Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

New York City, 27 September 2024

Yesterday, among the main highlights of the EU’s participation at the UN General Assembly, High Representative/Vice-President (HR/VP) Josep Borrell co-chaired an informal Ministerial meeting of EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Foreign Ministers. You can read his opening remarks and read the Co-chairs’ joint press release issued after the meeting. In the afternoon, the HR/VP participated in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Ministerial meeting and the Ministerial Meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC). He then co-hosted the Ministerial meeting on ‘The situation in Gaza and the implementation of the Two-State Solution as the path to just and comprehensive peace’. You can read his opening remarks here.

Commissioner Stella Kyriakides delivered a speech on behalf of the EU at the 2nd High-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), where political leaders committed to a series of measures to tackle AMR, including improved prevention, surveillance, monitoring, financing, access, innovation and awareness-raising. Read more about it and the EU’s action against (AMR) in the press release and the political declaration.

Commissioner Didier Reynders spoke in a side event on stopping the destabilising flow of sensitive technology, organised by Ukraine.

Commissioner Kadri Simson participated in a panel on the launch event of the Trade and Clean Energy Transition Program, organised by the Centre on Global Energy Policy.

Today, the EU wraps up a week of intense discussions and engagements with world leaders on the most pressing global issues. HR/VP Borrell will co-chair the 14th Ministerial meeting of the Global Counter Terrorism Forum with Egypt. You can watch his opening remarks live on EbS at 10:00 EST (16:00 CEST). He will then have a one-on-one conversation at the event ‘Navigating Europe’s challenges: a conversation with Josep Borrell‘, organised by the Council on Foreign Relations. You can follow the event on EbS at 12:30 EST (18:30 CEST). In the afternoon, HR/VP Borrell will participate in the UN Security Council meeting on Gaza. You can watch his speech live on EbS at 16:30 EST (22:30 CEST).

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