Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 8 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 8 November 2021
  • Agenda of the Eurogroup, 8 November 2021 (updated 6/11)
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 8 November 2021
  • The EU at the COP26 climate change conference
  • dena Energy Transition Congress 2021: ‘Climate Change – Uncharted Territory’
  • Workshop on the reform of REACH authorisations and restrictions
  • Low voltage direct current and direct current technologies: potential applications for a clean energy transition
  • Annual Budget Conference 2021 – The EU budget and NGEU: fireworks or big bang?
  • Resetting education and training for the digital age
  • 17th plenary meeting – EU VAT Forum
  • DG Trade CSD meeting on implementation and enforcement: Presentation of annual report
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 9 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 9 November 2021
  • Agenda of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 9 November 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 9 November 2021
  • The EU at the COP26 climate change conference
  • Hearing in Case C-121/21 Czech Republic v Pologne: Turów Mine & Environment
  • Opinion in Case C-479/21 PPU: Governor of Cloverhill Prison and Others – Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-91/20: Deutschland – Familienflüchtlingsschutz bei unterschiedlicher Staatsangehörigkeit
  • CMTD(2021)1509 Air Safety Committee (38th update)
  • CMTD(2021)1733 3rd Meeting of the NDICI-GE Committee Meeting: Sub-Saharan Africa Format
  • CMTD(2021)1728 Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets – Horizontal Questions
  • dena Energy Transition Congress 2021: ‘Climate Change – Uncharted Territory’
  • Workshop on the reform of REACH authorisations and restrictions
  • Low voltage direct current and direct current technologies: potential applications for a clean energy transition
  • Resetting education and training for the digital age
  • The Child Guarantee: equal opportunities for every child
  • Expert group Sugar Market Observatory
  • 9th WADEX Meeting – Webinar 2
  • 25th Meeting of WG Administrative cooperation in the field of direct taxation (ACDT – SG AEOI)
  • Commission Expert Group on Capacities
  • Launch of the S&D Group’s Position Paper on Gender Equality
  • Expert Group Wine Market Observatory
10 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 10 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 10 November 2021 (Plenary)
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 10 November 2021
  • The EU at the COP26 climate change conference
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichts in der Rechtssache T‑612/17 Google und Alphabet / Kommission: Missbrauch marktbeherrschender Stellung
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-353/20 AC Milan vs EUIPO Markenstreit um Bildmarke AC Milan
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-495/19 Rumänien / EU-Kommission: Europäische Bürgerinitiative zur Förderung regionaler Kulturen
  • CMTD(2021)1509 Air Safety Committee (38th update)
  • CMTD(2021)1733 3rd Meeting of the NDICI-GE Committee Meeting: Sub-Saharan Africa Format
  • CMTD(2021)1734 1st meeting of the Common Provisions Regulation Funds Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1703 4th Meeting of the NDICI-GE Committee: Global Challenges Format
  • CMTD(2021)1594 MARSEC 84: invitation and draft agenda
  • Space-based connectivity initiative
  • 2021 EASA annual safety conference: Safety in air traffic management
  • EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue
  • Group of experts on horizontal social issues in transport
  • Customs Decisions V1.28 Iteration 1
  • 63rd Meeting of the Stakeholders Advisory Group on Maritime Security
  • ECR Webinar: Network of Networks: The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe
  • EU Commission – DG Trade: CSD meeting on the upcoming 12th WTO Ministerial Conference
11 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 11 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 11 November 2021 (Plenary)
  • Agenda of the EU Trade Council on 11 November 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 11 November 2021
  • The EU at the COP26 climate change conference
  • CMTD(2021)1509 Air Safety Committee (38th update)
  • EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-214/20: Dublin City Council – Bereitschaftsdienst bei der Feuerwehr
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-168/20 MH und ILA: Schutz von Rentenansprüchen bei Privatinsolvenz
  • Schlussanträge des EU-Generalanwalts in der Rechtssache C-485/20 HR Rail: Verbot der Diskriminierung aufgrund einer Behinderung
  • Schlussanträge des EU-Generalanwalts am Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C-559/20 Koch Media: Erstattungsfähige Rechtsanwaltskosten für Filesharing-Abmahnung
  • Workshop on Digital Autonomy in the Computing Continuum
  • CMTD(2021)1717 5th Meeting of the NDICI-GE Committee: Asia and the Pacific Format
12 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 12 November 2021
  • DG Trade: Stakeholder meeting on the establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court
  • Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Budget), 12 November 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 12 November 2021
  • The EU at the COP26 climate change conference
  • CMTD(2021)1747 Creative Europe Programme Committee meeting
  • CMTD(2021)1556 Committee on Safety at Sea (COSS 51)
  • Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) – Market Surveillance working group meeting
  • MSCG 29th meeting – Commission Expert Group on Strategic Coordination for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
13 NOVEMBER 2021
  • No EU events scheduled, so far
14 NOVEMBER 2021
  • No EU events scheduled, so far

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