Wed. Oct 16th, 2024



cake diagram with election results

Election 2024: Updated seat projection for new European Parliament

The projection above is based onfinal results from 17 EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Slovakia; and provisional results from 10 countries: Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

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Lithuania: EU Commission disburses the second RRF payment of €360m

The overall recovery and resilience plan of Lithuania will be financed by €2.3 billion in grants and €1.55 billion in loans. The amounts of payments made to Member States are published in the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard, which shows the progress made in the implementation of the RRF as a whole and of the individual recovery and resilience plans.

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Council of Europe candidacy: Temporary withdrawal of EU Commissioner Reynders from the Commission

Commissioner Reynders has informed President von der Leyen that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe had recommended him to the Parliamentary Assembly of this organisation for the post of Secretary-General on 25 March, and requested an unpaid leave for the duration of the campaign as of 25 April and until the day of the election of the new Secretary-General of the Council of Europe.

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France: EU Commission approves €900m state aid for energy and fuel production from biomass and hydrogen

The European Commission has approved a €900 million French scheme to support companies investing in the use of biomass and renewable hydrogen in energy and fuel production, to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are key to accelerate the green transition and reduce fuel dependencies.

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9th Cohesion Report: EU Regions and states closing gaps

Cohesion Policy is an important driver of sustainable development and economic growth. In the long run, it is expected that each euro invested through Cohesion Policy will have tripled, by 2043 which is equivalent to an annual rate of return of around 4%. Thanks to the Policy, it is estimated that 1.3 million additional jobs will be created in the EU by 2027, with a large share in sectors related to the green and digital transitions.

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graduates, graduation, school

EU Commission rolls out plans for a European degree

Today, the Commission is presenting three initiatives to advance transnational cooperation between higher education institutions, with the ultimate goal of creating a European degree. A voluntary European degree would benefit students and the higher education community by boosting learning mobility within the EU and by enhancing students’ transversal skills. It would help meet labour market demand and make graduates more attractive for future employers while, at the same time, attracting students from around the world and boosting European competitiveness.

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EU Court of Justice: Order of the VP of the Court in Case C-639/23 P(R) (Commission v Amazon Services Europe)

Amazon Services Europe belongs to the Amazon group. Its business activities comprise online retail and other services such as cloud computing and digital streaming. It provides marketplace services to third-party sellers enabling them to offer products for sale via Amazon Store. By a decision of 23 April 2023, adopted under the Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services, the Commission designated Amazon Store as a very large online platform. That means, in particular, that Amazon Store is obliged to make publicly available a repository containing detailed information3 on its online advertising.

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Malta: EU Commission preliminarily endorses 2nd RRF payment request

The payment request covers important steps in the delivery of 24 reforms and ten investments that will drive positive change for citizens and businesses in Malta in the areas of construction, waste management, energy efficiency, transport, digitalisation, healthcare, education and training, justice, anti-corruption and taxation.

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UN/Ukraine: 2024 starts with ‘loss, pain, and anguish’ amid intense Russian strikes

Major aerial attacks causing widespread death and destruction of homes and civilian infrastructure have rained down on Ukraine in the first days of 2024 due to an intense new Russian offensive. In a statement on Tuesday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator Denise Brown strongly condemned the assaults targeting mostly cities. Ms. Brown on Tuesday once again reminded the Russian Federation that ‘indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are strictly forbidden under international humanitarian law’.

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Air defense: President of Ukraine discusses defense cooperation with the UK PM

The Head of State spoke about the continued Russian aerial terror against Ukrainian cities. He noted that over the past five days, the enemy had fired at the very least 500 missiles and combat drones at the territory of Ukraine. The President noted the UK’s substantial and comprehensive contribution to bolstering Ukraine’s air defense system, particularly with radars, advanced anti-drone systems and missiles.

