Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

Brussels, 3 January 2022

Italy’s third payment request relates to 55 milestones and targets covering several reforms in the areas of competition, justice, education, undeclared work and water management, as well as investments in cybersecurity, renewables, grids, railways, research, tourism, urban regeneration and social policies.

Italy’s overall recovery and resilience plan (RRP) is financed by €69 billion in grants and €122.6 billion in loans. Payments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility are performance-based and contingent on Italy implementing the investments and reforms outlined in its recovery and resilience plan.

The Commission will now assess the request, and will then send its preliminary assessment of Italy’s fulfilment of the milestones and targets required for this payment to the Council’s Economic and Financial Committee.

More information on the process of the payment requests under the RRF is available in this Q&A. More information on Italy’s recovery and resilience plan is available here.

Source – EU Commission


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