Wed. Mar 26th, 2025
Donald Trump (left) receiving Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán (right).
Donald Trump receiving Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán. Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher

Brussels, 6 November 2024

(Statements are e-translated by Microsoft)

Heads of States and Governments

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz congratulates Donald Trump


I congratulate you on your election as President of the United States of America.

Our countries have a close friendship and partnership. For many decades, Germany and the United States have been working side by side to promote prosperity and freedom on both sides of the Atlantic. Together with you, I want to continue this successful work for the benefit of our citizens.

The many different challenges of our day and age demand joint responses. Germany is committed to doing its part. For me, this includes further strengthening our joint NATO Alliance and the German-American friendship. Both are key pillars for the freedom, security, and prosperity of our two countries and the transatlantic area as a whole.

I wish you strength and success for the tasks that lie ahead.


Olaf Scholz
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

Source: Federal Government of Germany


Statement by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the US elections, upon returning from her trip to Ukraine on 6 November 2024

Berlin, 6 November 2024

“The Americans have cast their vote. Donald Trump has won the election. We congratulate him on this.

Germany, Europe and the United States are the closest of partners and allies. Our transatlantic friendship has never been forged only with one political party.

At the same time, it is fundamental to democracy that, after an election, both domestic policy and foreign policy undergo readjustment.

Germany will remain a close and reliable ally for the next US administration, as well. That is the offer we are putting on the table. And, as in any good partnership, where political differences certainly do exist, it is more important than ever to engage in an honest and above all intensive dialogue.

In the past few days, during my visit to Ukraine, I got a stronger sense than ever before of how much is at stake for Europeans and Americans when it comes to our common commitment to freedom, international law and democracy.

Ukraine is, now more than ever, defending our shared freedom. We continue to stand firmly by its side, for as long as it takes. To stand for a just and lasting peace in Europe. This peace can only be accomplished together with the Ukrainians, the Europeans and the United States.

For me, and for us, it is clear that we Europeans must now assume even greater responsibility for security. Today, tomorrow and the day after that. For us and for our children. We stand ready to do so.

This German Government has already made significant security policy decisions in recent years. We must now act, as we take on responsibility for security. Regarding investments in our European security, we must now think big and act big.

Moreover, we must free ourselves of the shackles we’ve put on, especially with respect to investing in the security of Germany and the EU. We must do this also to further strengthen the European pillar in NATO.

This is no replacement for the transatlantic partnership. It is an investment in our shared transatlantic partnership.

In these turbulent geopolitical times, we must more than ever act in concert – on both sides of the Atlantic – so as to stand up for our freedom, our prosperity and our way of life. To jointly meet the challenges of global systemic competition, which is steadily growing.

Our partners can rely on Germany for this. Our partners in the US, our partners in Europe and our partners in Ukraine.

It is the responsibility of this German Government to keep working on this – especially at this point in time.

Source – Foreign Ministry of Germany


Quote by Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister Robert Habeck on the US election

I congratulate President Trump on his re-election.

Germany and the United States have deep ties. Our economies are closely intertwined, we are partners and allies.

Freedom and peace, security and responsibility are goals that Europe and the United States have shared for decades and that shape the transatlantic partnership. It is our task to lead this into the future. It should be clear to everyone that we benefit more when we work together, and that we lose when we act separately.

It was clear even before the election result that Europe will have more responsibility in the world – especially in terms of security policy. Europe must stand together and act as a strong player in world politics. Germany must be a reliable and effective partner in Europe and serve Europe. Everything we do, we should do as Europeans. This is especially true of the resolute support for Ukraine. Their freedom is also crucial for security and peace in Germany and Europe.

Now is the time for state responsibility. In this situation, Germany must be fully capable of acting.

Source – Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action


Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier congratulates Donald J. Trump

Berlin, 6 November 2024

Federal President Steinmeier has congratulated Donald J. Trump on his election victory:

Please accept my congratulations on your success in the elections for the 47th President of the United States of America.

Transatlantic relations are of key importance for the stability and prosperity of our two countries and our continents.

Germany and the United States have a long, shared history of mutually beneficial cooperation. Generations of German immigrants have left their mark on the United States and continue to do so to this very day, while courageous Americans have to shape Germany’s path for the better. The Federal Republic of Germany is deeply indebted to the United States for its support of our freedom, unity, and security. Millions of people in both our countries enjoy bonds that have been forged through personal connections, common values, rewarding experiences, and good memories. They know: Together, we are stronger than when we stand alone. Together, we will achieve more.

