Wed. Oct 16th, 2024





First EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit: Joint Statement

The summit presented an opportunity for the EU to develop a closer partnership with the GCC and its member states: the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar, and the State of Kuwait, who are geostrategic partners at a time of challenging geopolitical circumstances.

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Malta: EU Commission preliminarily endorses 2nd RRF payment request

The payment request covers important steps in the delivery of 24 reforms and ten investments that will drive positive change for citizens and businesses in Malta in the areas of construction, waste management, energy efficiency, transport, digitalisation, healthcare, education and training, justice, anti-corruption and taxation.

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Daisy Chains: EU Council adopts directive on indirect subscription chains

The Council today adopted a directive that amends the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive or (BRRD) and the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation or (SRMR) to include targeted proportionality requirements to the treatment of ‘internal MREL’ in bank resolution groups. The Daisy Chains directive sets out the concept and scope of liquidation entities and provides the conditions for the application of the consolidated treatment of ‘internal MREL’.

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EU Commission approves €600m Italian State aid for operators in the fisheries and aquaculture sector

The aim of the scheme is to promote cooperation and integration between operators in the fisheries and aquaculture sector and to stimulate better market relations. In particular, the scheme will support the development of sectoral contracts, through investment aid which will be distributed among a variety of beneficiaries operating in the different segments of the sector, from production to the processing and the marketing of fishery and aquaculture products.

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EU Commission approves amendment of Germany’s commitments in recapitalisation of energy company SEFE

Germany has notified to the Commission a change to the acquisition ban, which will allow SEFE to take over the remaining shares in gas network operator WIGA GmbH & Co KG (which is already owned to almost 50% by SEFE). This amendment is counterbalanced by other additional commitments submitted by Germany, such as additional divestments and wind-downs, a decreased volume commitment and a third claw-back mechanism, which will allow to remedy the distortions of competition.

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Online platforms focus on elections in 3rd batch of disinformation reports

Today, the signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation, including major online platforms such as Google, Meta, Microsoft and TikTok, have published the third set of reports detailing the actions they are taking to combat the spread of disinformation online, with a particular focus on the upcoming European elections in June. Available on the Transparency Centre, the reports feature the measures that signatories have already implemented or are planning to take ahead and during the European elections, as well as safeguards related to the risks of generative AI.

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EU Commissioner Breton reacts to CRRC Qingdao Sifang’s withdrawal from procurement amid investigation

The Commission takes note of the withdrawal by CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive Co., Ltd. from a public procurement tender organised by the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport and Communications. The withdrawal follows the Commission’s announcement of an in-depth investigation under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. As a result of the withdrawal, the Commission will close its in-depth investigation. The public procurement tender concerns the purchase of 20 electric “push-pull” trains, as well as their maintenance over 15 years. The estimated value of the contract is around BGN 1.2 billion (€610 million).

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Digital transformation: EU and South Korea reaffirm their partnership

During the ministerial meeting, the EU and Korea reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate in key digital technologies for the benefit of citizens and economies. They took stock of the progress achieved since the first digital partnership council and agreed on a list of key areas to further cooperate. The EU and Korea agreed to continue the cooperation on semiconductors, 5G and beyond, quantum technology, platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), as well as cybersecurity, and defined other areas of cooperation such as network connectivity.

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EU Commission probes Zoetis for anticompetitive behavior

The European Commission has opened a formal antitrust investigation to assess whether animal health company Zoetis may have breached EU competition rules by preventing the market launch of a competing novel biologic medicine used to treat chronic pain in dogs. Zoetis is a global animal health company headquartered in the US. Zoetis’ Librela is the first and only monoclonal antibody medicine approved in Europe to treat pain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs. The medicine is administered monthly and offers a novel pain relief option, particularly relevant for older dogs.

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DSA: EU Commission issues guidelines for election security

Today, the Commission has published guidelines on recommended measures to Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines to mitigate systemic risks online that may impact the integrity of elections, with specific guidance for the upcoming European Parliament elections in June. Under the Digital Services Act (DSA), designated services with more than 45 million active users in the EU have the obligation to mitigate the risks related to electoral processes, while safeguarding fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression.

