Sun. Oct 13th, 2024



Renewable hydrogen power: EU auditors call for a reality check (updated)

The EU has had mixed success in providing the building blocks for the emerging renewable hydrogen market, according to a report by the European Court of Auditors. While the EU Commission has taken a number of positive steps, challenges remain all along the hydrogen value chain, and the EU is unlikely to meet its 2030 targets for the production and import of renewable hydrogen.

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Trade in used clothes: UNECE and ECLAC want to reduce impact on environment and health

The rise of fast-fashion, marked by rapid turnover of collections, has led to a sevenfold increase in the global trade of used clothing in the last 4 decades. With more than 80% of all purchased clothing items globally (62% in the EU) being disposed of as general garbage, which is incinerated or landfilled, this represents a massive waste of resources, causing severe environmental and health impacts.

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Photo of the Brandenburger Tor at dawn.

Germany: IMF staff concluding statement of the 2024 Article IV Mission

According to the IMF, Germany’s medium-term growth prospects could be bolstered by increasing public investment, including in the green transition and digitalization; offsetting the aging-related decline in the labor force, including by improving the availability of childcare and easing other obstacles to full-time work; enhancing the financing environment for start-ups and innovation; cutting red tape; and deepening economic integration within Europe.

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Georgia: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2024 Article IV Consultation

Financial inflows triggered by Russia’s war in Ukraine continue to moderate but remain above pre-war levels, supporting a positive outlook. In 2024, growth is expected to ease but remain above trend. Inflation is expected to pick-up as monetary policy continues to normalize, and the current account deficit is expected to widen from historic lows.

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Procaccini: For a common European defence

In the debate on European security and defence, ECR Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini spoke in favour of the creation of a European army to complement NATO. However, he began by criticising the late timing of the debate after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Commission’s tendency to get bogged down in trivialities.

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Yulia Navalnaya: “If you want to defeat Putin, fight his criminal gang”

Welcoming Yulia Navalnaya to the chamber, EP President Metsola said that “for many in Russia and outside, Alexei Navalny represented hope. Hope in better days. Hope in a free Russia. Hope in the future.” She stressed that if “history teaches us anything, it is that the pillars of autocracy, in the end, always, always crumble under the weight of their own corruption and people’s inherent desire to live freely. And when they inevitably do, it will be thanks to what Alexei and your family did”.

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EU Parliament Plenary: Ursula von der Leyen on strengthening European defence in a volatile geopolitical landscape

In the last years, many European illusions have been shattered. The illusion that peace is permanent. The illusion that economic prosperity might matter more to Putin than destroying a free and democratic Ukraine. The illusion that Europe on its own was doing enough on security – be it economic or military, conventional or cyber. As we look around us, it is clear there is no room for any more illusions. Putin used the peace dividend to prepare for this war. As a result, the world is as dangerous as it has been for generations. Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine is now in its third year and is more entrenched and intense than ever.

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EU HRVP Borrell’s statement on strengthening European defence

2023 was a very challenging year. The international system continues to face multiple and overlapping challenges.  
We face two wars on our doorstep, while climate, food, and energy crises pose threats to global peace and security, hamper global governance, and slow down sustainable development. 
This forces us to fundamentally rethink our Union. 

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Full-scale action against money laundering network via Lithuanian financial institution for over €2bn

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy, Latvia and Lithuania have taken concerted action against a large-scale money laundering business, centring around a Lithuanian financial institution. Since 2017, an estimated EUR 2 billion has been laundered by two main suspects via a worldwide web of shell companies. The suspects, who now have been detained, offered money laundering online as a service to criminals.

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UN Syria envoy appeals for urgent de-escalation across the Middle East

The Special Envoy also addressed the bleak humanitarian situation in Syria a year after deadly earthquakes that struck the north and neighbouring Türkiye, killing thousands and displacing millions.  UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths, who also briefed the Council, stressed that much more is still needed to address the long-term impact of the earthquakes and the wider humanitarian crisis in Syria, which has only deteriorated over the past 12 months.

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The UK and US sanction Houthi enablers

Today the UK and US have announced a number of sanctions against those that support, enable or deliver work of the Houthis, the Iran-backed proxy group in Yemen responsible for widespread attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The UK will today sanction 2 individuals and 3 organisations for their role in providing financial or military support to the Houthis, in order to expose and disrupt their efforts to undermine regional stability across the Middle East. The UK will also sanction a Houthi security minister for threatening the peace, security and stability of Yemen by supporting attacks against shipping in the Red Sea.

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The King and Queen of the Belgians visit Europol

Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians have visited Europol today in The Hague, the Netherlands, where they heard about the Agency’s work in helping EU Member States fight serious and organised crime across Europe. Europol’s Executive Director Catherine De Bolle welcomed their Majesties, who were accompanied by the Belgian Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden.

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Russia: Statement by the EU HR on the conviction of human rights defender Oleg Orlov

Orlov had committed no crime or offence, he has exercised his Constitutional right to express his views and voice his opinion about the policies of the government of his country. This sentence goes against the Russian legislation and the Russian Constitution and is clearly politically motivated. We call on the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners and to abandon their oppressive legislation used to suppress civil society and independent voices. 

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Joint Declaration on Gender Equality: EU gender equality ministers focus on future policy

On 27 February 2024, the EU gender equality ministers have met in Brussels to look back at the series of achievements of the current term of the European Parliament and Commission and lay ground for the mandate of the next Parliament and Commission. The Belgian Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity Marie-Colline Leroy, chaired the informal ministerial meeting, held at the Egmont Palace in Brussels in the framework of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU.

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S&Ds: Palestinian lives matter! We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza

Thanks to the strong pressure by the Socialists and Democrats, the European Parliament has today debated the war in Gaza and the dire situation of civilians on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. While Israel is threatening a reckless ground operation at Rafah and the International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to ensure its military does not take actions that violate the Genocide Convention, we call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages still in the hands of Hamas.

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1st Ukraine Biomethane Forum: Speech by EU Commissioner Simson

“On the EU side, we see biomethane as a readily available solution, which can help us immediately replace imported gas from Russia. Under the RepowerEU Plan, we set a target of 35bcm of biomethane production by 2030 – this is ten times our current volume of production!” – EU Commissioner Simson.

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