Mon. Oct 7th, 2024



EU Foreign Affairs Council on Defence: Press remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell

The training mission (EUMAM Ukraine) goes very well. We are over the 30.000 soldiers already been trained. Good training means also saving lives. We will train 10.000 more in the upcoming period. I cannot give you a precise date but at the speed that we have been training the 30.000, these 10.000 more can go very quickly. On the issue of ammunition, implementation is ongoing. I can give you the

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EU is providing additional €110m in humanitarian aid to support Ukrainians affected by the war

The Commission is therefore allocating €110 million in humanitarian aid of which €100 million will go to operations in Ukraine and €10 million to support Ukrainian refugees and host communities in Moldova. This new funding will help the EU’s humanitarian partners to provide essential services like cash assistance, food, water, shelter, healthcare, psychosocial support and protection.

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Main results of the Foreign Affairs Council, 13 November 2023

The Foreign Affairs Council held a discussion on the situation in Israel, the Gaza strip and the region, building on the statement unanimously agreed on by the Council the day before, calling – among other things – for immediate humanitarian pauses in hostilities in Gaza and the establishment of humanitarian corridors.

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Remarks by Executive VP Dombrovskis at the ECOFIN Press conference

The Spanish Presidency has been working tirelessly for an agreement and we fully support its ambition to finalise the negotiations before the end of the year. The EU’s future fiscal policy needs clarity and predictability for years ahead. And given today’s context of high interest rates and significant economic challenges, we need to preserve the sustainability of public finances and provide enough space for investment.

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President of Ukraine met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who is on a working visit to Ukraine. The Head of State emphasized that the visits of American officials to Ukraine are a powerful signal of unwavering support for our country by the American people, the President of the United States and his administration, the Congress and both parties.

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EU President von der Leyen visiting Ukraine: Statement and speech

“Overall, Russia has to pay a price for the devastation and destruction it has caused. And in this context, there is another example, this is the topic of the proceeds of the EUR 200 billion of immobilised Russian sovereign assets in Europe. The proceeds are accumulating every day. We believe that these profits should go in rebuilding Ukraine. And this is why the Commission will now come very soon with

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New insurance scheme to facilitate UK business supporting Ukraine

The UK will today sign a Statement of Intent on a European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) war-risk insurance scheme for Ukraine. The EBRD’s effort, along with complementary backing by other international financial institutions, over time will help UK companies to do business in Ukraine and support its reconstruction.

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European Council conclusions, 26 and 27 October 2023

The European Council reiterates its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression
against Ukraine, which constitutes a manifest violation of the UN Charter, and reaffirms the
European Union’s unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity within its internationally recognised borders and its inherent right of self-defence
against the Russian aggression.

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Ukraine: Andriy Yermak’s talk with Jordan’s Intelligence Director over phone

The head of the President’s Office and the Jordanian intelligence chief also exchanged views on events in the Middle East. They emphasized the necessity of preventing further escalation of the conflict and highlighted the importance of protecting the civilian population in the conditions of ongoing hostilities. The parties also underscored the importance of unhindered functioning of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian goods.

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EU-Central Asia 19th Ministerial Meeting in Luxembourg

The European Union and countries of Central Asia are determined to continue their strategic partnership by strengthening engagement and deepening the cooperation and connection between both regions. This was confirmed in the 19th EU-Central Asia Ministerial meeting chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell on Monday in Luxembourg.

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Frozen Russian assets: A long-term solution for Ukraine’s funding needs

One of MEPs’ key demands is that assets from the Russian Federation or other entities or individuals directly connected with Russia’s war of aggression be used to reconstruct Ukraine. Parliament strengthened the provisions on the fight against fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and irregularities in the use of EU funds in Ukraine. Companies under oligarchic influence should not be eligible for funding, MEPs added.

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ECR Group urges expanded sanctions on Russia

Sanctions against Russia are not enough, according to the ECR Group in the European Parliament. In a debate on the preparation of a resolution to be adopted in November, the conservatives in the Strasbourg plenary criticised that the existing sanctions remain inefficient and are partly circumvented.

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Support to Ukraine: Remarks by IMF MD Georgieva at the 4th Ministerial Roundtable

“Ukrainians have shown remarkable resilience and fortitude: people are going to work, children are going to school; they are out shopping and dining, banks are fully operating, and companies and households are paying their taxes—confidence is improving. But such resilience should not even for a moment overshadow the underlying devastation from Russia’s war in Ukraine” – Kristalina Geordieva

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Russia-Iraq: Putin talks about oil, then about “sharp deterioration in Middle East”

“The energy sector is certainly the main aspect of our collaboration. Our largest companies operate rather successfully in your country. Our companies have invested a total of about $19 billion, and our collaboration, already quite effective in this area, is only going to expand. We coordinate our work within the OPEC + format, and we are doing this rather successfully in order to stabilise the situation on global markets. On

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NATO Security Directors tackle Allied challenges in Romania

The discussions were chaired by NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, Boris Ruge, and included Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Black Sea security, and foreign interference and disinformation in NATO’s southern neighbourhood. Representatives from the European Union also joined some of the discussions.

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marines, sniper, rifle

Sweden: New military support package to Ukraine

Swedish Government today adopted a proposal for an additional amending budget containing a new support package to Ukraine. The package, which is the fourteenth of its kind, includes artillery shells, spare parts, infantry equipment, communication equipment and Combat Vehicle 90 ammunition, worth around SEK 1.7 billion.

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EU Commission President’s remarks after Heads of State or Government meeting

Today’s informal Summit was about preparing for the future. We met, as you know, 18 months ago in Versailles, right after the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And today, we took stock of what we committed to, back then: a more secure, competitive Europe – with stronger defence capabilities, energy independence, and a robust economy. This was the basis for the Versailles Declaration 18 months ago. And we delivered.

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Ukraine: EU HR on the deadly attack in Kupiansk

Russia’s appalling terror against Ukraine’s civilian population shows no signs of abating and reached another grim landmark today. An attack targeted a café and a grocery store in the settlement of Hroza in Kupiansk, Kharkiv oblast, killing at least 50 people, including a child and injuring many others.

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Europol joins team investigating international crimes in Ukraine

The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Europol, has become a participant in the joint investigation team (JIT) on alleged core international crimes committed in Ukraine. The Prosecutors General of the seven countries involved and Ms Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director of Europol, signed the agreement today during the 17th Meeting of the Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General at Eurojust.

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