Mon. Oct 7th, 2024



Global supply chains: Speech by EU Commissioner Urpilainen at the UN Global Compact Summit

“In the past 7 years, we have allocated more than €400 million to help the African Continental Free Trade Area take shape. By developing Regional Value Chains, we aim to foster a transition to a resilient, competitive, and economically integrated Africa. Our goal is to diminish the continent’s reliance on unprocessed goods and enhance its resilience against external shocks” – EU Commissioner Urpilainen.

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nuva hiva, marquesas islands, french polynesia

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 12 February 2024

EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL: Keynote speech by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič on the European Green Deal at the European Conference of Harvard University +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: UNECE Inland Transport Committee to focus on decarbonization of inland transport by 2050 +++ CLIMATE RESILIENCE: ICAO-UNEP weather radar agreement will support climate resilience of Pacific Small Island Developing States.

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highway, road, trucks

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 9 February 2024

TRUCK EMISSIONS: EU-Mitgliedstaaten machen Weg frei für emissionsarme Lastwagen und Busse +++ EU-Abgeordnete Gieseke (CDU) zur Positionierung der Bundesregierung bei CO2 von LKWs +++ BDI zur EU-Einigung auf strengere CO2-Grenzwerte: Novelle der CO2-Flottenregulierung vor Europa-Wahlen beschließen +++ T&E reaction to EU and Germany deal on truck CO2 law +++ CARBON PRICING: IMF Working Paper No. 2024/027 : Carbon Prices and Inflation in the Euro Area.

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nature, earth, sustainability

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 8 February 2024

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING: EU Commission welcomes agreement on postponing adoption deadlines for certain European Sustainability Reporting Standards +++ EFRAG: Public consultation on the Draft XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS Set 1 +++ EFRAG FR TEG & EFRAG SR Joint Hybrid Meeting 15 February 2024 +++ EU PARLIAMENT REGISTER
Draft agenda – Wednesday, 14 February 2024 – Thursday, 15 February 2024 – Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety +++

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money, profit, finance

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 7 February 2024

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING: EU Council and Parliament agree to delay sustainability reporting for certain sectors and third-country companies by two years +++ EU Parliament: Deal on delayed reporting standards for some companies +++ NET-ZERO INDUSTRY: Net zero industry deal is hit-and-miss for heat pump sector – European Heat Pump Association +++ EU-Klimaziele: VKU zu Folgenabschätzung und Carbon-Management-Strategie +++ GERMANY: ifo Institut: Mehrheit der Bevölkerung will beim Klimaschutz Vorreiterrolle für Deutschland, aber

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power plant, industry, flames

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 6 February 2024

CLIMATE TARGETS 2040: EU Commission presents recommendation for 2040 emissions reduction target to set the path to climate neutrality in 2050 +++ Questions and Answers – Communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 +++ Press remarks by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioners Simson and Hoekstra on the Communications on a recommended emissions reduction target for 2040 and Industrial Carbon Management +++ CARBON MANAGEMENT: EU

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Finland: Technical carbon sequestration solutions needed to reach EU’s 2040 climate target

The European Commission recommends a net emission target of 90% for the EU by 2040. The target would cover both greenhouse gas emissions and their removals. The removals comprise natural removals and, in future, technical sinks. All sectors should cut their emissions strongly and cost-efficiently by 2040. According to Finland’s position discussed at Finnish Parliament last autumn, the 2040 climate target of the EU must be in line with the

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EU Commission welcomes agreement on Net-Zero Industry Act

The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement reached today between the European Parliament and the Council on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). This agreement will help the EU become home to clean technologies and make significant strides towards building a strong domestic manufacturing capacity of those technologies in the EU.

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climate change, global warming, climate

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 5 February 2024

COP30: IEA Executive Director meets with President Lula of Brazil on energy and climate priorities for G20 and COP30 +++ ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings: EU lawmakers agree on new rules +++ Environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings: EU Council background on trilogue agreement.

