Mon. Oct 7th, 2024



Russia: EU Council prolongs individual sanctions for a further six months

The EU Council decided today to prolong the restrictive measures targeting those responsible for undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine for another six months, until 15 March 2025. The measures provide for travel restrictions, the freezing of assets, and a ban on making funds or other economic resources available to the listed individuals and entities.

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If Ukraine fails, so will we – Czech President Pavel at the EU Parliament

Petr Pavel warned that if “Ukraine fails, so will we” and called “on everyone to continue providing support by all possible means”. Recalling that Czechoslovak territory was ceded to Hitler in the hope of appeasing him and avoiding war, he spoke strongly against offering concessions to Putin and called for “a settlement that safeguards the necessary conditions for Ukraine’s continued existence in lasting peace and prosperity”.

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French Government on sentencing of Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova

France vigorously denounces the sentencing in absentia of Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova to eight and a half years in prison. Ms. Ovsyannikova had courageously denounced the war of aggression against Ukraine during a Russian television broadcast in March 2022. France is deeply concerned by the Russian authorities’ stepped-up crackdown against critics of government authorities and their war of aggression against Ukraine.

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Ukraine: Press remarks by HR Borrell ahead of EU Foreign Ministers meeting

These kinds of meetings are called “informal” because, first, they are out of the premises of the European Union, and secondly, because they are considered a high-level political debate that does not have the aim of reaching concrete conclusions and decisions, but it is the kind of brainstorming that we need to do – among us, and together with you – in order to look at the situation of the

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The urgent imperative to maintain NATO’s nuclear deterrence

The dismal performance of Russia’s conventional forces in the early days of the war in Ukraine risks convincing some in NATO that the future Russian threat to the Alliance can be deterred primarily via NATO’s conventional superiority, and that enhancing deterrence of Russian nuclear use in a future conflict is therefore no longer a high priority. This is a dangerous fallacy.

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Ukraine:EU HR Borrell’s remarks on Russia’s information manipulation

Through these war of propaganda and disinformation, Russia is trying to deflect its responsibility for the war, denying the occupation, annexations, atrocities, blaming others for the consequences of the food and energy crises, and trying to make the world to believe that the same power who is blocking the export of grain from the Ukrainian ports is innocent of the hunger, and “the hunger is not created by the naval

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NATO SG in Kyiv: Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever before

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Kyiv on Thursday (28 September 2023), underscoring NATO’s powerful support for Ukraine in talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his government. Calling Kyiv “a city with a special place in the hearts of the free world,” Mr Stoltenberg paid tribute to President Zelenskyy’s leadership and the heroism of the Ukrainian armed forces, welcoming that Ukraine is “gradually gaining ground” in its hard-fought counteroffensive.

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Bundeskartellamt gibt Join-venture von Rheinmetall und Ukrainian Defense Industry frei

Das Bundeskartellamt hat heute die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens von Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, Unterlüß und Ukrainian Defense Industry (UDI), Kiew in der Ukraine freigegeben. Rheinmetall ist ein weltweit aktiver Technologiekonzern, tätig in den Bereichen Rüstungsindustrie und Automobilzulieferung. UDI ist ein ukrainischer Staatskonzern im Verteidungssektor mit rund 67.000 Mitarbeitenden, der unter Leitung des Ministerkabinetts der Ukraine steht.

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Norway to provide NOK 1bn to Ukraine before the winter

The SOM is being co-hosted by Norway and the EU. The meeting will focus on the difficult humanitarian situation the war in Ukraine is causing as well as look at ways to provide the right help to the civilian population at the right time. The meeting will also discuss how to implement good solutions for the transition between short-term humanitarian assistance and long-term reconstruction efforts.

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EU HRVP Borrell: Multipolarity without multilateralism

We live indeed in a more and more multipolar world, but multilateralism is in retreat. It is a paradox. Why? Because when the number of participants in a game increases, the natural response should be to strengthen the rules governing the game. However, we are facing the opposite trend: the rules governing the world are running out of steam. We must find ways to overcome this paradox.

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Ukraine: EU Commission pays a further €1.5bn in assistance

This support will help Ukraine to continue paying wages and pensions, and keep essential public services running, such as hospitals, schools, and housing for relocated people. It will also allow Ukraine to ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia in its war of aggression, such as energy infrastructure, water systems, transport networks, roads and bridges.

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UN Security Council: Statement by EU Council President Michel on Ukraine

The Kremlin dreams of restoring the old Russian empire. After Ukraine, who will be next? Who will be next to satisfy Putin’s fantasy of the past? And if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, what other countries would be tempted to copy its actions? At this crime scene, we also have the victim, the attacked. Ukraine and all Ukrainians, fighting a battle they did not start, defending their country against a war

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Netherlands: Foreign minister Slot spoke with Ukrainian children abducted by Russia

Since the start of the war, Russia has abducted thousands of Ukrainian children from Ukraine. Russia’s intention is to break the children’s connection with their Ukrainian families, identity, language and culture. The International Criminal Court in The Hague has issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, and Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights, for the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children.

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Ukraine digitalising public services with Swiss support

At its meeting on 15 September 2023, the Federal Council approved additional support for digitalisation in Ukraine. This will enable citizens, refugees and businesses to access public services and have a political say despite the ongoing war. The ‘E-governance for Accountability and Participation’ (EGAP) project will receive a contribution of CHF 15 million this year.

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U.S. State Department announces U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s economic recovery

President Biden today announced the appointment of Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. In this role, she will work with the Ukrainian government, the G7, the EU, international financial institutions, international partners. She will also try to attract the American private sector – to help forge Ukraine’s future as a prosperous, secure, European democracy.

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