Sat. Oct 12th, 2024



blue, yellow, white

Euro Area: IMF Executive Board concludes 2024 consultation

The euro area economy has been resilient in the face of multiple, large shocks, including the pandemic, Russia’s gas shut-off, and fallout from the war in Ukraine. Nonetheless, the adverse shocks have had persistent effects which shape economic prospects. Energy-intensive industries, in particular, have struggled to adjust to higher input costs and continue to underperform. Despite subdued overall activity, employment growth remains robust. Inflation has declined significantly from its late-2022 peak in response to the ECB’s policy tightening and the decline in commodity prices.

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crowdfunding, crowd, investment

Retail investment package: EU Council agrees on its position

The package introduces a new concept of ‘Value for Money’ to ensure that investment products are offered to retail clients only if they offer good value for money. Furthermore, the Council wants remove the proposed ban on ’inducements’ (often called “commissions” or “retrocession fees”) received for execution-only sales wihout advice is provided to the investor.

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Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz bei der Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024

“Was die ukrainische Armee aktuell am dringendsten braucht, sind Munition und Waffen, vor allem zur Luftverteidigung. Deshalb liefern wir ein drittes Patriot-Flugabwehrsystem an die Ukraine, dazu IRIS-T-SLM-Flugabwehrsysteme, Gepard-Flakpanzer, Flugkörper und Artilleriemunition ‑ alles in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten” – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

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International protection: Judgment of the EU Court in Case C-646/21

Women, including minors, who share as a common characteristic the fact that they genuinely come to identify with the fundamental value of equality between women and men during their stay in a Member State may, depending on the circumstances in the country of origin, be regarded as belonging to a ‘particular social group’, constituting a ‘reason for persecution’ capable of leading to the recognition of refugee status.

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Gaza ceasefire and support: Latest deveoplments in the EU and the USA

A high-level conference in Jordan entitled “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” brought together key players involved in the response to the crisis in Gaza, including representatives and leaders from the region, the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies, to discuss pressing issues regarding the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza.

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EU Justice Scoreboard 2024: Improved perception of judicial independence

The 2024 Scoreboard includes new figures on accessibility of justice, such as on the accessibility to justice professions for persons with disabilities; on the accessibility to justice for consumers protecting their collective interests; on the salaries of judicial and prosecutorial expert staff; and on the notaries and their powers in the succession procedures.

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EU Commissioner Breton in San Francisco to discuss EU digital policy enforcement

On Friday, 23 June, he will meet with Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, at Menlo Park headquarters to discuss the ‘AI Pact’ and DSA implementation. Commissioner Breton will also meet with Jensen Huang, CEO of NVDIA, in Santa Clara headquarters to engage on the ‘AI Pact’ and EU Chips Act. Finally, the Commissioner will visit the OpenAI headquarters and meet with Sam Altman, CEO of the company, to discuss the EU ‘AI Pact’ ahead of the implementation of the AI Act.

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Air travel data: EU Council adopts position on data collection and processing

The two regulations will put in place a router that receives the API data transferred to it by air carriers. The router, in turn, transmits API data to national border and law enforcement authorities. The development of a single router, a central tool which will be developped by an EU agency, makes it easier for air carriers to transfer the information to national authorities and reduces the risk for errors and abuse.

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cyborg, robot, artificial intelligence

MEPs ready to negotiate first-ever rules for safe and transparent AI

the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act with 499 votes in favour, 28 against and 93 abstentions ahead of talks with EU member states on the final shape of the law. The rules would ensure that AI developed and used in Europe is fully in line with EU rights and values including human oversight, safety, privacy, transparency, non-discrimination and social and environmental wellbeing.

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UK: Understanding AI – sentiment for people and businesses

Public awareness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the United Kingdom appears to have increased over the past year; 72% of adults could give at least a partial explanation of AI in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) collected in May 2023 compared with 56% in the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation’s Public Attitudes to Data and AI Tracker Survey (PADAI) collected in June to July 2022.

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Background on the EU Parliament Agenda on 13 June 2023

Around 13.00, immediately after the voting session, MEPs will discuss with Commissioners Vestager and Breton a proposal for a new set of landmark rules to mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence (AI) and promote its ethical use. On Wednesday, Parliament will adopt its negotiating position ahead of discussions with the Council on the final form of the legislation, with a press conference after the vote.

