Mon. Oct 7th, 2024



regulation, gdpr, data

September infringement package – main decisions

The EU Commission is adopting a package of infringement decisions due to the absence of communication by Member States on measures transposing EU directives into national law. Member States concerned have two months to reply to the Commission’s “letters of formal notice” and complete their transposition. Otherwise, the Commission may decide to issue a “reasoned opinion” as next legal step to enforce EU laws.

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 29 February – 1 March 2024

IEA: CO2 Emissions in 2023 and Clean Energy Market Monitor +++ Global Methane Tracker 2024 +++ CLIMATE TARGETS: Between CBAM, equity, and ambition – finding a just way to reach climate targets – Agora +++ CLIMATE RISKS: PIK: Hurricanes and power grids: Eliminating large-scale outages with a new approach +++ UNFCCC: Building on Progress: COP 28 Charts Course for Enhanced Transparency +++ UN Body Steps Up Pace to Implement Vital

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climate change, climate, drought

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 28 February 2024

CLIMATE FINANCE: MEPs approve EIB’s 2023 financial activities, concerns on transparency and governance +++ Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism +++ Directive 2009/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 amending Directive 2003/87/EC so as to improve and extend the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme of the Community

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Finland to send wildfire preparedness expert to Czechia

Czechia has requested assistance in preparing for wildfires through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Finland responds to the request by sending a risk management expert to join the EU’s international team in the country. Czechia aims to enhance preparedness for and prevention of forest fires. The country has requested assistance for preparedness work through the EU Civil protection Mechanism. The serious forest fires in 2022 alerted the country to the

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 27 February 2024

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING: CEN, CENELEC and EFRAG join forces to foster synergies in sustainability reporting +++ GERMANY: Bewerbungsaufruf: Jetzt Klimaschutz-Unternehmen 2024 werden +++ EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group Meeting 29 February 2024

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 26 February 2024

CCS & CCU: Habeck will den Einsatz von CCS ermöglichen: „Ohne CCS können wir unmöglich die Klimaziele erreichen“ +++ BDI zu Eckpunkten einer Carbon-Management-Strategie: Grundsatzentscheidung für CCS/CCU-Technologien ist wichtiger Schritt hin zu Klimaneutralität +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: United Nations adopts landmark global decarbonization strategy in transport by road, rail and inland waterway

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 23 February 2024

NECPS: EU Commission publishes new Recommendations on draft NECPs from Belgium, Ireland and Latvia +++ CLIMATE STATE AID: EU Commission approves €1.3bn German State aid measure funded under Recovery and Resilience Facility to support ArcelorMittal decarbonize its steel production +++ BMWK: Grünes Licht für Grünen Stahl +++ TRADE & CLIMATE: Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis leads EU delegation at 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in Abu Dhabi

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power plant, emissions, pollution

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 22 February 2024

CLIMATE FINANCE: EU Commission invests over €233 million in Strategic Environment and Climate Projects across Europe +++ Annex to our press release New LIFE Environment and Climate Strategic Projects – Project short summaries +++ CLIMATE TARGETS: ERCST – Climate Change Policy Priorities in the Next EU Political Cycle +++ DESERTIFICATION
Desertification and Drought Day 2024: “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future” – United Nations Sustainable Development

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EU Commission invests over €233m in Strategic Environment and Climate Projects across Europe

Today, the Commission is investing over €233 million in twelve new Strategic Projects across Europe under the LIFE programme to support the implementation of the EU’s environmental and climate ambitions under the European Green Deal. These Strategic Projects are expected to mobilise substantial additional funds from other EU sources, including agricultural, structural, regional and research funds, as well as from national governments and private sector investment.

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co2 neutral, climate change, pxclimateaction

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 20 February 2024

CARBON REMOVAL: EU Council background on deal to establish an EU carbon removals certification framework +++ EU Parliament on deal with Council on carbon removals EU certification scheme +++ Europa-SPD zur Einigung auf Zertifizierung von Kohlenstoff-Entnahmen: “Weltweit erster Standard ebnet Weg zu europäischen Klimazielen” +++ EU-Abgeordnete Liese und Lins (CDU) zur Trilogeinigung bei Carbon Removals +++ COP28: At IEA event, COP28 President and other climate and energy leaders identify priority

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Carbon removals: EU lawmakers strike deal on new EU certification scheme

Council and European Parliament negotiators reached a provisional political agreement today on a regulation to establish the first EU-level certification framework for carbon removals. The voluntary framework is intended to facilitate and speed up the deployment of high-quality carbon removal and soil emission reduction activities in the EU.

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icebear, climate change, polar bear

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 16 February 2024

CLIMATE SUBSIDIES: EU Commission opens first in-depth investigation under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation +++ DECARBONISATION: EU Commission approves €4 billion German State aid scheme partially funded under Recovery and Resilience Facility to help industries decarbonise production processes +++ IPCC: Additional call for suggestions for thematic or methodological issues related to biodiversity and climate change that would benefit from collaboration between IPCC and IPBES

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amazon, forest, nature

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 15 February 2024

CLIMATE FINANCE: EIB, backed by InvestEU, provides €1.2 billion for ASPI’ plan for a safer, greener and more resilient motorway network in Italy +++ HEAT PUMPS:New project to build a blueprint for building decarbonisation +++ CLIMATE RISK
PIK: Amazon rainforest at the threshold: loss of forest worsens climate change +++ GERMANY: BMWK verbessert Zugang zu Fördermitteln für die Dekarbonisierung in Industrie und Gewerbe: Novelliertes EEW-Förderprogramm startet.

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power plant, emissions, pollution

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 14 February 2024

GHG EMISSIONS: Eurostat: EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: minus 7.1% in Q3 2023 +++ U.S. Statistics: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022 +++ CARBON PRICING: The Role of Carbon Pricing in Moving the Industry Closer to Net-Zero by 2050 – Florence School of Regulation +++ CO₂-Preis für Verkehr und Gebäudewärme: Umsetzung des ETS II und des Klima-Sozialfonds in Deutschland.

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children of war, hunger, sadness

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 13 February 2024

UNITED NATIONS: Rising hunger: UN chief identifies wars, climate chaos as aggravating factors +++ EU ETS: Neue Studie zum EU-Emissionshandel: Verbände fordern nationalen Mindestpreis, Klimageld und zielgerichtete Förderung +++ EU COUNCIL:: Ad Hoc Working Party on Forest Monitoring +++ Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting

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