Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
29 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 29 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 29 November 2021
  • Agenda of the Education, Youth, Culture, Sports Council, 29-30 November 2021 (updated 27/11)
  • Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) on 29 November 2021 postponed
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 29 November 2021
  • Improving the sustainability of the European food supply chain
  • Second European Matchmaking event on the Development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics
  • Cities and Regions for International Partnerships 2021
  • CMTD(2021)1845 – 15th NDICI-GE Committee Meeting: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 1st meeting of the CPR Expert Group
  • First Subgroup Meeting on Defence of the Expert Group on Policies and Programmes Relevant to EU Space, Defence and Aeronautics Industry (SDA)
  • 30th VEG meeting – VAT Expert Group
  • Meeting on Union status of goods (core group) Financial Code: CPG/202/006 29/11/2021
  • Informal expert group on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
30 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 30 November 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 30 November 2021
  • Agenda of the Education, Youth, Culture, Sports Council, 29-30 November 2021 (updated 27/11)
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 30 November 2021
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU Gerichtshof in den Rechtssachen C-14/21 und C-15/21 – Sea Watch
  • Second European Matchmaking event on the Development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics
  • Cities and Regions for International Partnerships 2021
  • 1st meeting of the CPR Expert Group
  • Meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence
  • Three Seas Initiative Ministerial Conference on digital transformation
  • Online workshop on Farm Advisory Systems support on nitrogen pollution reduction
  • CMTD(2021)1901 C06500 Committee on Organic Production
  • CMTD(2021)18 PAFF Committee – Novel Food & Toxicological safety
  • CMTD(2021)1773 – 80th Single Sky Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1880 Meeting of the Committee for Spirit Drinks
  • CMTD(2021)1848 – 145th meeting of the Humanitarian Aid Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1808 – 16th & 17th Meetings of the NDICI-GE Committee: Americas and the Pacific, and Asia and the Pacific Format
  • CMTD(2021)1584 Committee on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
  • Expert Group for Agricultural Markets, in particular concerning aspects falling under the single CMO Regulation
  • Expert Group on Organic Production
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 1 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 1 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 1 December 2021
  • Meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence
  • Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-700/20 Schmid / EUIPO – Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Steiermark (Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A.)
  • High-Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance (HLEF): Level the green playing field for individual investors
  • The future is here: Occupational safety and health perspective
  • 2021 EUROMED summit of economic and social councils and similar institutions
  • CMTD(2021)2005 Advisory Committee on application of the legislation on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes
  • CMTD(2021)38 PAFF Committee, section Phytopharmaceuticals – Legislation
  • CMTD(2021)1877 – 19th NDICI-GE Committee Meeting Neighbourhood Format
  • CMTD(2021)1867 – 226th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature (Sub-section Agriculture/Chemistry)
  • CMTD(2021)1901 C06500 Committee on Organic Production
  • CMTD(2021)1773 – 80th Single Sky Committee
  • Meeting of Working Group ‘Structures of Taxation Systems’
  • 17th meeting of the CGBN Sub Group on Birds and Habitats (NADEG)
  • Commission Expert Group on Strategic Coordination for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
  • Informal expert group on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • Group of Experts on Communication of EU Programmes Implemented under Shared Management
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 2 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 2 December 2021
  • Agenda of the EU Energy Council, 2 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 2 December 2021
  • EU Advocate General Opinion in Case C-319/20 Facebook Ireland
  • EU Advocate General Opinion in Case C-156/21 Hungary and C-157/21 Poland
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in den Rechtsmittelsachen C‑884/19 P und C‑888/19 P: Antidumpingzölle auf Solarglas aus China
  • Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-484/20 Vodafone Kabel Deutschland: Zusatzentgelt bei Zahlung ohne Bankeinzug
  • CMTD(2021)1860 Associated committee: Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III)
  • CMTD(2021)1940 – 4th meeting of Horizon Europe Programme Committee – Configuration ‘Climate, Energy and Mobility’
  • CMTD(2021)1914 – 4th meeting of the Programme Committee for the specific programme implementing Horizon Europe 2021-2027 – Configuration Health
  • CMTD(2021)38 PAFF Committee, section Phytopharmaceuticals – Legislation
  • CMTD(2021)1867 – 226th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature (Sub-section Agriculture/Chemistry)
  • Meeting of the Expert Group on Ship Recycling
  • Forum for the Exchange of Information on Enforcement
  • High-Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance (HLEF): Level the green playing field for individual investors
  • Commission Expert Group on Strategic Coordination for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
  • 2021 EUROMED summit of economic and social councils and similar institutions
  • Meeting of Working Group ‘Structures of Taxation Systems’
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 3 December 2021
  • Agenda of the EU Telecommunications Council, 3 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 3 December 2021
  • CMTD(2021)1867 – 226th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature (Sub-section Agriculture/Chemistry)
  • CMTD(2021)65 PAFF Committee – section General Food Law
  • Meeting of Working Group ‘Structures of Taxation Systems’
  • Access City Award 2022
  • Drinking-Water Expert Group meeting
  • No events scheduled for 4 December 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 5 December 2021

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