des Landwirtschaftsausschusses des Europäischen Parlaments) ist die heutige Annahme des Gesetzespakets...
EU-Abgeordnete Hildegard Bentele (EVP/CDU) zur Abstimmung über kritische Rohstoffe
Das Europaparlament hat heute über Änderungsanträge zu seiner Position über kritische Rohstoffe abgestimmt. Hierzu erklärt Hildegard Bentele (CDU),...