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Serbia: IMF staff agreement on 3rd review under the Stand-By Arrangement

The Serbian economy has been preforming well under the IMF-supported program, despite the challenging global and regional environment. Macroeconomic outcomes in 2023 exceeded expectations and are expected to remain strong in 2024. Growth is projected to increase to 3.5 percent in 2024, and to 4.5 percent in 2025, as domestic demand picks up.

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First EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit: Joint Statement

The summit presented an opportunity for the EU to develop a closer partnership with the GCC and its member states: the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar, and the State of Kuwait, who are geostrategic partners at a time of challenging geopolitical circumstances.

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Niger: Embassy closure (2 January 2024)

The Embassy of France in Niger is now closed until further notice. For the past five months, our Embassy has been subjected to major obstacles that have made it impossible to do its job: a blockade around the Embassy, restrictions on employee movements, and the turning away of all diplomatic personnel who were supposed to arrive in Niger, in clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Embassy will continue operating from Paris.

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U.S. Treasury: Countering Houthi maritime attacks on international shipping

The United States is designating one individual and three entities for facilitating Iranian financial assistance to the Houthis that enables attacks on international shipping and other destabilizing activities.  Those designated today have facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars to the Houthis at the direction of U.S.-designated Sa’id al-Jamal, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed Houthi financial facilitator based in Iran.

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UN rights chief warns of ‘dehumanization’ of Palestinians amid West Bank violence

Bulldozers in refugee camps, detainees stripped naked and spat at, farmers robbed of their harvest: against the backdrop of the war in Gaza the situation in the occupied West Bank is “rapidly deteriorating” amid levels of violence not seen in years, UN rights chief Volker Türk warned on Thursday. Commenting on a new report on the West Bank released by his office, OHCHR, Mr. Türk expressed concern at the use of military means and weapons by law enforcement, movement restrictions affecting Palestinians and a sharp rise in settler violence resulting in the displacement of herding communities.

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Lebanon: UN Force condemns attack on peacekeepers

The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on Thursday condemned an attack on one of its patrols, in which one peacekeeper was injured. The windows of a patrol vehicle were also smashed. The patrol was attacked on Wednesday night (local time) by a group of young men in Taybeh in Marjayoun district, south Lebanon, the Force said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

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Rebuild trust and restore hope in 2024: UN chief’s call

In his message, the UN chief reflected on the pain and suffering afflicting humanity. Conflicts persist, claiming tens of thousands of civilian lives, many of them women and children. Millions have been driven from their homes, facing hunger and disease. At the same time, “the planet is peril”, Mr. Guterres said, marked by record-breaking temperatures and worsening impacts of climate change.

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NATO intercepted Russian military aircraft over 300 times in 2023

In 2023, NATO air forces across Europe scrambled well over 300 times to intercept Russian military aircraft approaching Alliance airspace, with most intercepts occurring over the Baltic Sea. NATO has standing air-policing missions that calls for Allied jets to scramble when there are signs of Russian military planes approaching Allied airspace in unpredictable ways. Along NATO’s eastern flank, Russian military aircraft have a history of not transmitting a transponder code indicating their position and altitude, not filing a flight plan, or did communicating with air traffic controllers. The vast majority of aerial encounters between NATO and Russian jets were safe and professional. Breaches of NATO airspace by Russian military aircraft remained rare and generally of short duration.

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UN Security Council: Middle East

The continued daily fire across the Blue Line poses great risk to regional stability.  There have been several instances of strikes deeper into the territories of Lebanon and Israel, raising the risk of conflict with potentially devastating consequences for the people of both countries.  With the risk of miscalculation increasing, it is crucial that all actors immediately de-escalate and return to the cessation of hostilities.

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UK: Government exceeds target as over 2,100 more county lines closed

More than 2,000 county lines have been dismantled in the last 18 months, as the government hits its target of closing thousands of these criminal networks early. Data published this month shows the ambitious three-year target, made in the government’s 10-year drug strategy, has been achieved in just a year and a half, with dedicated police taskforces from the County Lines Programme arresting senior line holders and breaking the gangs that terrorise communities.  