Particularly in this turbulent world with so many conflicts and uncertainties, our cooperation is of great value and of great power, both bilaterally and as partners in NATO and the United Nations. You can count on Germany as a strong partner by the United States’ side.

I will continue working to ensure that Germans and Americans encounter one another with a positive and open mind, and I hope that our countries will continue to cooperate on the basis of our democratic values, in favor of a strong transatlantic Alliance, and for the advancement of our many common interests.

Allow me to wish you a sure hand for the important tasks that lie ahead.

Source – Federal President of Germany


Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments on the outcome of the US presidential election

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen says:

“Congratulations to Donald Trump on the election. The United States is our most important ally. We must maintain the close cooperation between the United States and Denmark and continue to strengthen the transatlantic bond that has existed for generations.

I am particularly looking forward to strengthening the defense cooperation between the United States and Denmark together with President-elect Trump. At the same time, there is a need for continued close global cooperation in a world where Russia is behaving increasingly aggressively, with increased support from Iran and North Korea. This is especially true in Ukraine, where there is a need to continue our support for their fight for freedom. In addition, it would not be possible for Russia to continue the war in Ukraine without the help of China, which is a cause for serious concern. It is about our common security.

At the same time, a strong partnership must be based on the fact that Europe must be able to do more on its own and take even greater responsibility for our own security. We need to speed up and invest even more in our collective defence. This is necessary to create a Europe of peace and security and to be a strong partner for the United States globally.”

Source – Prime Minister of Denmark (by email)


PM Orbán on Trump: I see a spectacular victory, perhaps the greatest comeback in Western political history

The prime minister said it gave great encouragement to everyone” who believes in will, struggle and perseverance, and a hope for peace for the world.”

In a video published on Facebook, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán commented on the US presidential election on Wednesday and said “I see a spectacular victory, perhaps the greatest comeback in Western political history, a huge fight”.

Speaking about Donald Trump, PM Orbán said that the Republican politician had first faced prison and a confiscation of his assets. He later faced an assassination attempt while “the whole media world of the US turned against him”, Orban said, adding that “he has still won.”

He said it gave great encouragement to everyone” who believes in will, struggle and perseverance, and a hope for peace for the world.”

It was hoped early this year that pro-peace forces would become a majority in the Western world by the end of the year and would defeat the pro-war camp, the prime minister said, adding that “there is now a great chance” to achieve that. He expressed hope for the economy to gain heat and for US-Hungary relations “to return to their golden era.”

“We have a number of plans that we can carry out together with President Donald Trump in the coming years,” PM Orbán said.

Source – Government of Hungary


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko: Greetings to Donald Trump on victory in presidential election in the United States of America

Minsk, November 6, 2024

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated Donald Trump on a victory in the latest presidential election in the United States of America:

“From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on resuming the office of the president of the United States of America. Results of the voting, which has been accompanied by unprecedented fighting this year, became an embodiment of your personal heroic feat. You’ve committed it primarily in the name of America and its citizens. I wish you strong health and smart political decisions that will make America great again.”

Source – President of Belarus


Parliamentarians and political parties

Statement by Daniel Caspary (CDU), Chairman of the CDU/CSU Group in the EU Parliament, and Angelika Niebler (CSU), Co-Chair of the CDU/CSU Group and Chair of the CSU European Group in the EU Parliament

Commenting on the presidential election in the United States, Daniel Caspary (CDU), Chairman of the CDU/CSU Group in the European Parliament, and Angelika Niebler (CSU), Co-Chair of the CDU/CSU Group and Chair of the CSU European Group in the European Parliament, state:

“From our point of view, regardless of the election result, we Germans and Europeans must finally do our homework. This means more common foreign and security policy and strengthening our own defence readiness. At the same time, we must promote our own economy and not continue to strangle it with additional regulation. If we Europeans ourselves become stronger again, we will remain an interesting partner for the United States in the future. We should not look anxiously at what President Trump says and does every day, but finally do our own tasks regardless of it.”

