Wed. Oct 9th, 2024



earth, global warming, calamity

EIOPA: Leveraging insurance to shore up Europe’s climate resilience

The extreme weather events of the past few years from flash floods in Germany, torrential rain in Slovenia as well as crippling heatwaves and wildfires across the Mediterranean have shown that no region is safe from the harmful effects of a changing climate. The recent natural catastrophes are not isolated incidents but a feature of a new climate reality.

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Advanced materials: EU and Japan launch enhanced dialogue

Used in key sectors and applications such as renewable energy, batteries, zero-emission buildings and semiconductors, advanced materials are a key enabling technology underpinning the green and digital transitions and a vital part of economic sovereignty and strategic independence.

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EU Commissioner Ivanova visits China and Japan to strengthen cooperation

EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova will commence a 3-day visit to Beijing for the next edition of the EU-China High-Level People-to-People Dialogue. After her visit to China, the Commissioner will visit Tokyo from 1 to 4 of April. She will attend this year’s edition of the EU-Japan Policy Dialogue in the field of education, culture, and sport.

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Digital transformation: EU and South Korea reaffirm their partnership

During the ministerial meeting, the EU and Korea reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate in key digital technologies for the benefit of citizens and economies. They took stock of the progress achieved since the first digital partnership council and agreed on a list of key areas to further cooperate. The EU and Korea agreed to continue the cooperation on semiconductors, 5G and beyond, quantum technology, platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), as well as cybersecurity, and defined other areas of cooperation such as network connectivity.

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Swiss Summit: A step towards peace in Ukraine – Blog post by EU HR Borrell

The Swiss Summit aims to develop among the participating countries common parameters for peace for Ukraine, grounded in international law and the UN Charter. The Summit will also focus on selected practical issues: How to enhance nuclear security, facilitate the exchange of captives, and ensure the return of the many thousands of Ukrainian children abducted to Russia.

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Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz bei der Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024

“Was die ukrainische Armee aktuell am dringendsten braucht, sind Munition und Waffen, vor allem zur Luftverteidigung. Deshalb liefern wir ein drittes Patriot-Flugabwehrsystem an die Ukraine, dazu IRIS-T-SLM-Flugabwehrsysteme, Gepard-Flakpanzer, Flugkörper und Artilleriemunition ‑ alles in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten” – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

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International protection: Judgment of the EU Court in Case C-646/21

Women, including minors, who share as a common characteristic the fact that they genuinely come to identify with the fundamental value of equality between women and men during their stay in a Member State may, depending on the circumstances in the country of origin, be regarded as belonging to a ‘particular social group’, constituting a ‘reason for persecution’ capable of leading to the recognition of refugee status.

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Gaza ceasefire and support: Latest deveoplments in the EU and the USA

A high-level conference in Jordan entitled “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” brought together key players involved in the response to the crisis in Gaza, including representatives and leaders from the region, the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies, to discuss pressing issues regarding the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza.

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Main results of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 15 July 2024

The Hungarian EU Council presidency presented its work programme for the coming semester in the fields of agriculture and fisheries. The EU Council discussed ways to improve the long-term viability of rural areas, focussing on generational renewal and demography. Additionally, ministers discussed trade-related agricultural issues and developments.

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New EU Commission: Business coalition urges ambitious, open trade policy

A coalition of 31 leading European business associations has come together to call for an ambitious and open trade policy to support the EU’s competitiveness and economic prosperity. In a Joint Declaration, they highlight the importance of trade openness in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and enhancing resilience in the face of global challenges.

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ECB Blog: The geopolitics of green minerals

The green transition will significantly increase demand for key minerals over the coming decades. The impact on energy prices will ultimately depend on how supply adjusts. The European Central Banks’s Blog looks at the geopolitical risks involved.

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