10 November 2021
On 9 November, Minister for Defence Peter Hultqvist took part in the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) ministerial meeting. The meeting in Kirkkonummi, Finland was hosted by Finland’s Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen in conjunction with the Finnish NORDEFCO chairmanship in 2021.
Topics discussed during the defence minister meeting included the developments in the regional security situation, continued Nordic cooperation in the defence area, and how the countries can improve conditions for cooperation at all conflict levels.
The Nordic defence ministers also discussed lessons learned and experiences from the situation in Afghanistan and concluded that the collaboration during the evacuation operation in August had been valuable and effective.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the security of military supplies was another important issue on the agenda. The meeting participants concluded that there is a strong political will for the Nordic countries to do more together to strengthen the security of military supplies.
In connection with the meeting, the defence ministers visited Finland’s Coastal Brigade in Upinniemi.
Norway takes over the NORDEFCO chairmanship in 2022.