Source – CDU/CSU Group in the EU Parliament (by email)


Europa-SPD: “Auf Trumps zweite Amtszeit mit Tatkraft und Geschlossenheit reagieren”

Von Tobias Cremer

Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA geht der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat und Ex-Präsident Donald Trump als Sieger hervor. Mit dem Sieg im Bundesstaat Wisconsin kommt er auf die erforderliche Mehrheit im Wahlleutegremium.

Tobias Cremer, außenpolitischer Sprecher der Europa-SPD:

“Jetzt steht es fest: Auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks wird künftig erneut Donald Trump die US-Politik anführen. Für uns in Europa heißt das: Die sich bereits abzeichnenden, grundlegenden Trends in der amerikanischen Außenpolitik werden sich noch stärker verfestigen. Donald Trump wird voraussichtlich eine stärkere Lastenteilung im Rahmen der NATO einfordern, die Beziehungen zu Asien weiter ausbauen und den Fokus wegrichten von der traditionellen transatlantischen Achse.

Insbesondere Europa, aber auch Deutschland werden mehr Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Die Ukrainer:innen sind auf die Hilfe aus Europa angewiesen und wir müssen ihren Freiheitskampf weiter unterstützen, so lange wie nötig. Deshalb ist es richtig, dass wir in Deutschland die von Bundeskanzler Scholz initierte Zeitenwende weiter in die Tat umzusetzen und auf EU-Ebene bald erstmals ein Verteidungskommissar eingesetzt wird. Vor einer gestiegenen Verantwortung darf und wird sich Deutschland und die EU nicht drücken.

Ein echtes Risiko ist, dass Trump selbst zum Spaltpilz in Europa wird. Und zwar dann, wenn Europas eigene Rechtspopulisten wie Orbán und Co. versuchen, mit Trump Allianzen gegen gesamteuropäische Interessen zu schließen. Hier müssen wir als demokratische Kräfte besonders wachsam sein. Unser wichtigstes Interesse ist es deshalb, die Einigkeit und Handlungsfähigkeit Europas sicherzustellen. Denn je stärker und geschlossener Europa auftritt, desto attraktiver und unverzichtbarer sind wir auch als Partner für die USA.

Gleichzeitig erwartet die Welt und Europa nun gespannt das Auftreten Trumps auf der Weltbühne. Wird er sich genauso disruptiv und rau im Ton präsentieren, wie wir es von ihm kennen oder hat er aus seiner ersten Amtszeit gelernt? Damals hat er internationale Verträge aufgekündigt und impulsiv gehandelt. Ich kann im Sinne der transatlantischen Beziehungen und des amerikanischen Einflusses in den Konflikten dieser Welt nur hoffen, dass Trump 2.0 eine gemäßigtere Version seiner ersten Regierungszeit werden wird.”

Quelle – Europa-SPD


Renew Europe: Europe must act to take its destiny into its own hands and stand firm with Ukraine

Brussels, 6 November 2024

Reacting to the likely re-election of Donald Trump, Renew Europe has called for European leaders to prepare for a new era of unpredictability. The US is and must remain a strong partner and ally, but Europe must develop new plans to increase autonomy, invest in European defence, guarantee Ukraine’s security and secure new security agreements with democratic allies.

In the face of likely US protectionism, Europe must also work to secure new, progressive trade agreements with democracies globally and work to convince Mr Trump of the benefits of the transatlantic relationship, including NATO.
Efforts to combat climate change, increase resilience, reduce polarisation and tackle foreign interference must be stepped up.

Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe, said:

“Many Europeans, particularly in Ukraine, will feel anxiety about this result. Europeans concerned about democracy can take a step to enhance it by getting involved in politics, their communities and raising money for Ukraine. European unity and clarity of purpose is now essential. Europe must finally take responsibility and ownership for its own destiny in a changing world. Regarding NATO, this means a strong european pillar within the alliance and a consequent commitment to increase even more national defence spending.

This also means increasing strategic autonomy, forging new trade and security deals with democracies and developing a new plan to support Ukraine, economically and militarily. Where Mr Trump divides, Europe must aim to unite. Europe must show it is capable of leading the free world.”

Sophie Wilmès (MR, Belgium), Vice-Chair of the EP Delegation for relations with the United States, said:

“The people of the United States made their choice. We know what Donald Trump stands for, so it is also a clear message for us, Europeans. For a long time now, Renew Europe has emphasised the urgent need for the EU to take its destiny into its own hands and strengthen its strategic autonomy in a whole series of fields such as economy, defence, and so on. This has never been more relevant. The United States remains our partner and ally so maintaining the bonds between us is essential. We will not hesitate to remind the American people of the merits of our strong cooperation.”

