Mon. Oct 7th, 2024



UNGA High-level meeting on sea level rise: Statement by EU Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra

“It is important to recall the advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) on a Request submitted to it by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law. ITLOS found that Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea do have an obligation of due diligence to take all the necessary measures to prevent, reduce and control

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traffic, road, vehicles

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 23 January 2024

EU Climate Advisory Board: focus on immediate implementation and continued action to achieve EU climate goals +++ AUTOMOTIVE EMISSIONS: EU-Rechnungshof: Sind unsere Autos wirklich umweltfreundlicher geworden? +++ EU COUNCIL: Draft REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on substances that deplete the ozone layer, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 (first reading) – Adoption of the legislative act

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charcoal, carbon, texture

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 22 January 2024

IPCC agrees on the set of scientific reports for the seventh assessment cycle +++ EU Commission: A common carbon emissions calculator for the European audiovisual sector: Towards an environmentally conscious future +++ Financing Building Decarbonization: The Roles of Government and Private Sector Investors – Belfer Center +++ GERMANY: Die Antrags- und Bewilligungspause für KTF-Förderprogramme des BMWK ist aufgehoben

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highway, traffic jam, traffic

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 18 January 2024

EU Council on Heavy-duty vehicles: EU lawmakers reach a deal to lower CO2 emissions from trucks, buses and trailers +++ Deal on new rules to reduce CO2 emissions from trucks and buses – EU Parliament +++ EU Commission welcomes agreement on strong EU targets to reduce CO2 emissions from new trucks and urban buses +++ ACEA on trucks and buses: EU agrees on most ambitious CO2-reduction targets globally +++ EU

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 17 January 2024

CLIMATE RISKS: Covid-19, climate change, armed conflicts: world’s crises can lead to interconnected polycrisis +++ Resonant planetary waves contributed to Pacific Northwest Heat Dome event of 2021 +++ GERMANY: Bruch des Klimageld-Versprechens gefährdet Unterstützung für Klimaschutz – Germanwatch +++ EU Commission Answer to a written question – Climate change and education

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co2 neutral, climate change, pxclimateaction

EU Climate Advisors: Towards EU climate neutrality: progress, policy gaps and opportunities

In the report ‘Towards EU climate neutrality: progress, policy gaps and opportunities’, the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change recommends a series of actions to put the EU on track towards climate neutrality. Based on an assessment of more than 80 indicators, the Advisory Board found that more efforts are needed across all sectors to achieve the EU climate objectives from 2030 to 2050, and particularly in buildings, transport,

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 16 January 2024

Welcome remarks from the IPCC Chair at the Sixtieth Session of the IPCC +++ Greens/EFA demands EU Post-2030 Climate Targets in a letter to the European Commission +++ EU Parliament: Reducing emissions from fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances +++ In focus: Methane emissions – EU Directorate-General for Energy +++ U.S. NIST Upgrades Tech for Monitoring Methane Emissions +++ Carbon markets or climate targets? We need both – Florence School of

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pollution, factory, industry

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 15 January 2024

Green funds: find out more about the Amazon Fund – G20 Presidency +++ F GASES: S&D Group drives EU’s efforts to cut harmful emissions by 500 million tons of CO2 by 2050 +++ Elektromobilität am Himmel – Europa-SPD zur EU-Initiative für nachhaltigen Flugverkehr +++ Detaillierte Treibhausgas-Emissionsbilanz 2022: Emissionen sanken um 40 Prozent gegenüber 1990 – EU-Klimaschutzvorgaben werden eingehalten +++ Bundestag: Agrardiesel: Ökonomen stützen Ampel-Kurs

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thermometer, nature, summer

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 12 January 2024

EU ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL: Informal meeting of environment ministers: Overview by the Belgian EU Presidency +++ WMO confirms 2023 as warmest year on record ‘by a huge margin’ +++ OZONE: COP28 Reflections – Cooling for Climate Action: Ministers’ Cool Soundbites +++ Abstimmung im Europäischen Parlament zu F-Gasen +++ ECR: EU Industrial Emissions 22% Lower Since 2008 +++ CAN Europe: New report reveals potential €1 trillion savings for EU +++ G20: World

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cloud of bunch of, swelling cloud, cloud shape

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 11 January 2024

Agora: EU climate and energy policy in the decisive decade +++ What’s Really Driving U.S. CO2 Reductions – Carbon Tax Center +++ 4 of the 10 climate science papers most referred to in news and social media authored by PIK researchers +++ Statements der EU-Abgeordneten Gieseke und Liese (CDU) zu Euro 7 +++ NECP: The Energy Community Secretariat welcomes the approval of the Kosovo* Law on Climate Change +++ Celeste

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climate change, global warming, climate

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 9 January 2024

UNFCCC: How Climate Technology Is Being Ramped Up +++ Dubai Youth Climate Dialogue during COP28 highlights young peoples’ priorities for climate action +++ CLIMATE ACTION: Ten issues to watch in 2024 – EP Research Service +++ EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group Meeting 15 January 2024

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money, coin, investment

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 8 January 2024

CLIMATE STATE AID: The EU Commission has approved a €2.9 billion French State aid scheme for supporting investment in green industries to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy +++ Statement by Executive Vice-President Vestager on the approval of two State aid measures +++ CLIMATE FINANCE: IDB and Germany Launch New Facility to Support Climate Action in Public Development Banks in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring – Winter Recess Summary 22 – 31 December 2023

Climate Action Highlights of 2023 +++ UNFCCC: Earth Information Day: Showcasing Climate Science +++ COP28: Now it is the EU’s responsibility to deliver on justice, align with science and phase out fossil fuels +++ Climate Bonds Blog: Public Consultation on New Climate Bonds Criteria for Deforestation and Conversion-Free Sourcing by Agri-Food Entities +++ ANTARCTICA
BGR-Antarktis-Expedition liefert wichtige Ergebnisse für weitere Forschung.

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UK: Environment Secretary speech at 2024 Oxford Farming Conference

Because as COVID-19 and the effects of climate change have illustrated, and indeed Tom Bradshaw just made this point on the panel, food security is fundamental to our wider national security. British farmers already produce, as colleagues in the room will already know, about 60% of the food that we eat, and I recognise and support your desire to do more. And indeed, since my first week in the job

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Rebuild trust and restore hope in 2024: UN chief’s call

In his message, the UN chief reflected on the pain and suffering afflicting humanity. Conflicts persist, claiming tens of thousands of civilian lives, many of them women and children. Millions have been driven from their homes, facing hunger and disease. At the same time, “the planet is peril”, Mr. Guterres said, marked by record-breaking temperatures and worsening impacts of climate change.

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snowzilla, january 2016, snow storm

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 21 December 2023

EU ETS: Climate action highlights of 2023 +++ CLIMATE FINANCE: EU supports just climate transition in Bulgaria with a budget of €1.2 billion +++ NECPS: Governance Regulation: Commission calls on BULGARIA, AUSTRIA and POLAND to submit draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans for the period 2021-2030 +++ COP28: 9 highlights for Climate Bonds at COP28 – Climate Bonds +++ WMO issues new guidelines on evaluation of weather and climate

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power plant, cooling tower, coal-fired power station

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 20 December 2023

CLIMATE FINANCE: EU invests an additional €2 billion of emissions trading revenues in clean energy infrastructure projects in Member States via the Modernisation Fund +++ COP28: Empowering Nations with Tools for Robust Transparency Reporting +++ Examining the Outcomes of COP 28: A Conversation with Amy Harder – Belfer Center.

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