Sun. Oct 13th, 2024



Preparing for a historic NATO summit

The United States will host a NATO Summit in Washington DC on 9-10-11 July 2024. The meetings will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, and will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

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EU Commission Q&A on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

The Pact on Migration and Asylum was presented by the Commission in September 2020. Alongside non-legislative initiatives, the Pact represents a fresh start on managing migration. Over three years later, the European Parliament and the Council reached political agreement on 5 of the key files in a historic breakthrough.

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Main results of the Eurogroup, 13 May 2024

“Ministers highlighted the need to strengthen investments in research and development, the importance of education and the steps that need to be taken with regard to taxation, reducing levels of administration, and how we regulate the single market – all of which will overtime make the a EU better place to innovate” – Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup.

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EU Commission reports on the effective implementation of the Terrorist Content Online Regulation

To counter this threat, the EU adopted new rules, which entered into application on 7 June 2022. These rules require that terrorist content in the EU is taken down by online platforms within one hour upon receipt of a removal order issued by Member States’ authorities. This helps to counter the spread of extremist ideologies online – which is key for preventing attacks and addressing radicalisation – while safeguarding fundamental rights.

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Sweden: Foreign and security policy focus on NATO membership, the neighbourhood and support to Ukraine

Today, Minister for Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström presented the Government’s 2024 Statement of Foreign Policy in the Riksdag. The Government’s most important foreign policy priorities are support to Ukraine, Sweden’s NATO membership and deepened cooperation in the neighbourhood. Since Russia’s large-scale invasion began in February 2022, Sweden’s support to Ukraine has totalled around SEK 30 billion. Sweden has provided military support, advanced weapons systems and humanitarian and economic assistance. Sweden also supports Ukraine’s closer ties to the EU.

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Israel/Palestine: France adopts sanctions against violent Israeli settlers

France is adopting sanctions against extremist Israeli settlers who have been guilty of violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. In this regard, 28 individuals have been targeted by an administrative ban on entering French territory.
These measures come at a time when violence perpetrated by settlers against the Palestinian population has been increasing in recent months. France reaffirms its strong condemnation of this unacceptable violence. As we have said many times, it is the Israeli authorities’ responsibility to put an end to it and prosecute its perpetrators.

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Main results of the EU-Armenia Partnership Council, 13 February 2024

The EU-Armenia Partnership Council met for the fifth time in Brussels on 13 February 2024. It was chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr Josep Borrell, while the Armenian delegation was led by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Mr Ararat Mirzoyan. Mr Gert Jan Koopman, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General European Neighbourhood and Enlargement also attended.

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Netherlands Ministry addresses farmer protests

A line has been crossed: these are not demonstrations, these are not protests, they are illegal actions, or even criminal activities which those involved should not be allowed to get away with. The Public Prosecution Service and the police will be responding forcefully, together with the competent authority and this will include the option of issuing fines and retrospective prosecution. The identities of the perpetrators will also be established and registered. The Public Prosecution Service is under the impression that serious criminal offences were committed on Monday evening and two people have since been arrested. Such actions undermine support for the right to demonstrate, which  right should not be abused.

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Europol: Fake medicines worth €64m off EU markets

Between April and October 2023, Europol coordinated the fourth edition of Operation SHIELD. Law enforcement, judicial, customs, medical and anti-doping authorities from 30 countries across 3 continents joined forces in this global effort targeting the trafficking of counterfeit and misused medicines and illicit doping substances. The operation was also supported by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Frontex, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and national medicine agencies.

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EU Commission President’s speech on IEA’s 50th anniversary

The International Energy Agency was founded in response to the energy crisis. Not the one in 2022, but the original one in 1973. That crisis was also triggered by a war in Europe’s region. But its root cause was the world’s over-reliance on fossil fuels – back then, it was oil. It was a shock for an entire generation. But the world did not learn the lesson. We did not get rid of our dependency on oil. And worse, fossil fuels became massively subsidised. But that crisis was not entirely in vain. Because it taught us that there are ways to protect our energy security. One of them is international cooperation – to diversify our suppliers and build networks of trusted partners. This is why the International Energy Agency was created and why your role has been so central 50 years later, when the Kremlin set off a new energy crisis.

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Abrüstungsexperte Alexander Müller (FDP) schließt neue Abrüstungsverträge aus

In den nächsten Jahren wird es keine neuen Abrüstungsverträge geben, sagt Alexander Müller (FDP), stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Unterausschusses Abrüstung. Als Delegationsleiter war er vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2024 bei der Genfer Abrüstungskonferenz und hat dort unter anderem mit dem chinesischen Sonderbeauftragten über Chinas diplomatische Rolle im Ukraine-Krieg gesprochen.

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Rheinmetall: Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz zu Rüstungsinvestitionen

“Viel zu lange ist Rüstungspolitik in Deutschland so betrieben worden, als ginge es dabei um einen Autokauf. Wenn ich mir in zwei oder drei Jahren einen VW Golf kaufen möchte   das sage ich hier in Niedersachsen einmal  , dann weiß ich heute, dass es ihn geben wird. Ich muss dann vielleicht drei oder sechs Monate darauf warten; aber danach steht das Auto auf dem Hof. Aber so funktioniert Rüstungsproduktion eben nicht. Panzer, Haubitzen, Hubschrauber und Flugabwehrsysteme stehen nicht irgendwo im Regal. Wenn über Jahre hinweg nichts bestellt wird, dann wird auch nichts produziert. Das ist ziemlich klar.”

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CDU-Wirtschaftsrat: Rede von EU-Klimakommissar Hoekstra

“Mit dem Green Deal haben wir Energie, Klima und Wirtschaft zusammengeführt. Wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass unser Klimaplan auch unser Wachstumsplan ist. Ich muss einem deutschen Publikum nicht sagen, dass eine starke Mannschaft mit einer guten Abwehr beginnt” – EU-Kommissar Hoekstra

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infograph describing three pillars of the electricity market

EU electricity market design: EU Parliament adopts reform

The law will protect consumers against volatile prices. MEPs ensured that consumers will have the right to access fixed-price contracts or dynamic price contracts, and receive important information on the options they sign up to. Suppliers will not be allowed to unilaterally change the terms of a contract.

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