Sun. Oct 13th, 2024



Portrait Keir Starmer -UK Prime Minister

Country first, party second: Keir Starmer’s first speech as UK Prime Minister

“If you voted for Labour yesterday we will carry the responsibility of your trust, as we rebuild our country. But whether you voted Labour or not… In fact – especially if you did not… I say to you, directly… My government will serve you. Politics can be a force for good – we will show that. And that is how we will govern. Country first, party second” – UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

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Hungarian PM Orbán and Ukrainian President Zelesnkyy shake hands

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán’s visits to Kyiv and Moscow – and the EU’s clarification

A visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Russia has triggered tensions between the European Union and Hungary that had just taken over the EU Council Presidency on 1 July 2024. According to newly appointed EU High Representative Kaja Kallas, Orbán “is exploiting the EU presidency position to sow confusion. The EU is united, clearly behind Ukraine and against Russian aggression”.

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vault, bank, money

EU Auditors: It takes too long to recover misspent EU money

The EU auditors found that, while the European Commission ensures that irregular expenditure is recorded accurately and promptly, getting this money back often takes too long. For jointly managed agricultural funds where member states have primary responsibility, recovery rates are generally low, but with significant differences between EU countries.

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Media independence and pluralism: First EU rulebook enters into force

The new legislation provides safeguards against political interference in editorial decisions and against surveillance of journalists. The Act guarantees that media can operate more easily in the internal market and online. Additionally, the regulation aims to secure the independence and stable funding of public service media as well as the transparency of media ownership and state advertising.

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Eurostat: Immigration law enforcement in the EU 2023

In 2023, 118935 non-EU citizens were refused entry into the EU territory at one of its external borders, a 16% decrease compared with 142420 in the previous year. An additional 1.27 million people were found to be illegally present in one of the EU countries, indicating a 13% increase compared with 1.12 million in 2022. 

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EU-Jordan Joint press release following the 13th Association Committee

The European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan reconfirmed the strength of their partnership and willingness to further increase their cooperation on political, security, trade and cooperation matters at the 13th Association Committee, held on Tuesday 6 February in Amman. Held in the framework of the EU- Jordan Association Agreement and EU-Jordan Partnership Priorities for 2021-2027 adopted in June 2022, the meeting was co-chaired by Rosamaria Gili, Deputy Managing Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the European External Action Service (EEAS), and Marwan Al-Refai, Secretary General of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC).

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FinCEN expands combat against money laundering in residential real estate

The proposed rule would require certain professionals involved in real estate closings and settlements to report information to FinCEN about non-financed transfers of residential real estate to legal entities or trusts. FinCEN’s proposal is tailored to target residential real estate transfers considered to be high-risk for money laundering, while minimizing potential business burden, and it would not require reporting of transfers made to individuals.

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Switzerland and Norway emphasise common values and interests

The ties between Switzerland and Norway have deep historical roots. Both sides acknowledged this and emphasised their shared values and interests also in the present. In addition to the role of EFTA in a dynamic free trade policy, President Amherd and Prime Minister Gahr Støre discussed their countries’ good bilateral economic relations and lively exchange in the area of research and development as well as on climate protection. Switzerland and Norway also work together on promoting human rights, on issues such as human security and development, and in consular affairs.

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Russia: Directive on special decision on transactions by Sberbank 

Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Presidential Executive Order No. 520, dated August 5, 2022, On Special Economic Measures in the Financial and Fuel-and-Energy Spheres in Connection with the Unfriendly Actions by Certain Foreign States and International Organisations, Vladimir Putin issued a directive to allow Sberbank of Russia to conduct transactions and operations entailing direct and/or indirect encumbrance of ownership rights, the use and/or management of stakes constituting statutory capital of the following limited liability companies:
Neftegazopromyslovye Tekhnologii, SIBINTEK Intensive Technologies Enterprise, Sladkovsko-Zarechnoye, UntygeiNeft and YurskNeft.

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Norway providing NOK275m to UNRWA for Palestine refugees in the Near East

The allegations against the 12 UNRWA employees have already been referred to the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS). An investigation is underway and an interim report will be submitted in late March 2024. The UN Secretary-General has also appointed an independent Review Group to carry out a broad assessment of UNRWA’s work. The Chr. Michelsens Institute (CMI) in Norway is participating in the review.

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Ukraine: Speech by EU HRVP Borrell to deputies in Verkhovna Rada

And let me say, frankly, that for many years, corruption was the weak spot of Ukraine’s society. It has cost you a major gap in your development for the last 30 years. President [of Ukraine, Volodymyr] Zelenskyy was elected with a mandate to fight corruption. There has been recent progress in law and enforcement and your better position [yourselves] in Transparency International Annual Corruption Perceptions Index – which is the measure of how a country faces the challenges of corruption – is clearly improving. It is clearly positive. It should encourage you, but more has to be done. 

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EU Commission signs €400m agreement with Türkiye to support its recovery after the 2023 earthquakes

Today, the Commission signed an agreement with Türkiye on a €400 million grant from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to finance post-disaster recovery operations after the devastating earthquakes that hit the country in early 2023.
The signing of the agreement took place in Brussels, between Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and Turkish Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mehmet Kemal Bozay.

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Ukraine: Press remarks by EU HRVP Borrell after his meeting with PM Shmyhal

Yes, Ukraine remains a top priority for the European Union and your European Union membership [remains a priority too]. 
And thank you for your extensive and comprehensive review of all the issues on which we have to continue engaging, both on our military support, and on the necessary reforms that you have to develop on this European path that touches a lot of issues from transportation, to energy, to reconstruction, to trade. 
We will continue discussing that at the next Association Council meeting scheduled for the first days of March, in Brussels. 

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ai generated, gavel, law

February infringement package: EU Commission key decisions

In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against Member States for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. These decisions, covering various sectors and EU policy areas, aim to ensure the proper application of EU law for the benefit of citizens and businesses.

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EU Commission: Renewed focus on combating child sexual abuse

Today, the Commission is adopting a proposal to update the criminal law rules on child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime which has evolved significantly over the past years. These revised rules expand the definitions of offences and introduce higher penalties and more specific requirements for prevention and assistance to victims. They are complementary to the proposal for a Regulation that the Commission put forward in 2022 – which sets out obligations for internet companies to detect, report and remove child sexual abuse material on their services.

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