Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
Brussels, 25 October 2022

Today, the European Commission has published the 2022 Eurobarometer surveys dedicated to EU competition policy. The surveys show strong support among citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises (‘SMEs’) for both competition policy and its enforcement.

Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said:

The results from the survey are clear: competition improves the daily life of citizens and SMEs, bringing better prices, more choice and increased innovation. This support is consistent across the EU, and it is a reminder that fair competition is as important as ever.”

Main findings 

The Eurobarometer surveys published today show that Europeans support the main goals of competition policy, recognising its important contribution to the European economy. In particular, respondents confirmed that in their view competition policy:

  • encourages innovation (82% of citizens and 89% of SMEs);
  • allows for better prices (74% of citizens and 81% of SMEs) and more choice (83% of citizens and 84% of SMEs);
  • helps EU companies become more competitive on global markets (72% of citizens and 73% of SMEs).

The vast majority of citizens and SMEs participating to the survey strongly support different measures to improve competition even further. They believe that competition has a key role to prevent players across market sectors from abusing their market power (87% of citizens and SMEs) and to fight cartels (84% of citizens and SMEs). 76% of citizen’s and 73% of SMEs believe it is important to prevent mergers and acquisitions that reduce competition. Finally, Europeans think it is important to take advantages away from competitors subsidised by non-EU governments (70% of citizens and 74% of SMEs) and by EU governments (69% of citizens and 73% of SMEs).

A majority of respondents recognise competition policy and its enforcement as a key tool in facing the challenges ahead. As an example, 66 per cent of SMEs agree that regulation, such as the Digital Markets Act, can be an effective solution in markets with systemic issues. For what concerns the achievement of the Commission’s policy priorities, a majority of citizens believe that competition encourages the digital transformation of the economy and society (73%), as well as the offer of more environmentally friendly goods and services in the EU Single Market (54%).

For what concerns citizens, more than 50 per cent (54%) have experienced issues caused by a lack of competition, such as higher prices, less choice or lower quality. When asked about the areas in which they believe competition enforcement should play an even stronger role, citizens expressed their concerns for the lack of competition in the energy sector (27%), followed by food retailing (20%). In the last Eurobarometer survey, published in 2019, telecommunications and Internet access were at the top of citizens’ concerns (26%), while today only 18% of respondents have identified this as an area in which competition should be improved.

When asked about the competition-related difficulties experienced, SMEs mentioned high prices (57%), as well as powerful suppliers and buyers being able to impose unfair conditions (experienced by respectively 57% and 42% of respondents). For what concerns specific sectors, SMEs expressed their view that stronger competition in the provision of raw materials (12%) would be of the essence, as well as in the provision of energy (8%) and in the use of digital platforms to reach customers (8%).

European citizens and SMEs stay on top of the news concerning competition enforcement mostly through newspapers (including online) (52% of citizens and 51% of SMEs) and TV (48% of citizens and 41% of SMEs). However, social media has proven to be an increasingly relevant source of information for citizens on competition (rising from 24% in 2019 to 39% in 2022), as well as for SMEs (37% in 2022).


The Eurobarometer surveys on competition policy and enforcement, one focusing on citizens and the other on SMEs, were commissioned by the European Commission from an external contractor, which interviewed over the telephone a representative sample of SMEs and citizens (aged 15 and over) in each of the 27 EU Member States. For the SMEs’ survey, 12,809 interviews were conducted between 30 May and 15 June 2022. For the citizens’ survey, 25,845 interviews were conducted between 29 June 2022 and 17 July 2022. They were conducted as Flash Eurobarometer surveys, which are ad-hoc thematic surveys carried out within a short timespan on a wide variety of topics relevant to the activities of the European institutions.

The respondents were asked about: (i) their views concerning the goals of EU competition policy, (ii) their awareness of EU competition policy as well as their sources of information on this topic, (iii) the sectors or business activities they perceived as having insufficient competition, and (iv) the areas in which competition policy enforcement could be improved, as well as which new competition policies they would like to see.

Eurobarometer is the polling instrument used by the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions and agencies to regularly monitor the state of public opinion in Europe on issues related to the EU as well as attitudes on political or social issues.

For More Information

You will find at the links below the reports on the Eurobarometer results, country-specific factsheets for all EU Member States, and an infographic on the overall EU results:

    Source – EU Commission

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