Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

Brussels, 21 October 2024

Statement by the European Commission and High Representative Josep Borrell on the Presidential Election and the Constitutional Referendum in Moldova

The first round of the presidential election and a constitutional referendum on EU accession were held in the Republic of Moldova on 20 October.

According to the preliminary findings and conclusions of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) International Election Observation Mission, both voting processes were well-managed. Contestants campaigned freely in an environment characterised by concerns over illicit foreign interference and active disinformation efforts.

Law enforcement authorities, many international actors and civil society have proclaimed that Moldova is the target of an ongoing ‘hybrid war’ directed from abroad that include various forms of manipulative interference to destabilise the country, illicit financing of political actors, disinformation campaigns, and cyberattacks, according to the report published by the European Parliament, ODIHR/OSCE, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Russia and its proxies actively tried to undermine the democratic and voting process in Moldova. We commend the Moldovan authorities for successfully organising the election and constitutional referendum, nevertheless.

We welcome the results of the constitutional referendum, in which the Moldovan people have expressed their desire to anchor their future in the EU.

The EU will closely follow developments during the second round of the presidential election on 3 November and in the run up to the parliamentary elections in 2025.

We are committed to continue supporting Moldova’s democratic development, reforms and economic growth, as well as strengthening Moldova’s resilience, in particular on its path towards the European Union. The EU and Moldova share a common future.

Source – EU Commission


Moldova: MEPs praise well-managed election despite unprecedented Russian interference and disinformation

Strasbourg, 21 October 2024

Statement by Michael Gahler, Head of the European Parliament election observation delegation, on the EU referendum and presidential election in Moldova on 20 October 2024.

The remarks were delivered at a press conference in Chișinău on Monday 21 October.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Buna Ziua,

My name is Michael Gahler, I am a German Member of the European Parliament, of the EPP Group.

I am honoured to address you on behalf of the European Parliament election observation delegation, composed of 7 Members representing 5 countries and 5 political groups.

I would like to thank the authorities for inviting the representatives of the European Union citizens to observe these crucial elections. We came here as part of the OSCE/ODIHR international election observation mission.

Our presence is a strong sign of commitment from our Institution. We consider the Republic of Moldova a top political priority, and therefore eligible for support in all areas of mutual interest. That includes parliamentary support, human rights, mediation, rule of law and election observation.

Before proceeding with our impression on the elections I would like to thank:

  • the Moldovan authorities for the invitation to observe the elections;
  • the Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, Ambassador Janis Mazeiks;
  • Ms Urszula Gacek, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission
  • Ms Lucie Potuckova, Special Co-ordinator and leader of the short-term OSCE observer mission;
  • Ms Petra Bayr, Head of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Delegation;
  • Mr Johan Büser, Head of the OSCE PA Delegation.

Our delegation subscribes to the statement of the preliminary findings and conclusions of the international election observation mission of the presidential elections and referendum, which were taking place in a context of a full-scale Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

This situation has deeply affected and continues to affect the Republic of Moldova, with Russia massively interfering and buying votes in the run up to and during the election.

No later than two weeks ago, the European Parliament adopted, with a large majority, a strong resolution reiterating its solidarity with the Moldovan people, and its unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and for its future accession to the European Union.

We consider that its EU membership will constitute a mutually beneficial investment in a united and strong Europe.

We strongly condemn the malicious activities, interference and hybrid operations by the Russian Federation, pro-Russian oligarchs and Russian-sponsored local actors. This malign interference is unprecedented in scale, and intensified as election day approached.

The Russian objective remains to undermine the electoral process, security, sovereignty and democratic foundations of the Republic of Moldova and the free will of its citizens. It fosters divisions within the Moldovan society with the aim of derailing the country’s European trajectory.

The European Parliament welcomes the results of the referendum held yesterday. Despite the unprecedented massive, malign and illicit Russian interference, especially through vote buying, hybrid attacks and disinformation, the people of the Republic of Moldova chose a future in the EU. Given the circumstances, this result is a remarkable achievement.