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coal, black, black and white

EU Commission approves €300m Polish State aid to alleviate social costs of closing coal and lignite power plants and lignite mines

Support to workers does not constitute State aid. The Commission found that the paid leave does not provide an advantage to the undertakings that close such an activity and thus does not constitute State aid. Regarding the severance payment, the Commission found that it provides an advantage to the undertakings in which these workers are employed. When an activity closes and an employee opts for the severance payment under the

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EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum: Closing remarks by EU HRVP Borrell

Everything has been said. I will not repeat what has been said by my predecessors talking to this assembly, but I want to remark how aware we are that the Indo-Pacific region stands at the crossroad of global affairs and that our cooperation is more important than ever.
We need to work together for our security, many dimensions of security – even economic security, cybersecurity, climate security, security

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sustainability, energy, tree

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 1 February 2024

CLIMATE DIPLOMACY: EU welcomes partners from Africa, Asia and the Pacific in Brussels to expand cooperation +++ Keynote speech by Commissioner Hoekstra at the EU Pacific day in Brussels +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: Klimavorteil für E-Autos bestätigt – UBA +++ GERMANY: Natürlicher Klimaschutz: BMUV und KfW unterstützen Kommunen mit neuem Zuschussprogramm +++ Klimabündnis wächst auf 50 Unternehmen – Baden-Württemberg

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 31 January 2024

IEA: The relationship between growth in GDP and CO2 has loosened; it needs to be cut completely +++ UNFCCC: Parties Will Decide the Future of the Gender Agenda in the UN Climate Change Process This Year +++ EU COUNCIL REGISTER: EU COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/331 as regards transitional Union-wide rules for harmonised free allocation of emission allowances.

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 30 January 2024

ECB steps up climate work with focus on green transition, climate and nature-related risks +++ Greens/EFA: Road to net zero – bridging the green investment gap +++ CBAM: CO₂-Grenzausgleichsmechanismus: Faire Wettbewerbsbedingungen – Schutz für unsere Industrie +++ CCS: Norwegian Government statement at the CCS seminar Brussels +++ Breites Umweltbündnis warnt vor gefährlichem Irrweg +++ WMO confirms verification of new continental European temperature record.

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ozone, sphere, atmosphere

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 29 January 2024

OZONE: Fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances: EU Council greenlights new rules to reduce harmful emissions +++ EU Commission welcomes adoption of ambitious rules to limit fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances +++ BMUB: Erfolg für den Klimaschutz – neue Vorgaben für fluorierte Treibhausgase +++ SUSTAINABLE FINANCE: The EBA seeks inputs from credit institutions on the classification methodologies for exposures to ESG risks

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climate change, global warming, environment

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 26 January 2024

HAMBURG CLIMATE SUMMIT: Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the Hamburg Climate Summit +++ EU CLIMATE TARGETS: Meeting of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) +++ TIPPING POINTS
EESC: Scientists and civil society call for 10 decisive policy actions to avoid irreversible environmental and social tipping points +++ CLIMATE RISKS: UNCTAD raises alarms on escalating disruptions to global trade

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 25 January 2024

CLIMATE FINANCE: Climate policies carry political costs, but those costs can be mitigated – Bruegel +++ EU ETS: EU Commission takes action to ensure complete and timely transposition of EU directives +++ CLIMATE RESEARCH: Climate change and the role of ocean based carbon dioxide removal – Florence School of Regulation +++ 2040 CLIMATE TARGETS: Coalition for Higher Ambition Rallies Broad Support for a Science-Based 2040 Climate Target +++ CLIMATE NEUTRALITY:

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Hamburg Climate Summit: Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen 

Just a few years ago, the construction of a large hydrogen terminal would have seemed unlikely, if not impossible. And yet, building work has started here in the Port of Hamburg. Soon the plant will be transforming ammonia into renewable hydrogen, thus making an important contribution to decarbonising one of the largest contiguous industrial areas in Germany. Hamburg will be one of the first ports in the world to import

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 24 January 2024

CAR EMISSIONS: European Court of Auditors on reducing car emissions: Easier said than done +++ SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS: Keynote speech by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2024 +++ Keynote speech by EU Commissioner McGuinness at the EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2024 +++ Closing keynote by EU Commissioner Gentiloni at the EU Sustainable Investment Summit +++ CLIMATE RESEARCH: Charting Europe’s path towards an ambitious 2040 climate goal +++

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