Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Pressestatement von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am zweiten Tag des NATO-Gipfels

“Die Vereinigten Staaten haben beschlossen, Präzisionsraketen in Deutschland zu stationieren – ein guter Beschluss, der zu dem passt, was wir bereits beschlossen haben. Schon auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz hatte ich darauf hingewiesen, dass wir solche Präzisionsflugkörper angesichts der verschiedensten von Russland in Europa installierten Waffensysteme brauchen” – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz beim NATO-Gipfel in Washington D.C.

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Poland: NATO missile defence base now mission ready

A new U.S. ballistic missile defence site in Redzikowo, Poland is now operational and available for the defence of the Alliance. Dubbed “Aegis Ashore”, the site is part of a larger NATO missile shield and is designed to detect, track and intercept ballistic missiles in flight.

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NATO Summit: Speech by EU HR Josep Borrell at the EU Defence night

“For us, it is a matter of strategic responsibility. We know, we are fully aware, we are convinced that we have to improve the capacity of our armies, of our defence, in order to be able to defend ourselves. Not as an alternative to NATO – there is no alternative to NATO for the territorial defence of Europe – but to make NATO stronger and to share the burden” –

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NATO Summit: Industrial Capacity Expansion Pledge

“Transatlantic defence industrial cooperation is a critical part of NATO’s deterrence and defence. Our defence industry provides us with the equipment we need to fight, strengthens our technological edge, and plays an important role in increasing the readiness and interoperability of our forces” – NATO Industrial Capacity Expansion Pledge.

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Preparing for a historic NATO summit

The United States will host a NATO Summit in Washington DC on 9-10-11 July 2024. The meetings will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, and will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

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Hungarian PM Orbán and Ukrainian President Zelesnkyy shake hands

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán’s visits to Kyiv and Moscow – and the EU’s clarification

A visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Russia has triggered tensions between the European Union and Hungary that had just taken over the EU Council Presidency on 1 July 2024. According to newly appointed EU High Representative Kaja Kallas, Orbán “is exploiting the EU presidency position to sow confusion. The EU is united, clearly behind Ukraine and against Russian aggression”.

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European Council: Doorstep remarks by EU High Representative Josep Borrell

“Some Member States have already done it on their side, but these security commitments cover the military, the financial, and the diplomatic domains – and, in particular, it will be the way of channelling the resources coming from Russian frozen assets. It is good that we could take this money and provide more military support to Ukraine” – EU High Representative Borrell.

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NATO Secretary General praises France’s leading role

The Secretary General praised France’s key role in the Alliance, including its contributions to collective defence on the eastern flank with deployments in Romania and Estonia. He also thanked President Macron for France’s contributions to NATO’s air policing in the Baltic skies and in the maritime domain, where “French naval ships keep our sea lanes open and safe”. He further underlined that France’s nuclear forces contribute to the overall security

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