Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



online, shopping, ecommerce

EU Commission evaluates benefits and limitations of online consumer protection (updated)

The EU Fitness Check covered three core Directives: the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, the Consumer Rights Directive, and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive. The results show that these rules ensure a high level of consumer protection and functioning of the Digital Single Market. However, they also indicate the need for adaptations to harmful practices and challenges that consumers face online.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of TBX NewCo Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes by Tubacex and Mubadala

The EU Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of TBX NewCo Spain S.L.U. of Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes L.L.C. of the UAE by Tubacex S.A. of Spain and Mubadala Investment Company P.J.S.C. (‘Mubadala’) of the UAE. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacture of oil country tubes for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas.

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eye, facebook, detail

Use of public statements for targeted ads: EU judgment in Case C-446/21 Schrems

An online social network such as Facebook cannot use all of the personal data obtained for the purposes of targeted advertising, without restriction as to time and without distinction as to type of data. Also, statements made during public panel discussions do not authorise the operator of an online social network platform to include these statements into the person’s ad profile.

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EU Advocate General Rantos on income transfers arising from sportsmen contracts

According to EU Advocate General Rantos, a contractual term requiring a young sportsman to transfer part of his income if he becomes a professional athlete may potentially be unfair. A contract concluded between a young sportsman and an undertaking helping to develop his sports career falls, in principle, within the scope of the directive on the protection of consumers against unfair terms.

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knight, defense, malta

Maltese citizenship by investment: Opinion of EU Advocate General Collins

Advocate General Collins on the Maltese law granting citizenship by investment: The EU Commission has failed to prove that EU rules on citizenship (Article 20 TFEU) require the existence of a ‘genuine link’ or ‘prior genuine link’ between a Member State and an individual in order for it to grant citizenship. The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.

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charging station, electric gas station, electric car

EP Think Tank paper: The crisis facing the EU’s automotive industry

The EU automotive sector has a century-old tradition of producing vehicles with combustion engines. It enjoys a global reputation for mechanical engineering excellence, quality, design, and creativity. But the sector is at a crossroads: Green transition, digitalisation and global competition, including Chinese manufacturers, have altered the competitive environment.

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U.S. Fed Governor Lisa D. Cook on AI, Big Data, and the path ahead for productivity

“Futurists have dreamed of an autonomous, thinking machine throughout the modern era. Benjamin Franklin once lost a game of chess to such a machine, the ‘Mechanical Turk’; of course, there was a human chess master hidden inside. Nowadays, chess engines that beat the top players can run on your phone. So, what exactly makes these machines merit the label of ‘artificial intelligence’ ?” – U.S. Fed Governor Lisa D. Cook.

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70th anniversary of CERN: Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen

“Today, I would like to draw three lessons from the story of CERN. The first one is that scale matters. No European country alone could have built the world’s largest particle collider… The second lesson of CERN is that if you want to compete more, you have to collaborate more. All your discoveries are open access… Your core mission at CERN has always been fundamental research. But all along your history, you have produced countless positive spillovers for our society and economy. It is thanks to CERN that we have the world wide web” – EU Commission President von der Leyen.

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ICANN seeks input on proposed renewal of the Registry Agreement for .COM

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) opened a Public Comment proceeding regarding the proposed renewal of the .COM Registry Agreement (.COM RA). The current .COM RA between ICANN and Verisign, Inc. (Verisign), the registry operator for the .COM top-level domain (TLD), was established in 2012 and is set to expire on 30 November 2024.

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EU Commission proposes enhanced Team Europe approach in global partnerships

The EU has moved away from donor-recipient dynamics towards mutually beneficial partnerships, which bring benefits to the local populations and strengthen resilience at home and abroad. This approach was embodied in the Global Gateway investment strategy launched in 2021. By investing in partnerships, the EU seeks to position itself in an increasingly contested environment.

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EP Think Tank on Europe’s security of energy supply

The EU has built a legislative framework to ensure the security of its energy supplies. The electricity sector is subject to a regulation on risk-preparedness that mandates Member States to implement tools for preventing and managing potential electricity crises – and to work together once such crises occur.

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U.S. President proclamation on National Clean Energy Action Month

“When I think of clean energy, I think of good-paying jobs for American workers.  Our Nation is leading the fight against the existential threat of climate change all while growing our economy and transitioning this country to a clean, reliable, and affordable energy future.  During National Clean Energy Action Month, we recommit to investing in America and American workers as we build a cleaner, more energy secure future” – U.S. President Joe Biden.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of TBX NewCo Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes by Tubacex and Mubadala

The EU Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of TBX NewCo Spain S.L.U. of Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes L.L.C. of the UAE by Tubacex S.A. of Spain and Mubadala Investment Company P.J.S.C. (‘Mubadala’) of the UAE. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacture of oil country tubes for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas.

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Eurelectric calls for “robust electrification strategy” to save Europe’s industries

While the power sector continues to lead on decarbonisation, Europe’s economy is not electrifying fast enough. Between 2022 and 2023, electricity demand declined by 7.5% as industries were shut down and relocated abroad during the energy crisis. According to Eurelectric, the EU needs a robust electrification strategy to decarbonise industry while boosting power demand and competitiveness.

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the legal, justice, law

October infringements package: Key decisions by the EU Commission

In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against Member States for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. The key decisions taken by the Commission are presented below and grouped by policy area. The Commission is also closing 133 cases in which the issues have been solved.

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pollution, environment, plastic

OECD: Global action could nearly eliminate plastic pollution by 2040

Comprehensive global policies addressing the entire plastics lifecycle can reduce plastic leakage into the environment by 96% by 2040, according to a new OECD report. By implementing a mix of policies – from enhancing plastic waste management and recycling, to curbing plastic use and waste – countries can achieve significant environmental benefits and economic savings.

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Illustration of issues covered by the European Health Union.

EU auditors point at poor health aid coordination on the ground

Support through global health initiatives has increased, while EU bilateral assistance to partner countries has decreased. Auditors criticise cases of substantial management costs. They highlight shortcomings in the distribution of equipment and medicines. Furthermore, maintenance of donated equipment is inadequate, and projects hardly survive when aid stops.

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EU Commission proposes enhanced Team Europe approach in global partnerships

The EU has moved away from donor-recipient dynamics towards mutually beneficial partnerships, which bring benefits to the local populations and strengthen resilience at home and abroad. This approach was embodied in the Global Gateway investment strategy launched in 2021. By investing in partnerships, the EU seeks to position itself in an increasingly contested environment.

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