Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Brussels, 17 December 2024

Today, the Commission disbursed €9.4 billion to Poland as the payment for its second and third instalments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). This includes €5.3 billion in loans and €4.1 billion in grants, net of pre-financing.

As for all Member States, payments made to Poland under the RRF are performance-based and depend on the implementation by Poland of the investments and reforms described in its recovery and resilience plan.

On 13 September, Poland submitted to the Commission the request for payment of €9.4 billion for the second and third instalments under the RRF, covering 38 milestones and three targets. These cover reforms and investments in the areas of healthcare, digitalisation, spatial planning, and the labour market. Energy efficiency, air quality and clean mobility are also among the areas included.

On 12 November the Commission adopted a positive preliminary assessment of Poland’s request for payment. The favorable opinion of the Economic and Financial Committee of the Council on the payment request paved the way for the Commission to adopt a final decision on the disbursement of the funds.

Poland’s overall Recovery and Resilience Plan is financed by €59.8 billion, of which €34.5 billion in loans and €25.3 billion in grants.

More information on the Polish plan is available online.


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