Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Brussels, 28 July 2023

See question(s) : E-001752/2023

Answer given by Mr Gentiloni
on behalf of the European Commission

1. The Commission shares the view of the Honourable Member that Customs duties are an essential part of a fair economic policy whereby imports are justifiably regulated to protect the economy of the EUwithout impeding on trade relationships with external partners. On the other hand, the financial importance of customs duties should not be undermined. These duties represent currently more than 10% of the revenues financing the budget of the EU. For ensuring the correct implementation of EU policies and safeguarding the EU’s financial interests, the accuracy of information on trade movements must be ensured. The Commission advocates the use of modern automated tools to support the efficient and effective monitoring of trade movements without obstructing these movements or creating undue burden for the concerned actors.

2. The Commission’s Customs Reform proposal1 does not address the applicable customs tariffs which are an economic policy instrument and which can be modified as a result of either bilateral or multilateral negotiations with other World Trade Organisation (WTO) members, or unilateral modifications, such as suspensions or reductions, approved by the Council.

3. As explained in the reply to question 2 above, the import duties can only be modified as a result of negotiations with other WTO members, or unilateral suspensions or reductions.

1 https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/eu-customs-reform_en

Source: Answer to a written question – Reform of the EU Customs Union – E-001752/2023(ASW)

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