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Ministerial Conference on Peacekeeping (Accra, 6 December 2023)

I mention these numbers because we cannot remain indifferent when these soldiers who wear this very iconic blue helmet and who defend this very iconic blue flag of the United Nations are being physically attacked on the ground but are also the targets of hate speech, and I can only agree with the panellists and speakers who think that we need to take action collectively to stop these attacks on the safety and reputation of our Blue Helmets.

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First EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit: Joint Statement

The summit presented an opportunity for the EU to develop a closer partnership with the GCC and its member states: the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar, and the State of Kuwait, who are geostrategic partners at a time of challenging geopolitical circumstances.

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graphic, oil rig, oil

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 26 February 2024

ENERGY  EFFICIENCY: EU Commission VP Suica delivers a keynote speech via video message for the opening of the European Citizens Panel (ECP) on Energy Efficiency +++ OPEC and Africa exchange views on array of key energy issues +++ 52nd OPEC Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee +++ NUCLEAR ENERGY: Upcoming IAEA Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels

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EU Commission recommends that Member States continue saving gas to secure supplies and stabilize markets

Gas savings by businesses and citizens across the EU have made an important contribution to tackling the energy crisis, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago. Collectively, the EU reduced gas demand by 18% between August 2022 and December 2023, saving around 101 billion cubic metres of gas. These efforts go above and beyond the 15% savings target which was agreed under emergency legislation adopted in Summer 2022, and were essential to preserve stable supplies, stabilise energy markets in the EU, and show solidarity with Ukraine.

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plastic waste, ocean, pollution

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 23 February 2024

UNECE: Executive Secretary to highlight global relevance of UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements at UN Environment Assembly +++ UN Environment Assembly: EU calls for cooperation on circular economy, water resilience and ocean protection to address planetary crisis +++ CONSUMER REDRESS: MEPs adopt new rules on out-of-court consumer redress

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 23 February 2024

NECPS: EU Commission publishes new Recommendations on draft NECPs from Belgium, Ireland and Latvia +++ CLIMATE STATE AID: EU Commission approves €1.3bn German State aid measure funded under Recovery and Resilience Facility to support ArcelorMittal decarbonize its steel production +++ BMWK: Grünes Licht für Grünen Stahl +++ TRADE & CLIMATE: Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis leads EU delegation at 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in Abu Dhabi

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energy, solar energy, solar

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 23 February 2024

ENERGY  EFFICIENCY: European Citizens’ Panel to discuss Energy Efficiency +++ CLEAN ENERGY: Le cinquième dialogue sur la transition propre mettra l’accent sur le rôle clé de l’infrastructure énergétique dans la transition verte +++ ENERGY REGULATIONS: REMIT breach: Italian energy regulator (ARERA) fines ENET Energy S.A. €940,000 for gas market manipulation +++
Eurogas: National neutrality charges will fragment the EU market and are against the Union’s spirit of solidarity +++ ENERGY MERGERS: EU Commission clears acquisition of Progas by DCC

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More than €425m in Cohesion Funds will ensure commuters in Warsaw a more efficient and frequent rail service

The project, funded under the 2014-2020 cohesion policy programming period, will involve the modernisation of railway tracks, overhead lines, telecommunications equipment, and water and sewage management. Stations will be upgraded, while flyovers, pedestrian bridges, and a pedestrian subway will be built. These features will allow passenger trains to travel at speeds up to 160 km/h at certain sections. The new rail infrastructure will ensure lower maintenance costs accompanied by a greener environmental footprint – it will reduce air and noise pollution and limit accidents.

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Protecting workers against lead and diisocyanates: EU Council signs off on new limit values

Workers are now better protected. For the first time in 40 years, the EU has revisited the limit values for occupational exposure to lead and its inorganic compounds, by reducing them fivefold. These reprotoxic substances can affect sexual function and fertility, and they may also damage the nervous system, among other things. In addition, the directive is the first-ever EU legislation to set limit values for diiosocyanates, a group of harmful substances to which 4.2 million workers are currently exposed and which can cause asthma and dermal diseases.

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Updated fisheries measures in the ICCAT area: EU Council gives final green light

Today the Council has formally adopted a regulation that transposes into EU law certain fisheries management, conservation and control measures in the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) convention area. The newly-adopted regulation also updates the multiannual management plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

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