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Zelenskyy: Each air defense system has already saved a minimum of hundreds of lives

January 2, 2024 – another attack by Russian savages. Almost a hundred missiles of various types. At least 70 missiles were shot down. Nearly 60 of them were intercepted in the Kyiv area. There were also severe strikes on Kharkiv… Work is currently underway to eliminate the consequences. Unfortunately, there are fatalities. My condolences to all the families and friends. There are many injured. Everyone is being provided with the necessary assistance.

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Russian Government extends restrictions on the export of a certain goods and equipment from Russia

Russia has extended the temporary ban on the export of certain goods and equipment for another two years, until the end of 2025. A resolution to this effect has been signed. The export restrictions apply to technological and medical equipment, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment, turbines, nuclear reactors, fibre-optic cables, certain types of aircraft, radars, batteries, and metal processing equipment.

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First UK maritime shipment of lifesaving aid for Gaza arrives in Egypt

87 tonnes of life-saving UK and Cypriot aid for the people of Gaza delivered by Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ship Lyme Bay to Egypt from Cyprus delivery includes over 10,000 thermal blankets, nearly 5,000 shelter packs and medical supplies to be transferred to Gaza through the Rafah crossing it follows the Foreign Secretary’s visit to Egypt last month to see first-hand the importance of UK aid for the people of Gaza and the Defence Secretary’s visit to Cyprus and Israel. Both have pressed for an acceleration, with significantly more aid to be allowed into Gaza, through as many routes as possible.

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UK: Foreign Secretary call with US Secretary of State Blinken, January 2024

The Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State discussed the international community’s shared condemnation of the illegal and unjustified attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea by Houthi militants.  They made clear that the UK and US will work with our partners to hold the Houthis accountable for these unlawful seizures and attacks. The Foreign Secretary raised worsening food insecurity in Gaza and the urgent need for significantly more aid to reach civilians, through as many routes as possible. 

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Attack in Iraqi Kurdistan (31 December 2023)

France utterly condemns the particularly serious armed drone attack on a Kurdish forces base in Pirmam, in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan Region. These violent, destabilizing actions must end and their perpetrators must be identified and prosecuted. France calls on all parties to respect Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the stability and security of the autonomous Kurdistan Region within it.

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Ukraine: Condemnation of massive new Russian strikes (2 January 2024)

In launching nearly 100 missiles and dozens of drones across Ukraine four days after a strike of unprecedented dimensions that resulted in at least 39 casualties, Russia is continuing its strategy of terror aimed at destroying Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure, in order to weaken the resilience of the Ukrainian people during the second winter of the conflict. Russia alone bears responsibility for this escalation, which has no justification whatsoever and which primarily affects civilians.

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Niger: Embassy closure (2 January 2024)

The Embassy of France in Niger is now closed until further notice. For the past five months, our Embassy has been subjected to major obstacles that have made it impossible to do its job: a blockade around the Embassy, restrictions on employee movements, and the turning away of all diplomatic personnel who were supposed to arrive in Niger, in clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Embassy will continue operating from Paris.

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U.S. Treasury: Countering Houthi maritime attacks on international shipping

The United States is designating one individual and three entities for facilitating Iranian financial assistance to the Houthis that enables attacks on international shipping and other destabilizing activities.  Those designated today have facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars to the Houthis at the direction of U.S.-designated Sa’id al-Jamal, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed Houthi financial facilitator based in Iran.

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Illustration of roles and responsibilities of Commission’s main services

EU auditors on climate adaptation: EU action not keeping up with ambition

Progress towards climate adaptation is difficult to measure, the EU auditors say in their report. Between 20214 and 2020, at least €8 billion were earmarked for climate adaptation in the EU, rising to €26 billion between 2021-2027. Though the majority of projects examined by the ECA increased the adaptive capacity, there were still 40% of projects with little or no impact.

