Fri. Oct 11th, 2024





Designs protection package: EU Council gives its final approval

The EU Council has adopted the two legislative acts under the design package: the revised directive on the legal protection of designs and the amended regulation on community designs. The texts adopted today update the current design legislation to improve the protection of industrial designs in the era of digital designs and 3D printing.

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Euro Area: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2024 Mission on Common Policies for Member Countries

Following the pandemic, Russia’s gas shut-off, and fallout from the war in Ukraine, the euro area economy is gradually recovering, and inflation is declining towards target. Banks have proven resilient to the sharp rise in interest rates. Borrowing rates of sovereigns have remained moderate despite high public debt. Despite these reassuring signs, significant challenges remain.

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A strategy for European competitiveness – Eurogroup remarks by Kristalina Georgieva

“Preserving and sharpening Europe’s competitive edge in the face of such challenges requires not a reactive and piecemeal approach, but a well-thought out, multi-pronged strategy. Industrial policy may have a role to play as a small part of this strategy, but let me emphasize: in this case small—well-targeted and well-designed—is beautiful” – IMF Managing Director Georgieva.

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Denmark: IMF staff concluding statement of the 2024 Article IV Mission

Denmark has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of the pandemic and energy crises. The IMF staff expects robust growth to continue in 2024, but there are considerable external risks, including from geopolitical tensions. The financial system remains sound, but systemic risks are elevated due to still-high interest rates and heightened vulnerabilities in commercial real estate (CRE) markets.

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Designs protection package: EU Council gives its final approval

The EU Council has adopted the two legislative acts under the design package: the revised directive on the legal protection of designs and the amended regulation on community designs. The texts adopted today update the current design legislation to improve the protection of industrial designs in the era of digital designs and 3D printing.

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Answering the Call of History: The 2023 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen

“In just under 300 days, Europeans will take to the polls in our unique and remarkable democracy. As with any election, it will be a time for people to reflect on the State of our Union and the work done by those that represent them. But it will also be a time to decide on what kind of future and what kind of Europe they want. Among them will be millions of first-time voters, the youngest of whom were born in 2008. As they stand in that polling booth, they will think about what matters to them. They will think about the war that rages at our borders. Or the impact of destructive climate change. About how artificial intelligence will influence their lives. Or of their chances of getting a house or a job in the years ahead” – EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

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United States: Voluntary risk management commitments from eight additional A.I. companies

Since taking office, U.S. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration have acted decisively to manage the risks and harness the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI). As the Administration moves urgently on regulatory action, it is working with leading AI companies to take steps now to advance responsible AI. In July, the Biden-Harris Administration secured voluntary commitments from seven leading AI companies to help advance the development of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI.

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NextGenerationEU: EU Commission receives first payment request from Ireland for €323.8m under the RRF

This first payment request relates to 36 milestones and five targets. These cover numerous investments, for instance in the area of jobs and skills through a work placement experience programme, a programme for green skills, and strengthening the capacity of Technological Universities. Investments also concern the digital transition, through the digitalisation of public administration and the connection of schools to the broadband network. In terms of the green transition, they cover the preparation and the start of work on the rehabilitation of peatlands, the electrification of public transport in Cork, investments in the energy-efficiency of public buildings, and the upgrade of wastewater treatment plants.

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Deucalion: New EuroHPC supercomputer inaugurated in Portugal

The new world-class system will be used to advance research and development in domains such as energy efficient technologies, weather forecasts, and sea and oceanic research. It will also help develop industrial applications in drug discovery, new materials design, neuroscience, climate-friendly energy systems, and other areas.

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icon, networks, internet

Insight EU Dossier: Data & Internet Governance – Issue 3/2023

eco: MOIN – Begleitprogramm zum ICANN78 +++ 2030 Digital Decade: EU Commission adopts indicators to monitor Europe’s digital transformation and issues guidance to Member States +++ Eurobarometer: Europeans believe digital technologies will be crucial in their daily lives +++ Digitalisation leaders and experts gathered for the Digital Assembly 2023 +++ Digital Assembly 2023 kicks off focusing on a digital, open and secure Europe +++ Data Act: EU Commission welcomes political agreement on rules for a fair and innovative data economy +++ Data Act – Questions and Answers +++ EU Council position on the Data Act: Council and Parliament strike a deal on fair access to and use of data.

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Sudan conflict: Statement by EU High Representative Josep Borrell

One year into the conflict, the EU recalls its strong appeal on the warring parties for an immediate and durable ceasefire, as well as for the establishment of monitoring mechanisms. The magnitude of the conflict shows that silencing the guns is vital to put a halt to the destruction inflicted on the Sudanese people and the country.

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EU-US comparison: U.S. Treasury sanctions against Russia’s elites

In August 2023, the U.S. Treasury had declared a round of sanctions targeting prominent members of Russia’s financial elite, as well as a Russian business association. The four individuals targeted include Petr Olegovich Aven, Mikhail Maratovich Fridman, German Borisovich Khan, and Alexey Viktorovich Kuzmichev, all of whom have served on the supervisory board of the Alfa Group Consortium (“Alfa Group”), one of the largest financial and investment conglomerates in Russia.

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