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artificial intelligence, brain, think

European A.I. Act: The World’s first regulation on artificial intelligence 

As part of its digital strategy, the EU wants to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology. AI can create many benefits, such as better healthcare; safer and cleaner transport; more efficient manufacturing; and cheaper and more sustainable energy. The new rules establish obligations for providers and users depending on the level of risk from artificial intelligence. While many AI systems pose minimal risk, they need to be assessed.

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EU-ISS on Georgia: Frontline in the fight for democracy

Georgia is on a knife edge. On 26 October, crucial parliamentary elections will decide the country’s political future. Either it continues on the current government’s authoritarian path, taking its cue from the Kremlin – or it can begin to rebuild its democracy and revert to its pro-EU trajectory. Read the latest analysis of the EU Institute for Security Studies.

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First-time asylum applications increased by 20% in 2023 – Eurostat

In 2023, 1,048,900 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in EU countries, up by 20% compared with 2022 (873 700). After a considerable drop in 2020 (417 100), the numbers increased for 3 consecutive years almost reaching the peaks registered in 2015 and 2016 (1 216 900 and 1 166 800) following the war in Syria.

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ISIL(Da’esh) and Al-Qaeda: EU Council adds a person and an entity to its autonomous list of sanctions

The Council decided today to add Mohamed Ibrahim al-Shafi’i Al-Salem, also known as Aba Al-Sahraoui, and Katiba Macina to the EU autonomous list of persons, groups, undertakings and entities associated with ISIL(Da’esh) and Al-Qaeda, subject to EU restrictive measures. Aba Al-Sahraoui is the leader of ISIL-affiliated group ‘Islamic State Sahel Province’, which primarily operates in the tri-border area of Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. Katiba Macina is an affiliate of Al-Qaeda and its associated group Jama’a Nusrat Ul-Islam Wa Al-Muslimin (JNIM). It is active in the Sahel, in particular in Central Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.

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Combatting violence and harassment in the workplace: EU Council invites EU countries to ratify ILO convention

EU Council has adopted a decision inviting member states to ratify the International Labour Organization’s convention on violence and harassment (ILO convention 190). Violence and harassment in the workplace is a widespread and persistent phenomenon around the world: more than one in five people have experienced violence and harassment at work, whether physical, psychological or sexual, with women being particularly at risk.

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EU provides €600m to strengthen rescEU firefighting fleet

The announcement comes as Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, participated in Zagreb today in the signature ceremony of the agreement between the government of Croatia and the Canadian Commercial Corporation to purchase specialised firefighting aircraft. This, together with the signature of a similar agreement by the government of Greece recently, marks an important step in increasing the aerial firefighting capacity in the EU, protecting EU citizens from disasters.

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Finland: Residence permit processing time reduced by half 

The development measures of the employment and economic development services (TE services), the Finnish Immigration Service and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment reduced the processing time of residence permits for employed persons to an average of 41 days in February 2024 from the previous year’s figure of 77 days. A faster processing time for favourable decisions is particularly significant. In February 2024, the average processing time was 23 days for first permits and 21 days for extended permits.

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UK at the UN Security Council: President Putin’s drive for perpetual warfare in Russia

Statement by Deputy Political Coordinator Thomas Phipps at the UN Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security. Thank you, President, and thank you High Representative Nakamitsu for your briefing today. President, the Russian Representative has today once again attempted to recast Russia’s war on Ukraine as a product of ‘Western aggression’. We have of course heard many different explanations from our Russian colleagues in this Chamber.

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France condemns Russia’s recent massive strikes against civilians in Ukraine

France condemns in the strongest possible terms the massive Russian missile and drone strikes conducted against numerous civilian targets in Ukraine over the past couple of nights. During the night of March 20-21, 31 Russian missiles targeted the capital city of Kyiv, injuring 15 people. During the night of March 21-22, 87 missile and 63 drone attacks throughout the country left at least 3 dead and 22 injured. Ukraine’s energy infrastructure was specifically targeted in this attack and a number of sites were damaged, including the Dnipro Hydroelectric Station and several electrical substations, causing interruptions in the supply of electricity and water in several regions.

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EEA: Most textile waste goes unsorted in Europe

From 2025 on, EU Member States must put separate collection systems in place for textiles. A briefing by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that most textile waste in Europe currently ends up in mixed waste and that sorting and recycling capacity need to be urgently scaled up.

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