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ECDC: Continued efforts needed to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in humans and animals

Moreover, there has been an increase in the proportion of Escherichia coli isolates from food-producing animals that exhibit ‘complete susceptibility’ or ‘zero resistance’ to key antimicrobials. This, alongside a decrease in the prevalence of E. coli isolates that produce ESBL or AmpC — enzymes which can make some antibiotics ineffective — demonstrates progress in reducing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in E. coli from food-producing animals across several EU Member States. Mike Catchpole, ECDC Chief Scientist and Carlos Das Neves, EFSA Chief Scientist, said:

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MEPs approve protection for innovative medicinal and plant protection products

MEPs adopt their first reading position about EU supplementary certificates enabling longer protection of patented medicinal and plant protection products. Innovative medicines and pesticides should enjoy 5-year longer EU-wide patent protection on top of 20-year protection of patent to compensate for lengthy testing requirements before these products are placed on the EU market. Unitary supplementary protection certificates aim to cover costs invested into research of innovative substances at the EU level.

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Finland agrees on principles guiding 6G development with partner countries

Finland has joined the multilateral Joint Statement Endorsing Principles for 6G led by the United States. The joint statement was published at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 27 February 2024. The joint statement contains an agreement on common principles that will guide the development of 6G nationally and internationally. By joining the joint statement, Finland will strengthen cooperation with its key strategic partners in future wireless communications networks.

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Insight EU Environment Monitoring 26 February 2024

REPROTOXIC SUBSTANCES:Protecting workers against lead and diisocyanates: EU Council signs off on new limit values+++UNEA:Environment: UN and EU presidency share the same priorities+++World unites at UN Environment Assembly to combat ‘triple planetary crisis’+++UN Environment Assembly opens with calls for stronger multilateral action+++Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke vertritt Bundesregierung bei der UNEA-6 in Nairobi+++

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 26 February 2024

CCS & CCU: Habeck will den Einsatz von CCS ermöglichen: „Ohne CCS können wir unmöglich die Klimaziele erreichen“ +++ BDI zu Eckpunkten einer Carbon-Management-Strategie: Grundsatzentscheidung für CCS/CCU-Technologien ist wichtiger Schritt hin zu Klimaneutralität +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: United Nations adopts landmark global decarbonization strategy in transport by road, rail and inland waterway 

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Insight EU Energy Monitoring 26 February 2024

ENERGY  EFFICIENCY: EU Commission VP Suica delivers a keynote speech via video message for the opening of the European Citizens Panel (ECP) on Energy Efficiency +++ OPEC and Africa exchange views on array of key energy issues +++ 52nd OPEC Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee +++ NUCLEAR ENERGY: Upcoming IAEA Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels

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EU Commission recommends that Member States continue saving gas to secure supplies and stabilize markets

Gas savings by businesses and citizens across the EU have made an important contribution to tackling the energy crisis, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago. Collectively, the EU reduced gas demand by 18% between August 2022 and December 2023, saving around 101 billion cubic metres of gas. These efforts go above and beyond the 15% savings target which was agreed under emergency legislation adopted in Summer 2022, and were essential to preserve stable supplies, stabilise energy markets in the EU, and show solidarity with Ukraine.

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plastic waste, ocean, pollution

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 23 February 2024

UNECE: Executive Secretary to highlight global relevance of UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements at UN Environment Assembly +++ UN Environment Assembly: EU calls for cooperation on circular economy, water resilience and ocean protection to address planetary crisis +++ CONSUMER REDRESS: MEPs adopt new rules on out-of-court consumer redress

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 23 February 2024

NECPS: EU Commission publishes new Recommendations on draft NECPs from Belgium, Ireland and Latvia +++ CLIMATE STATE AID: EU Commission approves €1.3bn German State aid measure funded under Recovery and Resilience Facility to support ArcelorMittal decarbonize its steel production +++ BMWK: Grünes Licht für Grünen Stahl +++ TRADE & CLIMATE: Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis leads EU delegation at 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in Abu Dhabi

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