EN E-002935/2021
Answer given by Vice-President Šuica on behalf of the European Commission (23.8.2021)
Based on the Joint Declaration, signed on 10 March 2021, the Conference on the Future of Europe is a joint undertaking of the European Parliament, the Council, and the Commission, acting as equal partners together with the Member States of the European Union. The signatories of the Joint Declaration committed to dedicating the necessary resources to this endeavour. The three institutions contribute their own resources according to existing budgets and there is no single budget of the Conference.
In addition, Member States are encouraged to fund national events, while other institutions, such as the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions, may also wish to contribute resources for specific actions.
The Commission contributes to the Conference via different working strands, including communication and outreach, support for the European Citizens’ panels, as well as through the setup and maintenance of the Multilingual Digital Conference Platform.
As part of its contribution to the Conference, the Commission neither has launched calls for tender nor calls for proposals. The Commission also does not offer grants in the context of the Conference. The Commission-led activities are implemented under the existing institutional budget using existing framework contracts for communication services.
© European Union, 2021 – EP