Fri. Oct 11th, 2024



radioactive, graphic, nuclear power plant

IAEA: Verifying spent nuclear fuel in deep geological repositories

As the world looks to alternatives to fossil fuels to combat climate change, several countries are developing nuclear power programmes to provide a sustainable source of low carbon energy. Countries operating nuclear reactors are responsible for providing geological disposal capacity for high-level radioactive waste.

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Designs protection package: EU Council gives its final approval

The EU Council has adopted the two legislative acts under the design package: the revised directive on the legal protection of designs and the amended regulation on community designs. The texts adopted today update the current design legislation to improve the protection of industrial designs in the era of digital designs and 3D printing.

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DR Congo: EU to provide €99 million in humanitarian assistance

During his recent visit, which included meetings with the authorities as well as visiting the troubled eastern part of the country, EZ Commissioner Lenarčič announced the EU plans to provide close to €99 million in total in humanitarian assistance this year. This amount includes €35 million, subject to approval by the EU budgetary authorities.

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EU Budget 2025: EU Commission aims to reinforce funding for its priorities

The EU Commission proposes an EU budget of €199.7 billion for 2025. The budget will be complemented by €72 billion of disbursements under NextGenerationEU. This substantial financial envelope will support the EU in meeting its political priorities while integrating the changes agreed in the mid-term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) in February 2024.

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EPP Group welcomes new members

Today, the EPP Group took the formal decision to welcome 14 new Members of the European Parliament into its ranks. With these new members, the EPP Group consolidates its position as by far the strongest political Group in the European Parliament.

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Main results of the EU Transport Council, 18 June 2024

The EU Council agreed its negotiating position on a new regulation on the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), a revised directive on harmonised river information systems (RIS) on inland waterways and a new regulation on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area.

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Designs protection package: EU Council gives its final approval

The EU Council has adopted the two legislative acts under the design package: the revised directive on the legal protection of designs and the amended regulation on community designs. The texts adopted today update the current design legislation to improve the protection of industrial designs in the era of digital designs and 3D printing.

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Digital Markets Act: EU Commission designates six gatekeepers

Under the DMA, the European Commission can designate digital platforms as ‘gatekeepers’ if they provide an important gateway between businesses and consumers in relation to core platform services. Today’s designation decisions follow a 45-day review process conducted by the Commission after the notification by Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft and Samsung of their potential status as gatekeepers.

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EU Parliament: Hearing of EU Commissioner-designate Iliana Ivanova

The Industry, Research and Energy, and Culture and Education committees questioned Iliana Ivanova, Bulgarian candidate for innovation, research, culture, education and youth. Ms Ivanova was nominated to replace Mariya Gabriel, who resigned on 15 May to become Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Bulgaria.

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EU Commission opens Digital Europe Programme to Türkiye

The European Commission signed an association agreement for the Digital Europe Programme with Türkiye. Following the signatures, and upon the completion of the related ratification processes, the association agreement will enter into force. Businesses, public administrations and other eligible organisations in Türkiye will be able to access the calls of the Digital Europe Programme, a programme with an overall budget of €7.5 billion in the 2021-2027 period. 

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flag, banner, nation

FinCEN hosts dialogue on countering North Korea’s illicit cyber activities

North Korea (DPRK) continues to use, steal, and launder virtual assets in order to fund its illicit weapons programs.  The proliferation of cyber events and cyber-enabled crime instigated by the DPRK represents a significant threat to the U.S. financial system. The FinCEN Exchange session emphasized the threat posed by the DPRK’s abuse of the digital ecosystem and facilitated coordination where appropriate to counter DPRK-related illicit finance.

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tiktok, social, social media

Online disinformation campaigns: EU study on DSA risk management framework

Under the DSA very large online platforms and search engines will be obliged to assess and mitigate systemic risks to civic discourse, such as foreign disinformation efforts, as of end August 2023 for the first batch of services designated by the European Commission. They will be obliged to make a public version of a report setting out the results of such risk assessment available to the public at the latest 15 months after the date of application of the DSA, but are encouraged to do so earlier.

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smart home, house, technology

Insight EU Smart Cities Monitoring 27 August 2023

European Rural Youth Summit +++ ITU Digital Transformation and Cities Digest +++ Seventh meeting of United for Smart Sustainable Cities +++ URBACT: Unlocking the potential of testing actions +++ Mit Datenkompetenz zur smarten Kommune – Fraunhofer IAO +++ Kommunen in die Cloud! – Fraunhofer IAO Veranstaltungen +++ Wärmenetze in ländlichen Regionen: Neue dena-Studie zeigt kleinen Kommunen Strategien und Anwendungsfälle bei der Wärmeplanung +++ Klimahausen – Nachhaltig gut leben: Lebenswerte Stadt im Klimawandel – Wuppertal Institut +++ Green Cities 2035: Kommunale Strategien gegen Flächenverbrauch – difu.

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Finland: Government supports EU Commission proposal to promote more efficient use of rail capacity

The Government submitted a Union communication to Parliament on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area. The Government supports the objectives of the Commission proposal. On 11 July 2023, the European Commission issued a proposal for a Greening Freight Transport Package. The Package includes measures to improve the efficiency and sustainability of transport.

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Cyprus introduces inaugural fleet of electric buses

During July, Cyprus Public Transport introduced its inaugural fleet of electric buses, integrating them into their existing vehicle line-up to initiate service on various routes. The primary objective of this initiative is to bolster the drive for environmentally sustainable and ecologically friendly public transportation options.

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Tylösand Summit: Swedish PM Kristersson on green growth and equality 

The energy transition is the starting point for a much broader transformation of our industrial base. Permitting systems have to be ready for this change. Politics is not business and should not be. But speed and agility have their own virtues. Just look at the mining industry. Sweden is home to some of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth minerals, which are necessary for the green transition. Some of them were even discovered by Swedish scientists. 

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