Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Bürgenstock, 15 and 16 June 2024

“Check against delivery”President Amherd,

President Zelenskyy, dear Volodymyr,

Vice-President Harris,

Presidents and Prime Ministers,



We have all come to Switzerland from different places, with different histories. We may not always see the world in the same way. But there is something all our countries have in common. We all value our independence and freedom. We all expect our borders to be respected. We all yearn to be masters of our own destiny. Some, indeed many countries have had to fight for this. For independence, for self-determination, for freedom. This is also what Ukraine is fighting for. This is also what the people of Ukraine desire. And their greatest aspiration is to be independent and free, in peace. They want the missiles to stop hitting their cities. They want to live free from fear. They want their children to be safe, not constantly worrying about the next air raid siren. Surely this is the right of all countries, and all peoples. And this is why we are here today. We are here today to help bring an end to a brutal and unjust war. A conflict that has shattered lives and displaced millions.

The echoes of Russia’s war of aggression reverberate across the globe. Energy prices have soared. Food prices have exploded. And it is a cautionary tale for the entire world. Is it right that a larger country can invade and take territory from a smaller neighbour? The answer is of course no. It is written in the Charter of the United Nations. And that is why it is vital that we reaffirm that Charter. It is vital that we pledge again to uphold firmly the principles of the UN Charter. Freezing the conflict today, with foreign troops occupying Ukrainian land, is not the answer. In fact, it is a recipe for future wars of aggression. Instead, we need to support a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine. One that restores Ukraine’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity. The inviolability of all borders. The sovereignty of all nations. This is at stake.

History teaches us: the quest for peace is fraught with challenges. But it was precisely from the ashes of World War II that the United Nations was born. Today, we need once again to light that beacon of hope for global peace and security. We, the international community, must stand together to support Ukraine in its pursuit of peace. That is how we open the path to peace. That is how we open the path that will allow lives and homes to be rebuilt. And that is how we open the path to restore international peace and security. Our common task is to reaffirm the primacy of the United Nations Charter.

Source – EU Commission


Press statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine

Bürgenstock, 16 June 2024

Liebe Frau Präsidentin Amherd, liebe Viola,

Dear President Zelensky, dear Volodymyr,

Thank you for organising this important conference. It is testament to the skills of the Swiss diplomacy that you were able to bring together some 100 countries and international organisations at the highest level, including the esteemed Presidents Akufo-Addo, Boric and Prime Minister Trudeau. This high-level attendance shows one thing: The world cares deeply about the war provoked by Russia’s aggression. The war blatantly violates international law and key principles of the UN Charter. And it has major negative impacts on countries across the globe, be it in food security, access to energy or international trade. Time and time again, speakers yesterday and today emphasised this impact on their economies.

And so, it is highly significant and valuable that so many parties came to Switzerland to discuss a way out of the war. The Conference was entitled ‘Path to Peace’ and rightly so. Because we know that peace in Ukraine will not be achieved in one step. It will be a journey. It was not a peace negotiation. Because Putin is not serious about ending the war. He is insisting on capitulation. He is insisting on Ukraine ceding its territory, even territory that today is not occupied by him. He is insisting on disarming Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. No country would ever accept these outrageous terms. That is why it is vital that Ukraine is able to resist this aggression. That is its right under the UN Charter. And it is the right of other countries, such as the European Union and many other partners across the world to support Ukraine to resist and survive. The European Union has already provided almost EUR 100 billion in support to Ukraine and its people. And the G7 illustrated its steadfast determination only two days ago, when we agreed to use the revenue from frozen Russian assets in Europe to fund a USD 50 billion loan to Ukraine. This is also a clear message that we will stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.

Our support and this peace Summit here bring real peace closer. The goal is a just, comprehensive and lasting peace. This would finally bring an end to the oppression and suffering of the Ukrainian people. This would reaffirm Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This would restore the primacy of international law and the UN Charter.

The path to real peace requires patience and determination. And we have always said, dear Volodymyr, ultimately it will be for Ukraine to determine the conditions of a just peace. The European Union will support you in this, and it will continue to rally support across the globe. We can build on the UN General Assembly Resolution of February 2023. It clearly expressed the need for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace. This Resolution was approved by 141 countries, the vast majority of which joined this Summit. I call on Russia to heed the message of the international community; respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine; put an end to imperialist violence and bring back the children. When Russia says it is ready for peace, based on the UN Charter, then the time will come for Russia to be part of our efforts, to bring the path to peace to its destination. I hope and I work for this day to come soon.

Source – EU Commission


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