Wed. Mar 26th, 2025
EU Commissioner Michael McGRATH at the EU Parliament's confirmation hearing.
EU Commissioner Michael McGrath at the EU Parliament's confirmation hearing. Source: EU Parliament

Brussels, 5 November 2024

Michael McGrath, Irish candidate for the Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law portfolio, was questioned by three parliamentary committees on Tuesday morning.

The chairs and political group coordinators of the committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and Legal Affairs (JURI), will meet without delay to assess the performance and qualification of the Commissioner-designate.

Democracy, fundamental rights and the rule of law

In his opening statement, Michael McGrath said he would introduce a so-called “Democracy Shield” against information manipulation and foreign interference and emphasised that compliance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights should be a precondition for the benefits of Union membership. He outlined plans to reinforce the link between the respect of the recommendations of the annual Rule of Law report and access to EU funds.

Mr McGrath also committed to upholding the EU’s legal order and respect the Court of Justice as the ultimate arbiter for EU legislation, replying to MEP concerns relating to the primacy of EU law, and promised to help strengthening Parliament’s voice in Article 7 procedures.

Consumer protection, digitalisation

If confirmed, the Commissioner-designate would like to develop the Digital Fairness Act to prevent consumers from exploitation, make sure that influencers are not misleading them, and that children are protected. He also plans to address the problem of digital subscriptions, which are often difficult to cancel.

When MEPs questioned Mr McGrath about his plans to protect minors online, he committed to fight harmful practices EU consumers face online (such as addictive design and dynamic pricing) and protect them from low quality products sold online.

The future of GDPR also featured prominently in the debate, with Mr McGrath referring to the upcoming binding opinion by the Data Protection Board on the use of personal data in AI as a key next step.


Mr McGrath told MEPs he would prepare the first-ever EU strategy to fight corruption. Responding to questions about the upcoming Victims’ Rights Directive, Mr McGrath asked for Parliament’s support in the negotiations to safeguard important elements of the Commission’s proposal. He also committed to work to protect women from violence, including through the implementation of recently adopted new rules. The digitalisation of courts also featured prominently as a priority in the exchange.

Media freedom

In his replies to MEPs’ questions, the Commissioner-designate promised to work hard on media freedom and the protection of journalists, especially through the robust implementation of the Media Freedom Act and the anti-SLAPP Directive. He also committed to upholding the freedom of expression, stressing that this right is however not absolute and “we cannot tolerate hateful speech.”

Support to EU firms

Reacting to MEPs’ questions on reducing red tape for companies and new reporting requirements under the Due Diligence Directive, the Commissioner-designate acknowledged the need to provide the Commission guidelines quickly to “make it as easy for companies as possible to comply” with new requirements. He intends to strengthen the trust of companies in the EU legal environment, not least through the digitalisation of courts to cut down on costs and administrative burden. He also wants to ensure balance between firms’ liability rules and the protection of citizens’ rights to help innovative companies grow.

You can watch the video recording of the full hearing here.

Press point

At the end of the hearing, the Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Javier Zarzalejos (EPP, ES), the Chair of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection Anna CAVAZZINI (Greens/EFA, DE), and the Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs lhan Kyuchyuk (Renew, BG) held a press point outside the meeting room: watch it here.

Next steps

Based on the committee recommendations, the Conference of Presidents (EP President Metsola and political group chairs) is set to conduct the final evaluation and declare the hearings closed on 21 November. Once the Conference of Presidents declares all hearings closed, the evaluation letters will be published.

The election by MEPs of the full college of Commissioners (by a majority of the votes cast, by roll-call) is currently scheduled to take place during the 25-28 November plenary session in Strasbourg.

Brussels, 5 November 2024

The Renew Europe group welcomes the European Parliament’s approval of Michael McGrath (Fianna Fáil, Ireland) as Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law, a crucial role within the European Commission, responsible for overseeing and promoting democracy and the institutions that sustain it, across the EU.

During this morning’s hearing, Commissioner-designate McGrath clearly demonstrated his commitment to upholding and strengthening the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights, ensuring free elections and protecting media freedom and journalists. These are all values that are at the heart of our Group’s DNA.

