Sat. Oct 12th, 2024







State of the Union Address: Remarks by U.S. President Biden

“What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack at — both at home and overseas at the very same time. Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond. If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you: He will not. But Ukraine — Ukraine can stop Putin.  Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons that it needs to defend itself” – U.S. President Biden.

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Europol: Almost 5 000 false identity documents seized in Greece

The Aliens Division of Attica within the Hellenic Police (Ellinikí Astynomía), supported by Europol, targeted a criminal network involved in document fraud and migrant smuggling activities. The criminal network, based in Athens, produced high-quality falsified travel and identification documents, which were used to enable irregular migrants to travel illegally across the EU and legalise their stay in their final destination country. The investigation led to four action days between September 2023 and February 2024. More than 50 connected cases of smuggling by air have been investigated.

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Larnaca, Cyprus: Press statement by EU Commission President with President Christodoulides

The maritime corridor can make a real difference to the plight of the Palestinian people. But in parallel, our efforts to provide assistance to Palestinians through all possible routes of course will continue. As part of our EU Humanitarian Air Bridge operation, we have launched 41 flights, carrying over 1,800 tonnes of aid. And we will consider all other options, including air drops, if our humanitarian partners on the ground consider this effective.

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Europol: 57 men arrested for possessing and sharing over 100 000 depictions of child sexual abuse

Based on investigative techniques shared and acquired in an educational seminar supported by Europol, 57 men suspected of possessing and sharing depictions of child sexual abuse were arrested and several children safeguarded from physical or potential abuse. The training and the ensuing action, organised within the EMPACT framework, were held in September 2023, the details of which can only now be released. Denmark hosted law enforcement officers from 27 European countries for a training course on how to investigate child sexual abuse images distributed via file-sharing networks. 

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Situation of UNRWA in Gaza: EU Statement at the UN General Assembly

“We welcome the UN’s Office for Internal Oversight Services investigation to shed light into the serious allegations against UNRWA staff. Furthermore, we commend the UN for establishing an independent Review Group led by Catherine Colonna to assess whether the Agency is doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality and respond to allegations” – EU statement.

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Norway participates in air defence coalition to support Ukraine

This winter, several capability coalitions have been established for military support to Ukraine. The government has decided on Norwegian participation in three such coalitions, the maritime coalition which Norway leads together with Great Britain, the F-16 coalition in which Norway will donate F-16 combat aircraft and train Ukrainian personnel on the system, and the air defence coalition, which is led by Germany and France.

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Yemen: EEAS Spokesperson on Houthis deadly attack against a vessel in the Gulf of Aden

This comes after the recent Houthi attack against the Rubymar vessel, with potentially devastating environmental impact in the Red Sea. 
The EU reiterates that these Houthi attacks are violations of international law, that threaten maritime security, freedom of navigation and global trade, and put the lives of sailors at risk. These attacks must cease immediately, as reiterated in the UNSC Resolution 2722, adopted on 10 January.

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Saudi Arabia: EEAS Spokesperson on recent executions

The European Union deeply regrets the latest reported executions of 12 individuals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
As a matter of principle, the EU is strongly opposed to the death penalty at all times and under all circumstances. It is the ultimate violation of the inalienable right to life and constitutes a cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment. It has been proven ineffective as a deterrent to crime and makes miscarriages of justice irreversible.

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Tabletop exercise hosted by Europol to disrupt terrorist content online

On 7 March 2024, Europol, in cooperation with the European Commission, organised a tabletop exercise to test the revised EU Crisis Protocol.  
The exercise took place in the framework of the EU Internet Forum and examined the collaboration between government authorities and the tech industry to contain the viral spread of terrorist and violent extremist content online in the aftermath of a terrorist event. 

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Humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza: EU makes major step forward

The Commission has now contracted €81 million out of the overall humanitarian aid allocation of €125 million and is working on its disbursement to humanitarian partner organisations. The EU has to date organised 41 air bridge flights to deliver over 1800 tonnes of aid to Palestinians via Egypt and is exploring further means of delivering lifesaving supplies.

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