Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 30 June 2021

Today, in the framework of the Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference, the Commission has launched a new Technical Support Instrument (TSI) call for Member States to support their reform projects in 2022. By 31 October 2021 as part of the call, Member States can propose requests for technical support to reforms in a wide range of areas, such as the green and digital transition, diversity, public and private finance, migration, business environment, health or education. Member States can also request support through the TSI for the preparation and implementation of their Recovery and Resilience Plans. The annual TSI call is open to all requests from public authorities of the Member States.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said:

The coronavirus pandemic has driven changes in how people live and work. It has also reminded us about the important role of efficient public administrations. The technical support the Commission offers is an important opportunity for Member States to shape and achieve successful reforms. The TSI is there to assist Member States in building capacity, accessing expertise and exchanging experience, for a sustainable and inclusive growth.” 

The TSI Annual Conference gathers representatives from all Member States responsible for implementing reforms to invite Member States to propose their requests for support to reforms they intend to carry out with the support of the expertise provided through the TSI.

Besides presenting the general opportunities provided to Member States through the TSI, to help them address their particular needs for technical support, the conference will also be an occasion to present proposed Flagship technical support projects, that Member States could opt for in the context of the 2022 TSI call.

The proposed projects have been selected on the basis of the fact that they are largely needed across Member States and are linked to top EU priorities the Member States are in the process of implementing. As such, they aim at supporting Member States in achieving resilience and growth enhancing reforms.

The proposed Flagship technical support projects will be 13 and will include, for example, support for reforms for the digital and green transitions, a more efficient and digital public administration, regional coordination, digital finance, migrant integration and tourism.

To be successful, reforms must be shared by all, for this reason the TSI Conference is divided in sessions and panel discussions, and interactive workshops for a horizontal dialogue and a true cooperation between public administration, private sector and civil society.

A new reform support website

This month, the Commission has also launched a brand new website devoted to reform support. With an interactive map it is possible to search details on the policy areas covered by the TSI support, the role of public administration and all details on the projects supported.

Next steps 

Between July and September 2021, dedicated events will be organised at national level to present the new TSI call and to assist Member States in preparing their requests for technical support.

Member States have until 31 October 2021 to put forward their TSI applications. 


The TSI is the Commission’s instrument to provide technical support to reforms in EU Member States.

TSI is part of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and of the Recovery Plan for Europe. It has the general objective to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States’ efforts to implement reforms.

The TSI builds on the success of its predecessor, the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). Through the SRSP, the Commission has since 2017 provided technical support to all 27 Member States with more than 1000 projects. 

For More information

Source: Commission launches a new call for reform support projects

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