Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Brussels, 8 December 2022

Today, the Commission is publishing itsfirst Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Report and its third Clean Air Outlook report– together setting pathways to cleaner air, water and soil. The reports show that EU policies have contributed to reducing air pollution as well as pollution from pesticides. However, pollution levels are still too high. In other areas such as harmful noise, nutrient pollution or municipal waste generation, progress has stalled. The results show that overall much stronger action is necessary if the EU is to achieve 2030 pollution reduction targets, by adopting new anti-pollution laws and better implementing existing ones.

Progress towards 2030 targets but pollution levels still too high

The progress towards the six ‘zero pollution’ targets is mixed. Pollution is decreasing from pesticides, antimicrobials and marine litter. Not much progress has been made for pollution from noise, nutrients and waste. On the other hand, the overall high rates of compliance with the EU drinking and bathing water pollution standards (>99% and >93% respectively) are encouraging. For 2030, we can achieve most of the targets if additional efforts are made.

However, current pollution levels are still far too high: over 10% of premature deaths in the EU each year are still related to environmental pollution. This is mainly due to air pollution, but also to noise pollution and exposure to chemicals, which is likely to be underestimated. The pollution similarly damages biodiversity. There are significant differences between Member States, with premature deaths levels around 5-6% in the North and 12-14% in the South and East of Europe.

The Commission has by now delivered or advanced on all 33 of the announced actions in the Zero Pollution Action Plan of 2021. In order for them to have an impact, the report calls for the swift agreement and adoption of the legislative proposals to reduce harmful pollution, and the improved implementation of the existing ones at local, national and cross-border level. Notably, it finds that if the EU implements all relevant measures proposed by the Commission, the number of premature deaths due to air pollution would fall by over 70% in 2030 compared to 2005, with benefits of clean air measures outweighing costs and leading to overall GDP gains. The report also points to the importance of promoting global initiatives and supporting third countries in their efforts towards reducing pollution.


Today’s report is supported by in-depth analysis from the European Environment Agency for the monitoring part, while the Joint Research Centre provided research that is the basis for the outlook part. Main findings from the third Clean Air Outlook were also included in the Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook report. The web-based Zero Pollution monitoring assessment, prepared by the European Environment Agency, provides a cross-cutting assessment on pollution centred around the themes of production and consumption, health and ecosystems.

Pollution is the largest environmental cause of multiple diseases, and premature deaths, especially among children, people with certain medical conditions and the elderly. Pollution is also one of the five main threats to biodiversity.

Under the Zero Pollution Action Plan, the Commission launched nine flagships and 33 dedicated actions to prevent and reduce pollution, most recently, the Zero pollution package for cleaner air and water.

All reports will be discussed at the upcoming Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference on the 14 December 2022.

For more information

Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Report

Third Clean Air Outlook Report and underpinning study

EEAZero pollution monitoring assessment

JRCZero pollution outlook 2022and news

RTD report‘Horizon projects supporting the zero pollution action plan’.

Zero Pollution Action Plan website

Zero Pollution package of 26 October 2022 (IP 22 6278)

Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conferenceincludingregistration

Eurobarometer: “Attitudes of Europeans towards Air Quality”

Source – EU Commission

Press statement by EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius on Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Report


Brussels, 8 December 2022

“Check against delivery”

Good afternoon, everyone.

I am very happy to present you today the first ever integrated Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Report.

I’m sure you remember that the Commission has a zero pollution ambition as part of the European Green Deal.

By 2050, we want to see pollution down to levels that no longer harm our ecosystems or human health.

Today’s report shows very clearly where we are, and what we still need to do reach that goal.

It is supported by in-depth analysis from European Environment Agency for the monitoring part, and by the Joint Research Centre for the outlook part.

What it shows is a mixed picture.

Most trends show a decrease – this is certainly the case for air pollution as well as pollution from pesticides which affects our water, marine and soil environment.

Others are stable. Which means that we have stopped the negative trend, but we haven’t yet succeeded in reversing it.

This is the case for pollution caused by noise, nutrients and waste in particular plastics that often end up in our seas and oceans.

So all in all, past EU actions have worked, at least to some extent. But in almost all cases, the levels are still too high.

More than 10 percent of premature deaths in the EU each year are still related to environmental pollution.  Vulnerable groups like children, the elderly or people with pre-existing conditions are suffering most.

This is mainly due to air pollution, but noise pollution and exposure to chemicals are also playing a big role.

Nature is impacted as well. Almost all the legal limits for pollutants are seeing high levels of exceedance. This is true for instance of nutrients, pesticides and marine litter. The results are eutrophication in water bodies, decline of pollinators, and seas with more plastic than fish.

So what about the future outlook?

Today we adopted two forward looking documents: this broad zero pollution outlook report, and the more targeted 3rd Clean Air Outlook.

Both of them make a decisive case for stronger policy action.

For air pollution, our policy response came in October, through the proposal for the revision of the air quality directives.

The air outlook shows the huge benefits of the targets we propose.

The Commission proposal could reduce premature deaths up to 70% by 2030, while also significantly reducing ammonia too, provided that the proposal we made for revised Industrial Emissions Directive maintains a sound level of ambition for livestock farming.

But to achieve their already existing reduction commitments, Member States need to do even more in the agricultural sector to decrease ammonia emissions.

It also shows that the Fit for 55 package and other Green Deal proposals will help to achieve clean air.

Beyond air, the Outlook report shows that we’re not on track to achieve the 2030 targets for noise, nutrients, waste, and plastics in the oceans.

We have adopted some of the tools we need to correct those trajectories. The circular economy package for pollution of plastics from packaging was presented already last week. Next year will fill more gaps with initiatives on microplastics, and nutrients in relation to soil health.

What we present today is compelling evidence about the need of ambitious action.

For that action to actually work, we need the Parliament and the Council to make swift progress with the legislative proposals linked to pollution, and we need Member States to step up implementation of the existing EU pollution laws.

I also hope that today’s reports will help convince our global partners to follow our zero pollution lead. I will use this new evidence from the reports to convince our partners to set ambitious pollution reduction targets to protect biodiversity in the upcoming COP15.

So the message is clear.

These analyses show that the benefits of acting for clean air, water and soil are far greater than the investment.

These reports will be presented in greater detail at the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference on 14 December 2022 and you are all invited to join the discussions that day.

And now, I’ll be very happy to answer the questions you have on these reports.

Source – EU Commission

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