Thu. Oct 17th, 2024





EU Commission sends Statement of Objections over proposed acquisition of a stake in ITA Airways by Lufthansa

The European Commission has informed Deutsche Lufthansa AG (‘Lufthansa’) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (‘MEF’) of its preliminary view that their proposed acquisition of joint control of ITA Airways (‘ITA’) may restrict competition on certain routes in the market for passenger air transport services in and out of Italy. The Commission is concerned that customers may face increased prices or decreased quality of services after the transaction.  

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Sweden invests in sustainable growth and mobilises new capital for green and digital transition

Sweden is a leading donor of development assistance, but meeting the funding needs for a green and digital transition requires closer cooperation between development assistance and trade, greater mobilisation of private capital and harnessing the business sector’s innovation capacity. A current example of this is Sweden’s partnership with Bangladesh, which HRH Crown Princess Victoria visited together with Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell on 18–21 March.

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Finland continues funding UNRWA— funds directed to prevention of misconduct

Finland suspended its annual five million euro payment to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in January due to the alleged links to the Hamas terrorist group. In February, Finland allocated corresponding support of EUR 5 million through International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the World Food Programme (WFP). At the end of last year, Finland also granted EUR 4 million for relieving the suffering of civilians in Gaza.

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More effective joint regulation of illicit asset seizure in the EU

An amendment to the bill to seize illicit assets without a prior criminal conviction will be introduced. This is necessary to tie in with agreements made at European level in the Confiscation Directive at the end of 2023 on improving the effectiveness of seizing criminal assets in the European Union. Earlier in the Netherlands, advice was sought from the Council of State on a bill to seize criminal assets. That proposal allowed valuables and assets of criminal origin to be confiscated through civil law proceedings without a suspect’s prior conviction.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of Argal by SFH and existing shareholders

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Argal Alimentación, S.A. (‘Argal’) of Spain by Smithfield Foods Holding Limited (‘SFH’) of the UK and Manusian Family, S.L., Guembox Inversiones, S.L., Mr. Jordi Xavier Cagigós Negre and Mr. Antonio Cordero, all shareholders of Argal (‘existing shareholders’), all of Spain.

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Mergers: EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by DWS, Galaxy and Flow Traders

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture by DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA (‘DWS’) of Germany, Galaxy Digital Labs LLC (‘Galaxy’) and Flow Traders Holding LLC (‘Flow Traders’), both of the US. The transaction relates primarily to the issuance of Euro-denominated stablecoin. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the joint venture will have negligible activities in the European Economic Area.

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2024 Day of European Authors promotes reading among young people

To mark this occasion, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, is attending a conference on reading promotion (25-26 March 2024). Hosted in Leuven, Belgium, the event will focus on tackling young people’s declining reading skills and habits. It will bring together representatives from ministries of culture and education from the 40 Creative Europe countries with the book, education and NGO sectors.

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Georgia: EEAS Spokesperson on the developments around judicial reform

A comprehensive reform of the judiciary, including a reform of the High Council of Justice, in line with the findings of the 2023 EU enlargement report on Georgia and with the Venice Commission’s recommendations, is one of the European Commission’s recommendations in the area of the “fundamentals” in Georgia’s EU accession path. This is also part of the nine steps listed in the latest EU enlargement communication of the European Commission, endorsed by all EU Member States, that recommended granting Georgia the status of candidate country.

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Statement of the Euro Summit, meeting in inclusive format

Open, well-functioning and integrated European capital markets are crucial to promote the Single Market, improve funding sources for growing companies, including SMEs, and to offer attractive saving opportunities to EU citizens. This is key to boosting EU investment, competitiveness and innovation, thereby ensuring sustainable growth and job creation. Taking note of the letter of the President of the Eurogroup of 18 March 2024, we are determined to urgently speed up the deepening of our Capital Markets Union, which will be key to mobilising the substantial financing needed for the green and digital transitions.

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EU Commission proposes increased tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain products

The transit of cereals, oilseeds and derived products from Russia and Belarus to third countries is unaffected by today’s proposal. This shows that the European Union remains fully committed to promoting food security globally, especially when it comes to developing countries. More than two years after the start of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, Europe is united and determined to continue defending our values and founding principles. The EU stands firmly with Ukraine and its people, and will continue to strongly support Ukraine’s economy, as well as its society, armed forces, and future reconstruction, for as long as it takes.

