Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


Everyone has a right to a safe and secure work environment. A poor work environment should never provide a competitive advantage. Companies that deliberately contravene laws and regulations to gain competitive advantages create unhealthy competition in the labour market. In the Budget Bill for 2022, the Government proposes three measures to create security in the labour market and curb work-related crime.

– Conditions in the labour market must be fair and decent. Society’s view of rogue actors who exploit people and distort competition must be uncompromising, says Minister for Employment Eva Nordmark.

Increased resources to fight work-related crime

Work-related crime has negative consequences for workers, companies, society and central government finances. Actors who carry out criminal activities have demonstrated their ability to combine regulatory infringements in multiple areas. Because of this, efforts to fight work-related crime require permanent inter-agency collaboration. In the Budget Bill for 2022, the Government proposes that the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s administrative appropriations be increased by SEK 10 million per year to enhance inter-agency collaboration to fight work-related crime and increase supervision.

Work Environment Authority to receive additional funds for more work environment inspections

In the Budget Bill for 2022, the Government proposes increasing the Work Environment Authority’s administrative appropriations. The proposal is to increase appropriations by SEK 25 million in 2022, SEK 50 million in 2023 and SEK 75 million from 2024. This investment will enable the Work Environment Authority to conduct more work environment inspections. Work environment supervision is essential to maintaining worker protection and ensuring that fair competition conditions prevails in the labour market.

SEK 45 million to Swedish Public Employment Service for supervisory work

Effective supervision is critical to the Public Employment Service’s efforts to prevent rogue actors from taking part in publicly financed activities. Independent actors implement a major share of the labour market policy initiatives for job seekers. In the Budget Bill for 2022, the Government proposes SEK 45 million in additional funding to enhance the agency’s supervisory work. This investment is planned for the years 2022–2024.

Source – Swedish Government:

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