In setting out his vision for the next five years, McGrath made clear that his priority will be to make tangible progress in tackling the Union’s rule of law problems, combating organised crime, expanding the powers of EPPO and countering foreign interference and disinformation, which are long-standing demands from Renew Europe. Our members have great confidence in his ability to act as a guardian of our common European values and the EU Treaties, and we congratulate him on his new role.

Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová (Progresívne Slovensko, Slovakia), Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), said:

“There is no democracy without media freedom, and Commissioner-designate McGrath showed at the hearing today that we can count on him to enhance the protection of journalists and create a vibrant climate for media pluralism. The full implementation of the European Media Freedom Act and the Anti-SLAPP Directive must take place under this new Commission, and we trust his commitment to do so.”

Svenja Hahn (Freie Demokratische Partei, Germany), Member of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), added:

“I am thrilled that McGrath expressed his willingness to foster the EU’s competitiveness. In times when Europe is lagging behind its global rivals, we must ensure our laws are not in the way of a thriving business environment, but instead help our companies reach their full potential. I believe that with McGrath at the College of the Commissioners, the EU can create better conditions for innovation and unlock benefits for consumers and businesses alike.”

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (Movement for Rights and Freedoms, Bulgaria), Chair of the Committee of Legal Affairs, emphasised:

“Today, McGrath showed that we are playing for the same team, by committing to closer link the annual rule of law report recommendations with the allocation of financial support under the EU budget. Renew Europe have been Parliament’s loudest voice to make this reality. His dedication to introduce the first-ever comprehensive EU strategy against Corruption and create a Democracy Shield are extremely crucial stepping stones in building our democracies stronger.”

Source – Renew Europe (by email)


Die Grünen/EFA: Unterstützung für den designierten EU-Kommissar Michael McGrath

Brüssel, 5. November 2024

Gerade haben die zuständigen Ausschüsse den designierten Kommissar zuständig für Demokratie, Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit Michael McGrath bestätigt, der auch zuständig ist für Verbraucherschutz. Hierzu erklärt die Grüne Europaabgeordnete Anna Cavazzini, Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucherschutz:

“Ich gratuliere Michael McGrath zur Bestätigung als designierter Kommissar zuständig für Demokratie, Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit durch die Ausschüsse des Europäischen Parlaments, auch mit Unterstützung der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion. Mit seiner klaren Verpflichtung zu einem neuen EU-Gesetz zur digitalen Fairness soll die Manipulation von Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern in ungewolltes Konsumverhalten in der Online-Welt verhindert werden. Abhängig machende Designs von Apps und Webseiten sowie unfaire Personalisierung sollen dadurch der Vergangenheit angehören. Er will darüber hinaus prüfen, ob dynamische Preise für zum Beispiel Konzertkarten oder Shrinkflation, also die Verpackung von weniger Produkt für das gleiche Geld, als unfaire Geschäftspraktiken vom Markt verbannt werden können. Besonders freue ich mich über Michael McGraths Vorschlag eines Kündigungsbuttons, mit dem das Kündigen von Verträgen online genauso einfach mit einem Klick möglich sein soll wie das Abschließen.

Der designierte Kommissar hat heute klar mangelnde Produktsicherheit im Binnenmarkt durch den rasant wachsenden Online-Handel mit Produkten aus Drittstaaten als Problem für Verbraucherschutz und faire Wettbewerbsbedingungen benannt. Konsequenterweise hat er angekündigt, nicht nur bestehende Gesetzgebung zum Verbraucherschutz durchzusetzen, sondern auch die Notwendigkeit für neue Gesetze zu prüfen, was ich sehr begrüße. Als Grüne/EFA-Fraktion werden wir weiter darauf drängen, in diesen beiden Initiativen auch den nachhaltigen Konsum weiter zu stärken. Als Ausschuss für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucherschutz werden wir Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen auffordern, den Verbraucherschutz in den Titel seines Portfolios aufzunehmen.”

Quelle – Die Grünen/EFA (per E-Mail)


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