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Mergers: EU Commission clears acquisition of Walki by Oji

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Walki Holding Oy (‘Walki’) of Finland by Oji Holdings Corporation (‘Oji’) of Japan. The transaction relates primarily to the sector of paper products and protective packaging materials. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the companies are not active in the same or vertically related markets.

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United States: NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson on U.S. strikes in Iraq

President Biden was immediately briefed on the attack this morning, and he ordered the Department of Defense to prepare response options against those responsible. Those options were then presented to the President during a call this afternoon with Secretary of Defense Austin and members of the President’s national security team. During that call, the President directed strikes against three locations utilized by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups focused specifically on unmanned aerial drone activities.

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Ukraine: Switzerland expands sanctions listings

As part of a 12th package of sanctions adopted on 18 December, the EU imposed new measures in response to Russia’s ongoing military aggression against Ukraine and continued acts of destabilisation, which undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and security. In turn, on 21 December the EAER imposed sanctions within its jurisdiction on a further 61 individuals and 86 entities. Among the newly sanctioned individuals are members of the Belarusian armed forces, leaders of companies supporting Russia’s military and industrial capabilities, and members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The newly sanctioned entities are primarily Russian companies operating in the defence sector.

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EU Commission provides over €118m to the Palestinian Authority

Through the EU’s PEGASE mechanism, the new financial assistance adopted will contribute to the payments of the salaries and pensions of civil servants in the West Bank, the social allowances for vulnerable families through the Cash Transfer Programme in the West Bank and Gaza, the payment for the medical referrals to the East Jerusalem Hospitals and support the administrative and technical capacity of the Palestinian Authority institutions.

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EU Commission provides additional funding to support security and protection of public spaces in the EU

The call will finance projects aimed at improving the overall security of public spaces with a focus on six different priorities: places of worship of all faiths, Jewish places of worship, CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) threats, firearms trafficking, explosive detection dogs and non-cooperative drones. In light of the worrying upsurge of antisemitic incidents across the EU , following the heinous terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, the Commission reserved EUR 5 million of the total budget exclusively for projects on the protection of Jewish places of worship, as announced in the Communication issued by the European Commission titled “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred”.

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EU Commission, Ukraine and Moldova sign High-Level Understandings to improve transport connectivity

The adapted maps will help step up connectivity between Ukraine and Moldova and with the EU, which will be particularly important now that the European Council has decided to launch accession negotiations with both countries. Following signature of associations agreements with the Commission earlier this year, Moldova and Ukraine will also be able to apply for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility for projects to develop TEN-T infrastructure.

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Finland to provide humanitarian aid to crisis areas

The power struggle in Sudan, which began in spring 2023, has led to a rapid increase in humanitarian needs both in Sudan and in its neighbouring areas. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the conflict in Sudan has forced 6.6 million people, 2.6 million of them children, to leave their homes. The UNHCR provides support such as emergency accommodation and emergency relief items to the refugees. Finland supports the work of the UNHCR in Sudan by EUR 10.4 million.

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Netherlands: First support package for Ukraine for 2024

For the first four months of 2024 the government has reserved €102 million to help Ukraine get through the winter and prepare for spring. During his visit to Ukraine on 15 December, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Geoffrey van Leeuwen detailed how the money will be allocated.

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Europol: Major bust of a notorious narcotics clan in Spain and Portugal

The investigation was initiated in February 2023, when law enforcement authorities gathered evidence of drug trafficking by known local narcotics clans along the Portuguese coast. The drug trafficking operations were carried out by retrieving cocaine shipments in the waters of the Atlantic. Portuguese authorities seized one such shipment of cocaine in Peniche (Portugal). The information gathered by law enforcement authorities indicated that the notorious Galician narcotics clan was deploying significant resources in terms of personnel, land and maritime equipment in Portugal to retrieve shipments of drugs on the high seas and then transport them to the Spanish region of Galicia.

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EU sends additional 500 power generators to Ukraine

Deployed from the EU’s emergency rescEU reserves hosted by Poland, the generators range from small 12.5 kVA to large 1000 kVA that are capable of suppling energy to entire hospitals in case of power cuts. The financial value of the 500 power generators being sent to Ukraine is €16.5 million. The generators will be provided to different Ukrainian ministries. The goal is to ensure sufficient supply of electricity during cold and dark months, but also to keep vital services like hospitals, wastewater treatments and heating stations up and running. For example, 40 of the 500 generators are designated for schools.

