Sun. Oct 13th, 2024



flaggs of china and the eu

WTO starts trade policy review for China

At the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the ninth review of the trade policies and practices of China takes place on 17 and 19 July 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of China, both embedded in this report.

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vaccinate, coronavirus, corona virus

EU General Court criticises insufficient public access to Covid-19 vaccines agreements

The EU General Court judged today that the EU Commission did not give the public sufficiently wide access to the purchase agreements for Covid-19 vaccines. That infringement concerns, inter alia, those agreements’ provisions on indemnification, and concerns the declarations that there was no conflict of interest on the part of the members of the team who negotiated the purchase of the vaccines. Read how the EU Commission reacts.

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paragraph, law, dish

Rule of Law: EU Commission closes critical treaty procedure against Poland

The Commission considers that there is no longer a clear risk of a serious breach of the rule of law in Poland. Warsaw has launched a series of measures to address concerns on the independence of justice. The government recognises the primacy of EU law and is committed to implementing all judgments of the EU Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

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China: IMF staff completes 2024 Article IV Mission to China

“China faces significant fiscal challenges, especially for local governments. Sustained fiscal consolidation over the medium term is needed to stabilize debt, while restructuring the unsustainable debt of local government financing vehicles can help reduce fiscal strains” – IMF staff report.

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US: Statement by the EEAS Spokesperson on the latest executions

The EU continues to call for the universal abolition of the death penalty. In this context, the EU welcomes the fact that 29 US states have either abolished capital punishment or imposed a moratorium on executions. However, we are concerned by the fact that the number of executions in the US increased last year, as 24 people were executed in five states despite a steady, overall decline of the use of capital punishment in the US since 2020.

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Europol: 53 members of a criminal organisation arrested for sports corruption in Spain

Europol supported the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) in an investigation that led to the arrest of 53 suspects in Madrid and Guadalajara, in Spain. The suspects acted as “betting mules” for a criminal organisation fixing sports events and defrauding betting houses. The operation took place from 29 January to 1 February and was also supported by Interpol and the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria).

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Eurojust: Extension of joint investigation team in Ukraine

The seven national authorities participating in the joint investigation team (JIT) on alleged core international crimes committed in Ukraine have agreed to prolong the JIT for two years. The Prosecutors General of the countries involved agreed to the extension in a coordination meeting that took place today in Kyiv, Ukraine. The meeting coincided with the United for Justice Conference, which also took place in Kyiv today.

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EU and World Bank launch civil protection capacity facility

The Technical Assistance Financing Facility for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness supports projects, studies and trainings in disaster and climate resilience and promotes the sharing of knowledge among countries on disaster risk management. The World Bank will implement the activities with financing from the European Commission. As a result of this financing tool, civil protection authorities will increase their technical capacity to prevent disasters and will be better equipped when a disaster strikes.

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EU deepening not necessary for Ukraine and Moldova to join EU

For the ECR Group, the abolition of unanimity would be a fall from grace that would destabilise the entire institutional structure of the EU. According to the Conservatives, only unanimity guarantees that important decisions are negotiated on an equal footing and that all states are on board. Nevertheless, the ECR Group believes that the European Parliament has rightly emphasised the role of enlargement as an important foreign policy instrument, the importance of granting candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova and – under certain conditions – Georgia, and the role of the Western Balkans. However, the EU should decentralise rather than centralise further with a view to enlargement.

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Parliament calls on the EU to give Ukraine whatever it needs to defeat Russia

In the text, passed by 451 votes in favour, 46 against with 49 abstentions, MEPs take stock of the two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Highlighting how the war has fundamentally changed the geopolitical situation in Europe and beyond, they point out that the main objective is for Ukraine to win the war, warning of serious consequences if that does not happen. MEPs say that other authoritarian regimes are watching how this develops to assess their own leeway for exerting aggressive foreign policies.

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MEPs: EU must actively support Russia’s democratic opposition

The European Parliament strongly condemns the murder of Alexei Navalny and gives its full support to Yulia Navalnaya in her determination to continue his work. In a resolution adopted on Thursday, they stress that the full criminal and political  responsibility for his death lies with the Russian state, and its president Vladimir Putin in particular, who should be held accountable. MEPs warn that the killing of Alexei Navalny is yet another sign of the increasing and systematic repression in Russia and demand an independent and transparent international investigation into his murder in order to uncover the truth, ensure accountability, and secure justice.

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EU HRVP on G20 ministerial meeting in Rio

Brazil took the Presidency of the G20 last December. It is the next of a series of emerging economy Presidencies, starting with Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023, and to be followed by South Africa in 2025. The current Brazilian government wants to show that “Brazil is back” on the multilateral scene after the Bolsonaro era and enhance the role of the “Global South”. G20 meetings are always a critical moment in international relations. G20 members represent indeed more than 80% of the world’s GDP and they can play a crucial role in steering the world away from a global confrontation.

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Full-scale action: €2bn money laundering network via Lithuanian financial institution

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy, Latvia and Lithuania have taken concerted action against a large-scale money laundering business, centring around a Lithuanian financial institution. Since 2017, an estimated EUR 2 billion has been laundered by two main suspects via a worldwide web of shell companies. The suspects, who now have been detained, offered money laundering online as a service to criminals.

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ICJ: Norway on illegal Israeli settlements 

Between 19 and 26 February, 50 states and three international organizations made oral submissions to the ICJ on the legal consequences arising from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. The Court has been asked to consider several important questions of international law and its conclusions will form a key part of the basis for future peace negotiations between the parties. It was the UN General Assembly that in 2022 requested that the ICJ render an advisory opinion on the legal consequences related to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, including the question of whether the Israeli occupation itself must be considered a violation of international law.

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Bartjan Wegter to become the new EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator

Bartjan Wegter was appointed as the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator (EU CTC). His five-year term will start on 1 March 2024. Mr Wegter succeeds Ilkka Salmi, who has held the office since October 2021.
Bartjan Wegter is a senior Dutch diplomat, who until his appointment as EU CTC served as Minister Plenipotentiary at the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to NATO. A graduate from Leyden University and the College of Europe, Mr Wegter held various multilateral and security related positions over the course of a diplomatic career spanning 25 years.

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Air pollution: EU Parliament adopts law revision

The new rules set stricter 2030 limits and target values for pollutants with a severe impact on human health, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide. But member states may request that the 2030 deadline be postponed by up to ten years, if specific conditions are met.

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EU Parliament adopts EU-wide Disability and Parking Cards

The new rules, adopted with 613 votes in favour, 7 against and 11 abstentions, will establish an EU-wide disability card to make sure that persons with disabilities have equal access to preferential conditions, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access and access to reserved parking.

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