Source – Renew Europe (by email)


Christian Lindner in his function as Federal Chairman of the FDP: We need to do our economic and security homework more urgently than ever

Commenting on the presidential election in the USA, FDP federal chairman Christian Lindner MdB declares:

“I wish the new President Donald Trump fortune and wisdom. Europe should reach out to him. 

The decision of the American people deserves respect. Now is not the time for arrogant comments about the Atlantic, but for diplomacy.

In the European Union, NATO and also in Berlin, we must now do our economic and security homework more urgently than ever.”

Source – FDP


MEP Alexandra Geese (Greens/EFA) on the US election: My appeal for European courage to do things differently

I want to be completely honest with you: writing this email to you is difficult. Continuing on with the next EU Commission hearings this morning is difficult. Reading the worried messages from my friends in the US is extremely difficult. The election of Donald Trump has left us all waking up to a new world.

It would be easy to hide away and retreat. But women, minorities and all those in the United States who do not fit into the world view of Trump, Vance and Musk cannot hide. The people in Ukraine that Trump wants to hand over to Putin cannot hide. And that is why we in Europe must hide and retreat, but must face this new era with courage and unity.

I will be in the US from 17 to 24 November to hold talks at the White House, with US congressmen, civil society organisations and civil rights activists. What can we in Europe learn from this election campaign? How can Europe uphold the banner of democracy – including in cooperation with civil society and the opposition in the US?

One thing is clear: with a majority in the Senate and Supreme Court and a not unlikely majority in the House of Representatives, Trump, as president, can transform the US unhindered, both internally and externally, over the next two years. Project 2025 has provided the blueprint for this authoritarian revolution. This is what is coming. 2025 will not be like 2021, when Trump was unprepared and there were still people around him who curbed the worst ideas.

But with all that awaits the U.S. and the world, this election also shows us how he was able to win and why Harris was not. I want to start this discussion with five theses, to be continued in the weeks and months that follow.

1. It is not enough for the economy to grow if the people do not feel it in their pockets.

The big issue in the election was the economy: although the US economy is doing better than it has in a long time, thanks largely to Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, millions of jobs have been created and industry has settled on a massive scale, the people are not seeing the benefits. In exit polls, 80% of Trump voters say they are worse off than four years ago. They continue to feel the price increases triggered not least by the Covid pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression, whether it’s in food, rent or petrol. The economy is booming, but it’s not reaching them, and at the same time they see others getting richer and richer. This is breeding ground for populism and polarisation. That is why, in these times, neither Germany nor Europe needs a balanced budget forced upon the society by austerity, but a social justice policy that allows everyone to share in the wealth.

2. Playing off immigrants, blacks and Latinos bears fruit

On this breeding ground of social injustice, the issue of migration and immigration thrives. With his sentence ‘Immigrants are taking black jobs,’ Trump has clearly described this perfidious strategy. Time and again, his campaign played up this point, and in doing so managed to get more black and Latino Americans to vote for Trump and the Republicans than before. This strategy is used by the New Right everywhere, from Le Pen to the FPÖ and AfD, to convince post-migrant voters by instilling fear of the ‘new’ immigrants. They are successful at this. And the more the democratic parties buy into the narrative that ‘immigration is a danger,’ the more they reinforce it.

3. Attacks on women and appeals to men work

Trump’s misogyny is almost legendary. The mere fact that a convicted rapist can become president is unbearable. Vance’s ‘childless cat lady’, who makes it clear that women without children are worthless to him, is part of this. The effect? In this election, more men than expected went to the polls and voted for Trump. Trump, Vance and Musk always addressed them directly, and it worked. At the same time, women’s support for Kamala Harris was not strong enough. Men have taken back untethered power. This shows two things: firstly, democratic parties need to think about how they address young men in the future. Secondly, it is more important than ever to protect women’s rights, without ifs and buts.

4. Elon Musk and the digital platforms were Donald Trump’s best running mate

On all these points, one could object: these are just feelings, not facts. Trump does want to lower taxes for the rich, many people are objectively better off, etc. And that is precisely the point. Those who are still on Musk’s Twitter/X could see almost daily how the platform has changed since the takeover. Misinformation, manipulation, hate and digital violence, especially against women, are the order of the day there and have played a particularly important role in this US election campaign.