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Europol: Action against digital skimming reveals 443 compromised online merchants

Europol, law enforcement authorities from 17 countries and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) have joined forces with the private sector partners, including Group-IB and Sansec, to fight digital skimming attacks. With the support of national Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT), the two-month action has enabled Europol and its partners to notify 443 online merchants that their customers’ credit card or payment card data had been compromised. This action, led by Greece, falls under the EMPACT priority, which targets the criminals behind online fraud schemes.

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Child sexual abuse: EU Council paves the way for prolonging protection measure

In 2021, the EU adopted a law which allows providers of certain online services to derogate from data protection rules in the electronic communications sector. Providers of so-called number-independent interpersonal communications services (e.g. messaging services) were permitted to use specific technologies for the processing of personal and other data to detect online child sexual abuse on their services, to report and to remove it.

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co2 neutral, climate change, pxclimateaction

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 20 February 2024

CARBON REMOVAL: EU Council background on deal to establish an EU carbon removals certification framework +++ EU Parliament on deal with Council on carbon removals EU certification scheme +++ Europa-SPD zur Einigung auf Zertifizierung von Kohlenstoff-Entnahmen: “Weltweit erster Standard ebnet Weg zu europäischen Klimazielen” +++ EU-Abgeordnete Liese und Lins (CDU) zur Trilogeinigung bei Carbon Removals +++ COP28: At IEA event, COP28 President and other climate and energy leaders identify priority actions to deliver on Dubai outcomes.

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hydrogen, transport, blow

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 20 February 2024

HYDROGEN: Globaler Wasserstoffhochlauf: Deutschland und Niederlande bereiten internationale Wasserstoffankäufe vor – BMWK ermöglicht neue Ausschreibungsrunde +++ Hydrogen Europe manifesto puts energy transition front and centre +++ The case for global H2 trade: a factual response to T&E

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EIT Summit: Winners of EIT Awards and 2024 prize finalists revealed

Yesterday, the winners of this year’s EIT Awards, as well as the ten finalists for the European Prize for Women Innovators were announced at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Summit. The EIT Awards reward Europe’s most promising and ground-breaking innovations in four categories. The Changemaker Award winner is Mohamed Elamir, the co-founder of Woamy (Finland), which specializes in cellulose-based biofoams, offering a sustainable alternative to plastic foams. The Innovation Team Award goes to Altris (Sweden), a team specializing in sodium-ion batteries.

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RRF: Delivering ambitious reforms

Unprecedented in its scale and ambition, the RRF was established in February 2021 and has the two-fold objective of helping Member States to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as bolstering their resilience and making our economies and societies greener, more digital and more competitive. In short, fit for the future. It has also been vital in addressing urgent challenges, such as the knock-on impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.  

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Dr Pamela Rendi-Wagner nominated new Director of ECDC

Each Management Board member had one vote, and the candidate required support from two-thirds of all voting members. The Board members cast their vote by secret ballot. The Management Board of ECDC is composed of one member designated by each Member State, two members designated by the European Parliament, and three members representing the European Commission, all with a right to vote. Before her appointment, Dr Pamela Rendi-Wagner will be invited to make a statement before the European Parliament and to answer the questions of its Members.

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Medical devices: EU Council endorses new measures to help prevent shortages

Around two thirds of all clinical decisions are based on information provided by IVDs, which include tests for HIV, cancer, pregnancy and COVID-19. In 2017, new rules were introduced to modernise and update the EU framework for these products, guaranteeing their safety and effectiveness.
The far-reaching nature of these changes led to an increased need for scientific, technical and regulatory expertise and capacity, which take time to develop. As a result, many critical IVDs have yet to comply with the new rules, leading to a risk that – once the transition deadline has passed – they may be removed from the market without being replaced.

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kigali, rwanda, africa

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 19 February 2024

RAW MATERIALS: EU and Rwanda sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains +++ CHEMICAL POLLUTION: EEB: Chemical pollution victims’ voices ignored for a European Industrial Deal +++ UNECE
Crises are further slowing sustainable development in Europe, North America and Central Asia, warns UNECE report

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chemistry, circles, h2

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 19 February 2024

HYDROGEN: European Hydrogen Bank pilot auction: 132 bids received from 17 European countries +++ Latest hydrogen industries’ headlines +++ Hydrogen Mining: The New Energy Transition Challenge +++ thyssenkrupp Steel issues call for tenders to supply hydrogen to the first direct reduction plant in the tkH2Steel decarbonization project +++ ENERGY REGULATION: First edition of the REMIT training: more is yet to come – Florence School of Regulation

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