We commend the Moldovan authorities for holding a well-managed and efficient election under these extraordinary circumstances. We call on all stakeholders to resist any interference in order not to allow it to distort the result of the second round of the presidential election and the 2025 parliamentary election.

Let me now say a few words about election-day.

Election day

On Sunday, our delegation observed the vote and the counting in many cities: Chisinau, Anenii-Noi Balti, Orhei.

We met many attentive and dedicated staff, most of whom were women, working in the polling stations, including in rural areas.

The European Parliament delegation was positively impressed by the quality of the electoral procedures that allowed the Moldovan population to go to the polls in an orderly and peaceful manner.

It is now up to the people of Moldova, to assess their choices for the second round of the election.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Multu mesc.”

Source – EU Parliament


Europa-SPD: Engere Anbindung an die EU – Mehrheit der Bürger:innen Moldaus für europäische Ausrichtung

Von Tobias Cremer

Bei einem Referendum über Moldaus europäischen Kurs hat eine knappe Mehrheit entschieden, das Ziel des EU-Beitritts in der Verfassung des Landes zu verankern. Moldau hatte im März 2022 einen Antrag auf EU-Mitgliedschaft gestellt, und im Juni 2022 wurde dem Land der Status eines EU-Bewerberlands zuerkannt.

Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl, die gleichzeitig stattfand, müssen die Amtsinhaberin Maia Sandu und ihr Konkurrent Alexandru Stoianoglo in eine Stichwahl.

Tobias Cremer, außenpolitischer Sprecher der Europa-SPD, ist für eine Wahlbeobachtungs-Mission des Europäischen Parlaments nach Moldau gereist:

„Trotz massiver russischer Einschüchterung, Desinformation und versuchtem Stimmenkauf, haben sich die Moldawierinnen und Moldawier gestern nicht einschüchtern lassen, und in einem wichtigen Referendum über die Zukunft der Republik Moldau für eine engere Anbindung an die EU gestimmt.

Ebenfalls ein positives Zeichen ist, dass viele Moldawierinnen und Moldawier in den Präsidentschaftswahlen für pro-europäische Kandidierende gestimmt haben.

Persönlich war es eine bewegende Erfahrung auf der Wahlbeobachtungsmission hautnah beobachten zu dürfen, mit wie viel Mut und Hingabe die Moldawierinnen und Moldawier ihre Demokratie gegen russische Einflussnahme und Manipulation verteidigen. Das moldavische Volk muss selbst und in Freiheit über seine Zukunft entscheiden dürfen. Deshalb ist es umso wichtiger, jetzt in den nächsten zwei Wochen bis zu Stichwahl sicherzustellen, dass Russlands illegale Bedrohungs- und Manipulationsversuche aufhören.”

Quelle – Europa-SPD (per E-Mail)


ECR Group: Europe won despite Putin’s sabotage

The ECR Group in the European Parliament salutes the people of Moldova for enshrining in their constitution the goal of becoming an EU member state. “The vote was close. We saw a lot of Russian interference in the run-up to the vote: Now we are very happy that the majority of Moldovans didn’t succumb to Moscow’s poisoned messages. It is a victory for Europe and Western values that we owe to the people of Moldova,” said Adam Bielan, ECR coordinator for foreign affairs, after a nail-biting count that finally tipped the balance towards a pro-European majority.

Bielan added:

“The Moldovan people have delivered. Now the European Union must deliver and do everything in its power to ensure that the road to accession is cleared of potholes and bumps. We should do all we can to ensure that Moldova can meet the 2030 deadline for full membership to the European Union, and that there is no backlash that leads the country into Putin’s clutches.

“The vote buying, the funneling of money through Putin’s proxies into the accounts of ordinary voters, and Russia’s use of social media to spread disinformation and paint a threatening picture of the EU are deeply concerning. Fortunately, the Moldovan people who aspire to live freely have rejected the Kremlin’s malign rhetoric.”

Source – ECR Group (via email)


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