In the run-up to this election, the other digital platforms have also changed their moderation, and they are increasingly becoming amplifiers of misinformation and hate, while facts have less and less reach. I have explained how targeted disinformation works in the US election campaign using an example. Disinformation, fed by Russia, China and other authoritarian states. And that will get worse and worse in a second term for Trump, with Elon Musk probably in his cabinet.

At the same time, the tech bros from Musk to Peter Thiel to the venture capitalists Andreessen and Horowitz supported Trump to prevent any control over their business. In the US, they won. They now want to implement this in Europe as well. We in Europe must stand up to this and enforce our good laws to defend the freedom of our citizens.

5. Europe needs courage and cohesion now, not Trump clones

For Europe, a Trump-Vance-Musk USA means radical upheaval. The announced tariffs will place even more strain on the European economy and societies. If the US also withdraws its support for Ukraine, Europe will be left to support Ukraine alone against Russia. A Russia that is already doing everything it can to undermine European democracy and that might threaten NATO borders in a few years.

It is therefore all the more important for Europe to stand together courageously, instead of adopting the strategies of Trump, Orban and Co. and allowing itself to be further divided. In concrete terms, for my political area this means consistently defending and implementing European rules in the digital space. And at the same time, we need to become less dependent on tech companies in the US and China by building our own European infrastructure, from clouds to social media to artificial intelligence.

As you can tell, I am determined to move forward. No hiding away, but instead moving forward with courage.


MEP Fabio De Masi (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, BSW) on Trump’s election victory

Brussels, 6 November 2024

“Trump’s election victory was fuelled by the issues of inflation, immigration, voter “war fatigue” and a Democratic candidate with no discernible program.

This shows once again that decades of policies in the service of Wall Street, which have put pressure on the real wages of the middle class and destroyed the promise of advancement, have created deep rifts. The failure to avert Russia’s attack on Ukraine and to guarantee security through the country’s neutrality has also played into Trump’s hands. Even the temporarily robust development of the US economy could not cure this.

In Europe, the fact that we did not develop an independent policy and clung to the skirt of US politics is now taking its toll. Trump will sweep a destroyed Ukraine at our feet.

While Trump’s support for the Netanyahu government is likely to further escalate the Middle East conflict, a realistic exit strategy is needed in Ukraine.

It is now taking revenge for not pursuing a ceasefire and negotiated peace in the Ukraine war in March 2022 from a position of strength!

The German government should urgently call new elections in order to establish a stable government and not further paralyze Europe!”


ECR Co-Chairmen congratulate Donald Trump

The Co-Chairmen of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament congratulate Donald Trump on his re-election as President of the United States of America.

ECR Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini said: “My warm congratulations go to Donald Trump after his electoral success! His dedication and leadership have clearly resonated with Americans across the nation. We in the ECR family look forward to fostering strong cooperation and strengthening our ties across the Atlantic in the coming years, building pragmatic solutions together. This new chapter offers a unique opportunity to reinforce our political bridges, advance shared goals, and promote a future of prosperity.”

ECR Co-Chairman Joachim Brudziński said: “I congratulate Donald Trump on his impressive victory. His commitment to the American people is clear as ever. We are optimistic about this new mandate and see it as an invaluable opportunity to deepen the special relationship that exists between the United States and Europe. We are ready to collaborate on a shared agenda that fosters stability, security, and prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic.”

The ECR Group has a close relationship to the US Republican Party. The Grand Old Party is a global partner of the European ECR Party, currently lead by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Source – ECR Group (by email)


The AfD federal spokespersons congratulate Donald Trump on his election

Berlin, November 6, 2024#

Donald Trump is about to be elected the 47th president of the United States of America. Tino Chrupalla and Dr. Alice Weidel, national spokespersons of the Alternative for Germany (AfD, Alternative für Deutschland), state:

“We congratulate Donald Trump on behalf of the Alternative for Germany on his election! Like the Germans, US citizens have had enough of national debt, economic decline, endless wars and illegal migration. We offer support and cooperation in solving these problems. Donald Trump can go down in history as a patriotic peace president.”

Source: The AfD federal spokespersons congratulate Donald Trump on his election




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